Greenfield Hill Burial Ground

Fairfield, Connecticut

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Greenfield Hill

Greenfield Hill Burial Ground is located on Bronson Road in the Greenfield Hill section of Fairfield, Connecticut. Although burials are recorded as early as 1695, most of the graves date from the mid-1700s and 1800s. The northwest corner of the cemetery was first used by the Native Americans and simple field stones mark their burials. On the north side was a Potter's Field, for the interment of the community's extremely poor. The earliest surviving tombstone is that of Eliphalet Hull, who died in 1737. The last burials in Greenfield Hill are those of Reverend Carlos and Mrs. Alvina Rowlison, who passed on in 1935 and 1936, respectively. According to the website of the Greenfield Hill Village Improvement Society (GHVIS), the burial ground contains the graves of more Revolutionary War soldiers than any other cemetery in the country - 103. Also interred within Greenfield Hill are three soldiers of the French and Indian Wars, 25 veterans of the War of 1812, and six combatants from the Civil War. The names of all veterans interred in Greenfield Hill (French and Indian Wars, Revolution, War of 1812, and Civil War) can be viewed on this page.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 1071.

Photos were taken 10 November 2008 and 29 October 2009.


On the outside wall, to the right of the entrance, is a plaque: "In memory of the men of Greenfield Hill who fought in the American Revolution." Those Revolutionary War veterans, along with all veterans interred in Greenfield Hill, are listed on this page.

interior plaque

Inside the wall is a plaque, "In memory of Elizabeth Fleming Shackleton 1871-1936 Historian Antiquarian Civic Leader This tablet has been erected by her friends and neighbors of Greenfield Hill and fellow citizens of Fairfield in grateful recognition of a life of inspired service to her community."

Greenfield Hill

A view of Greenfield Hill Burial Ground.


The shield reads, "Francis B. Merwin Co. I 23rd Reg't C.V. Died in the service of his country at Lafourche La. April 17, 1863, aged 23 y'rs & 11 mo." The base of the monument is inscribed: "Erected by his young associates as a last sad tribute of their affection and esteem for their departed Comarade."


Lewis Goodsell

Esther Hill

"In memory of Miss Esther Hill Daughter of Cap't Ebenezer and Mrs. Mabel Hill who departed this life Aug. 27, 1804 aged 18 years and 10 months. Neither the sighs or tears of Friends, this lovely youth could save; Nor bloom of years, nor virtue, protect her from the grave: Desiring to live, yet called to die, she in no thought repin'd; But was in this last, most solemn act, to the will of heaven resign'd."

Bronson space saver Bronson

In the far front right corner of the cemetery, is an separate plot enclosed by a crude gate with huge a slab resting upon a mound. There are no other stones within the enclosure, and the stone no longer bears an inscription. This exclusive resting place belongs to Dr. Isaac Bronson (1760 - 1838). During the Revolution, Bronson became senior surgeon in the 2nd Regiment of Light Dragoons under George Washington. It is said that he was also responsible for planting the original dogwood tree in Greenfield Hill, for which the area is now known.


Ebenezer Banks was a veteran of the Revolutionary War. "In Memory of Ebenezer Banks, Esq. who Departed this Life March the 22, 1777: in the 53rd Year of his Age. His Character was irreproachable, his Death much Lamented. Jesus has Sweetened this Repose, And took away the fatal Sting, Stands ready to receive all those That will Prepare to follow Him."


Dr. Hull was another veteran of the Revolutionary War. "In memory of Doct.r Eliphalet Hull born April the 8th 1738 and died Novem.r 18th 1799 in the 62.d year of his age Universally lamented by all who knew him. May he sleep in Jesus and awake in glory."


Williams was also a veteran of the War for Independence. "Mr. Reuben Williams died Nov.r 5th 1776 aged 39 years and 4 months. Also Mrs. Huldah Wakeman formerly his Wife died July 11th 1799 aged 54 years & 10 months"


Capt. Samuel Whitney also fought during the Revolution. Died February 20, 1796, age 84. Buried with his wife, Amy. Died November 22, 1788, age 66.


Abraham Baldwin (November 23, 1754 - March 4, 1807) was a Georgia representative in the Continental Congress and served in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate after the adoption of the Constitution. He died a Senator in Congress, age 52, and is buried in Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington, D.C. "His memory needs no marble. His Country is his monument, her Constitution his greatest work." This cenotaph is shared with Dudley Baldwin (died March 29, 1794, age 41), "an eminent Counsellor, an ardent patriot, a faithful friend" and Sarah Baldwin (died Dec. 3, 1795, age 37). "Sacred to the repose of the dead and the meditation of the living."

The Freeman Children

Monument to the children of Nathaniel and Mary Freeman. The seven siblings died within two years of one another.

Joseph, aged 12 years, died 25 Feb 1836.

William, aged 10 years, died 12 Aug 1836.

Mary, aged 18 years, died 14 Aug 1836.

Charles, aged 23 years, died 18 Feb 1837.

Elizabeth, aged 9 years, died 21 Mar 1837.

Maria, aged 18 years, died 12 Oct 1837.

Henry, aged 22 years, died 2 Jan 1838.


Deacon Daniel Banks was another veteran of the Revolution. He died January 16, 1839, at the age of 100.


Hezekiah Ogden was a veteran of the War of 1812. He died January 21, 1844, age 68.

All photos copyright by the author, 2009. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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