Male Cock
There are a lot of
variations in sizes, I think that this is from over breeding and hybrid
cross that aren’t controlled properly. Some people just want to make a
fast buck and sell small hybrids to the pet market for hand rearing,
this is not a good practice and could be the demise of good quality
birds. Some characteristics to look at for good male are. A full length male
should measure over 550mm from top of head to bottom of tail. Around his
throat he should have a thick black band which thins out around the back of
his neck. There is also a distinguishing thick patch of pink on the back of
there neck that creeps around the sides. Some Alexandrines have blue above the
pink (most of
mine have), but I have seen some with out. I have been told this comes with age
but I am not sure of that. The other thing to look for is a chestnut patch on
there wings, it should be a decent size about the size of your thumb and very
glossy dark colour. The other thing to look for is there beak, it should be
well proportioned to there head size and not thin and all cracked. I always
try to buy a Alexandrine that have a glossy dark red beak, this shows me there on a
good diet and well maintained. The head should be big and bold looking and
look well proportioned to his body.