Cutler's Farm and Elm Street Cemetery

Monroe, Connecticut

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Cemetery Sign

Cutler's Farm and Elm Street Cemetery is located on Cross Hill Road in Monroe, Connecticut. Cross Hill Road connects Cutler's Farm Road and Elm Street. The graveyard was established in 1804, yet in the old section of the cemetery, burials date as far back as the 1760s. Most of the stones date from 1850 to the early 1900s, and there are many modern interments. Common surnames in the cemetery are Beardsley, Burr, Curtiss, Drew, Hubbill, Seeley and Staples. There are many veterans and Grange members buried within Cutler's Farm.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 625.

Photos were taken on 22 October 2009 and 13 April 2023.

Veterans buried within Cutler's Farm Cemetery include:
Henry D. Burr, died Feb. 22, 1878 age 61. Civil War veteran and member of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR).
Erastus Burr, born 1822, died 1899. "Co. D 23rd Reg. C.V." during the Civil War.
William H. Cutts, born 1833, died 1909. "Co. H 20th regt Conn Vol" in the Civil War.
John G. Stevens, M.D., born 1838, died 1899. "1st Lieut. Co. 1, 23rd Reg. C.V." (Civil War).
Joseph F. Wales, born July 20, 1846, died November 2, 1917. Member of the Grand Army of the Republic (Civil War veteran).
Frank L. Judson, born June 12, 1886, died Jan. 7, 1954. "CPL HQ CO 303 FIELD ARTY" in World War I.
Arthur R. Richards, died Dec. 5, 1971. "BTRY A. 27th F.A." in World War I.
Earl S. MacDonald, born Jun. 16, 1927, died Dec. 14, 1963. American Legion.

Cutler's Farm

A view of the cemetery from the old section.

Anner Booth

One of the oldest stones in the cemetery - "Anner Booth dau of Mr. Zechariah and Mrs Elizabeth Booth" Died July 20, 1769; aged 9 yrs.

Jeremiah Hubbill

Jeremiah Hubbill, died April 11, 1777, age 26.


"In memory of Mr. Nathaniel Sherman

who departed this Life

July 12th 1797

In the 68th Year of his Age."

The plaque, placed by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), reads:

"Patriot Revolutionary War

Nathaniel Sherman

1729 - 1797

Placed by Chicago Chapter"

Nehemiah Hurd

"Nehemiah Hurd


Beardslee's Co

Whiting's Regt

Conn Mil

Rev War

Dec 12 1726

May 26 1797"

This newer memorial stands against Private Hurd's original, now illegible, memorial.

Capt. Curtiss

"In memory of Capt. Henry Curtiss

who died suddenly Jan. 13, 1806

aged 51 years.

'Death will invade us by the means appointed, Nor am I anxious if I am prepared, What Shape he comes in.'"


"Sacred to the memory of Lucinda, of Silas C. & Betsey Beardsley,

died April 13, 1838.

AE. 16 y,rs & 12 d's.

Sleep on sweet child and take thy rest,

For God did call, he thought it best.

Sleep till the resurrection day,

When rise from earth and soar away."

Edward Mead

"Edward Mead,

Co. H, 2nd Conn. Heavy Artillery,

Born Jan. 2, 1844,

Killed at Cedar Creek, VA.

Oct. 19, 1864."

The reverse side of this monument:

Benjamin Mead

"Benjamin W. Mead,

Born Sept. 22, 1798,

Died May 12, 1880.

Abbey Burr, wife of Benjamin W. Mead,

Born Nov. 20, 1807,

Died June 11, 1872."

Millicent MacDonald

"Millicent MacDonald

Oct. 18, 1923

Jan. 15, 1937

Here lies our hearts."


"Gustavus A. Abbott

1840 - 1919

Co. I 6th Regt. Conn. Vols

Emma Burr

his wife

1846 - 1934"

The back side of this monument:


"Ernest Linwood Staples


1856 - 1918

He loved his neighbor and by kindly deeds

the blessed law of brotherhood fulfilled

Esther J. Penfield

his wife

1859 - 1939"

Grouping of footstones

All photos copyright by the author, 2023. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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