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xCE_Jade and xCE_Garkun team up to kill 2DUDE1.  Talk about teamwork.
Ouch Raptor, that must have hurt.
xCE_Garkun gets his first dueling kill of his career against CE_DarkRyder_.  Fitting that it wasn't his last.
xCE_Garkun strikes again, flipping CE_DarkRyder over his head.  xCE again scores a victory over the Crimson Empire
xCE_Garkun chokes CE_Plo Koon off the ledge, much like xCE_Jade's choke shot of Raptor.  Looks like Garkun is better than the CE clan gives credit for.
CE_Raptor is getting schooled by xCE_Jade.  Raptor, as well as the rest of his 'fellowship' of CE boys, continue to underestimate the skills the xCE clan brings to the game.
Thermal Detonator kill, see, we do use more than just the force.  Great screenshot from xCE_SeparateWays.

CE_Mace Windu, gets sliced and diced by xCE_Garkun. Mace, Mace, Mace, will you learn that you aren't good with sabers?
xCE_Jade gives Mace some tough love, sniper style. Y'know CE_Mace Windu, perhaps you should vary your game play a little bit and be less predictable.
Edited by xCE_WeBb