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Searching for a suitable planet

Your current possesions: You(of course),armed with a pro-laser gun with a high-tech nightscope Raider-craft(You're the pilot), equiped with advanced burst laser and star-trek system Transport-craft carrying 8 workers, three probes, a rover, 10000 pounds of food and water, 1000 pieces of steel, and 100 barrels of fuel

Here are your steps to find a suitable planet ot land on: 1.Notice that your raider-craft has the star-trek function. It can be used to give all the neccessery information of planets, moons, and stars within 1 light year of range. Use this function as your advantage in finding which planet as your choice 2.Indeed, your raider-craft is extremely fast. Since you have a limited amount of food and water for you and the workers, you must select which planet to land on. However, the planet must meet these two requirements: (1)They must have the required amount of resources for establishing a base. They should all have: Mineral fields with Iron/Steel, gold, and rare or radioactive earth elements; water, edible alien forms, and gas. (2)The planet that you are landing on must not contain hostile alien forms. Although you are armed with the most up-to-date weapons, and your probes and rovers are all armed, you usually don't stand a chance against the clan of alien forms unless you have started training and building troops from your base(not available on this level).
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