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Mirrored URL - posted by donkey[At.01]
Ok due to some confusion regarding the URL address, i made a mirror to this site with the url still works fine. Make sure you have the url spelt correctly.. Dex.
Resolution info - posted by donkey[At.01] on 8/19
Ok the site can only be viewed in 1024 x 768 or higher, best in high color. I made a resolution checker for those who are having difficulty viewing this site. If you go top the resolution checker and the page is blank, then you have the correct resolution. If you have the wrong resolution, the page will have a message on it. Were going to have a members directory up soon, and only people that have been in the clan for 3 weeks or more will be on it.
Broken links - posted by donkey[At.01] on 8/18
The staredit link wont work for now. Well probably have it around 8/20. This site wont be updated as frequently because I have school.. :( Ok theres a glitch on the forums where only the general board shows. If you see this happening, click on the folder with "assault team" next to it.
8/17 - posted by donkey[At.01]
Site is finally up. Everyone add it to your favorites :) If you need to post news on this page, contact me personally on aim or bnet. Ok if you spot any ads or broken links, go to the technical support page. Ok thats all for now. Keep the forums active, and put the button on your websites, xanga, etc. Soon we will have 24/7 bot on the aim chatroom. So keep it active so my electricity bill wont go up for nothing :P Ok send your pics - digital pics to the contact page so we can start on those 2 pages soon.