Old Derby Uptown Burying Ground

(Colonial Cemetery)

Derby, Connecticut

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Derby sign

Old Derby Uptown Burying Ground (also known as Colonial Cemetery), located on Derby Avenue/CT-115 (across from Academy Hill Road) in Derby, Connecticut, is one of the oldest colonial burial grounds in the country. It is reputed to be the oldest public cemetery in the United States (meaning a burying space not affiliated with a church). Old Derby Uptown definitely contains some of the oldest stones in the area. As the sign states, the oldest stone remaining in the burial ground dates from 1687 (photo to follow) and there is an older section to the cemetery that undoubtedly contains the remnants of stones from the late 1600s and early 1700s. The oldest legible stone I was able to find was dated 1712. (Most other colonial cemeteries in the area contain burials dating only as far back as approximately the mid-1700s.) Numerous headstones from the 1700s still retain their accompanying footstones here. There are many Revolutionary War veterans, as well as several Civil War veterans, within Old Derby Uptown. Most of the burials range from the late 17th century through the 19th century. Caution: there is no parking - you will have to utilize a side street.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 607.

Photos were taken 17 June 2021.

Entrance of Old Derby Uptown

View of the burial ground from the entrance.

Revolutionary soldiers space saver Isaac Hull tribute

A sign honoring the Revolutionary War patriots interred within Old Derby Uptown Burying Ground or, Colonial Cemetery. A list of these veterans is provided at the bottom of this page.

Memorial to Isaac Hull:

"United States Daughters 1812

State of Connecticut

In honor of ISAAC HULL

Born in Derby March 1773.

Commander of the frigate Constitution

capturing the Guerriere

August 19, 1812."

Rev. John Bowers

Old Derby Uptown's oldest existing stone

(surrounded by the larger memorial):

"First Minister of Derby

Feb. 1673 to June 1687.

Rev. John Bowers

Died June 14, 1687.

Aged 58 years."

Israel Johnson

"Here lies y body of

Israel Johnson Lieu.t

Son of Colonel Ebenezer Johnson

who died Jan. 31 1712

in y 24 yeare of his age"

Dr. John Durand

"Dr. John Durand

Born: La Rochelle, France 1667

Died: Derby, Conn. March 29, 1727

A French Hugenot who came to America in 1685.

He brought the first lilac bushes to this country."

Clinga Smith

"Clinga Smith

Daughter of Epheraim & Anna Smith.

dec.d Oct.r 6 1735 In ye

4 Year of her Age"

Elizabeth Hull

"Here Lyes the Body of

Elizabeth Hull

Daught.r to Joseph & Sarah Hull

Departed this Life April 16 1738

in the 7th Year of Her Age"

Examples of 18th century headstones with their accompanying footstones:

Lowis Tomlinson space saver Lowis Tomlinson


Mrs. Lowis Tomlinson

who died Sept.r 11th A.D. 1767

in the 87th Year of her Age."

Richard DeForest space saver Richard DeForest

"In Memory of

Richard DeForeest [sic]

Son to Mr. David & Mrs. Hannah

DeForeest [sic] who departed

this Life July 10th, 1776,

aged 8 Years 6 Months & 13 Days."

View of the oldest section

View of the oldest section of Old Derby Uptown.

Samuel Basset

"In Memory of SAMUEL BASSETT a Man long employed in civic & military Offices which he discharged with great Fidelity and having served his Generation by ye Will of God fell on Sleep" Mr. Bassett died 15 September 1764.

Sgt. Isaac Tomlinson

Sergeant Isaac Tomlinson who died 27 January 1754, age 64 years.

Lucey Keeney

Lucey Keeney

Died 23 November 1761, age 22.

"When the Flesh sinks the Heaven born Soul Leaving the Tracks where Planets roll, Sublime on SERAPH PLUMES Shall rise To FLOWRY Fields of PARADISE."

