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Dear Guest,
Welcome to American Championship Wrestling; the newest and greatest Internet Federation on the net!
Please feel free to check us out and let us know what you think. Send questions and comments
to the President by clicking the "Staff" link. Stay hardcore!

No news at this time.

  1. The minimum number of lines in each RP is 40. Font can't be any smaller than 12, and RP's
    must not include any pictures or files.
  2. Maximum number of times that you are allowed to RP before the show is 3, so use them wisely.
  3. RP window for the next show opens as soon as the results from the last show are out and closes
    one hour prior to start of next show. (Example: Monday Night Lightning starts at 8. RP's sent at 6:55
    are accepted, seeing as you haven't used all 3 of your RP's. RP's sent at 7:05 are not accepted,
    seeing as it's inside the one hour window.) Results begin processing at approximately one hour
    before, allowing them to be out at or around starting time.
  4. Spam, junk mail, etc. is absolutely not allowed.
  5. No disrespect to any staff member, no matter what the situation. One discrepency results in
    automatic termination.
  6. Every member of the ACW are allowed to ask for a match, whether it be in your RP or not. Dually
    note that just because you ask for it doesn't necessarily mean that you will get it. If it so happens
    that you don't, NO BITCHING!
  7. The rest is common sense. Those of you who don't have any...well, that's what the staff is there for.
    They will point it out to you if you do fuck up, so be sure not to make the same mistake
    again. Anything that any staff member finds inappropriate is considered and ran up the
    chain-of-command. If I, the President, approves it as a rule then it's immediately set in stone and
    must be followed by all members.
  8. 3 discrepencies of any rule, unless otherwise noted, results in immediate termination.