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                                             Alexandrines are big chewers, so if you use anything less than 19mm thick they will more than likely they will chew though it. I buy dressed pine {290mmx19mm} from a timber mill. It works out a bit dearer using this, but I can replace a section or a whole side very easy by unscrewing the old one and sliding the new piece in. The problem with ply is that its glued together and they can chew though it relatively easy. The other important thing to remember is to make sure the timber that your using isn’t treated. This will kill your birds.



                                            ALEXANDRINE BREEDING BOX MEASUREMENTS


                                                                     Length   800mm-900mm

                                                                     Width     260mm-300mm

                                                                     Entry hole  100mm -120mm

                                                                     Inspection door  150mmx120mm





                                             When constructing a breeding box, make sure you always have a inspection door. You want it about 250mm from bottom of the box and make sure it is easily accessible. Through this door its easy to inspect eggs and babies. On the front panel of the box I drill a entry hole about 200mm from the top of panel. After this I then cut a piece of aviary mesh {150mmx600mm} and screw it from the bottom of the entry hole, to about 150mm from the bottom of the box. This is so adults and babies can use it like a ladder. On the front of the box under the entry hole I use a piece of timber {75mmx19mmx150mm} for the birds to stand on, I screw it on about 50mm from bottom of entry hole. After this is all done I screw the box together and add the bottom of the box to square it up. The lid of the box should be hinged so that it is easily cleaned and for adding nesting material.



                                             RINGNECKS BREEDING BOX MEASUREMENTS



                                                                        Length   600mm-700mm

                                                                        Width     220mm-250mm

                                                                        Entry hole   80mm   -90mm

                                                                        Inspection door  150mmx120mm


                                             The construction of the Ringnecks box is the same as a Alexandrine box just a smaller version.


                                          SUN CONURES BREEDING BOX MEASUREMENTS 


                                          I use the same box as the Ringnecks