Sarah Whitney

"Here lyes ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Whitney wife to Mr. Stephen Whitney, & Daugh.tr to Cap.t James & Mrs. Sarah Wheller, & Mother of Samuel, Isaac & James Whitney: Died March ye 31st, 1764 in ye 27th Year of her Age

Look on me as you Pass By,

As you are Now so once was I

As I am Now, so you must be,

Prepare for Death and follow Me."

Two children's graves from the late 1700s:

Amos Hawkins


Son of Mr. ISAAC & Mrs.


died Spt.r 26, 1772,

aged 18 Months.

The peasfull Babe

That lies beneth

In charity

We must believe."

William Canfield

"WILLIAM, Son of

Dr. Josiah & Mrs. Naomi Canfield,

died 14th, OCt.r, 1774

Aged 2 Years.

Death has crop't the tender flower," The remainder of the inscription is no longer visible.

Joseph Hull

"In Memory of Joseph Hull, Esqr. A Gentleman Whose Integrity & Capacity for publick Business. Rendered his Usefulness Very extensive. His domestick character. As a Parent. Husband. Friend and Master. Was highly amiable. The graces of Christianity embellished his life. Softened the agonies of death. And gave hopes of a happy Immortality. He departed this Life the 24 of Sept.r 1775 In the 48 Year of his Age. An honest man's the noblest work of God"

Samuel L. Johnson

"Sam. L. Johnson

Rev. Soldier"

No dates are provided on the marker.

Noah French

Noah French was a veteran of

the American Revolution.

"Here lies the Body of Mr. NOAH FRENCH

who Departed this Life

January 7 AD 1781

in the 46th Year of his Age.

Some hearty friend Shall drop his tear

On our dry bones, and say

There once were strong as mine appear

And mine must be as they"

John French Smith



who departed this Life

April 20th 1781

aged 19 Year"

Philomela Kimberly


Daugh.tr of Mr. Israel & Mrs. Desire

who Died August 24th 1794

aged Three Years

Thrice happy child

That saw the Light and turned its eyes aside

From our dim Regions to the eternal Son

Guided the Parents way to glory."

Dr. Liberty & Elizabeth Kimberly


Died June 17, 1827

AE. 60


His wife

Died Mar. 17 1801

AE. 32"

Louise Miller


wife of John Miller

Died Feb. 23, 1858

Aged 26 years"

View of Old Derby Uptown

Another view of Old Derby Uptown Burying Ground.

Revolutionary War Patriots in Colonial Cemetery

as listed on the commemorative plaque within the burial ground

Reuebn Baldwin

Dr. Silas Baldwin

Ensign Thaddeus Baldwin

Timothy Baldwin

Deacon Amos Bassett

Benjamin Bassett

David Bassett

John Glover Bassett

Enos Bradley

Dr. Josiah Canfield

Edmund Clark

John Coe

Dr. Edward Crafts

John Davis, Esq.

David DeForest

Joseph Ells

Charles French

Francis French

Nathaniel French

Noah French

Captain Edward Gibbs

Jedediah Harger

Samuel Hawkins

Zadock Hawkins

David Hitchcock

Jonathan Hitchcock

Captain Daniel Holbrook, 2nd

Captain Thomas Horsey

Eliphalet Hotchkiss

Leverett Hotchkiss

Lieutenant Levi Hotchkiss

Corporal Moses Hotchkiss

Joseph Hull, 3rd

Major Elijah Humphrey

Reverand Daniel Humphreys

Sergeant John Humphreys

David Johnson, Jr.

Captain Nathaniel Johnson

Samuel Johnson

Joseph Pickett

Captain Nathan Pierson

2nd Lieutenant Jacob M. Pope

Lieutenant Joseph Riggs, Jr.

Joseph Riggs, Sr.

Samuel Sherwood

Lieutenant Abraham Smith

Abram Smith, Jr.

Isaac Smith

Josiah Smith

Major Nathan Smith

Captain Chipman Swift

Daniel Tomlinson

John Tomlinson

Reuben Tucker

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All photos copyright by the author, 2021. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.