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in >this --diary-- the weblog

SNL Sketch
Bridget Jones Edge of Reason Premiere
Late Late Show - Girl With a Pearl Earring
Breakfast with the Arts - Girl
The View - Love Actually
Daily Show 2003
Daily Show 2002
Rosie 2001

Taiwan continued
August 11th, 2003

August 4th, 2003
so..hmm...shanghai...yeah..didn't eat there...ate at beef noodle soup place. not bad. it was pretty good. went to their house/aparement thing first though. it is really nice. quite big too.i could live there, you know? yeah then after dinner we got some nice milk tea and went back to their apartment to talk. i just sat there and sort of read national geographic...mostly just looked at the pix. then, we went back home. slept.
August 5th, 2003
nextday...uhm..went to bank to exchange money. saw my mom's old apartment when my sister was born. then we went to the day market. it wascool. bought a bunch of pirated stuffz. cds and movies alike. lol. it was fun. my mom bought a bunch of clothes. meh. then we went to the meat place...bought some pig brains. lol. yeah...then...we went to eat lunch. and then home again. that night, the same poeple who took us out the night before, took us to 1924 Shanghai. Good food...sort of? lol. it was okay. lol. then went home. watched tv. lol. taiwanese tv is odd. they even have the same vanilla coke commercial but with azn is EXACTLY the same..but in chinese and with azn ppl. hahaha. its the one where the guy sticks his head through the hole.
August 6th
...gotta think...laterz

current mood:hot and sweaty
current music:summer wind was always our song - the ataris
posted by gloria @ 12:44PM

August 10th, 2003
11:43PM (Taiwan Time) in Taiwan...left last saturday. havent been near a computer in over a week. man, okay starting on saturday...went to the airport (my sister dropped us off) thenn... got on a damn jet that was friggen *no tvs* and flew to Newark, NJ (jonathan was right) and then waited there for almost EIGHT hours for our connecting flight. mehhh >_<...i went to ALL the shops and the lady at the duty-free shop (no tax) wouldn't let me take a picture of the damn vodka stand. it was sooo cool ... mannn...katherinee!! hahaha. you know i like those ads. ^^* anyways, the flight got delayed like 2 hours... was..quite... boring. slept for like an hour. then we got on the plane and flew to Seattle, WA. They played X-Men 2!!!!!!! HEEHEEHEE!! y wolvie!! i was so happy. but they cut it..>_< bahhh humm but it was still good to see hugh on the tv screen. man, that plane was soo empty...there were soo many empty seats and the view out the window was great. you could see all the lights and everything. hahha. it was great fun.! but once we got to seattle, all the seats got filled up. meh... we were only in seattle for like 45 minutes. it was okay...i didn't really see much. i think it was the airport where the shot that scene in "Sleepless in Seattle". ^^* very back on the plane....they RE-PLAYED X2...oh's good...more hugh!! =P then, they played "Piglet's Big Movie" (which i half slept through), and then "Honesty" (a chinese movie) it was interesting............... (more dots)............ then they played "What a Girl Wants" YAYAY Colin Firth... mmMMmm... what a good movie to watch... heehee. it was pretty funny, although corny at times too. oh well..Colin Firth...cant ask for much more...heehee.
August 4th, 2003 *in Taiwan*
ah, landed at around 10am? Taiwan time. took a bus to my grandmother's apartment. like 2-3 hours from Taipei to Taichung. it was already monday in taiwan. went inside...ate lunch...looked around...then what.uhmm...i thinkkk we watched tv..can't remember. but we did something and then went out coz when we came back, one of my parent's friends were waiting for us to go eat dinner with them. we were going to go to this nice restaurant called 1924 Shanghai near my grandma's apartment but there were no seats left...ah, better finish tomorrow...cousin's here...byes...

current mood:hot and sweatttty...>_<
current music: none..meh...
posted by Gloria @ 12:01am *Taiwan time*

August 1st, 2003

went out to lunch wiht ken today...ate at wendy's. XD good american food before i go back to taiwan. heehee. i ate a salad. then we went to borders, sat around and talked, then went back home. i watched most of a walk to remember and then my soap =P not my "soap" (haha amanda) but my soap OPERA on tv. lol. then went to church. praise practice, but no one was there but jonathan. so we talked and waited. then ken came, so we moved the equitment and set up. when katherine, teresa, and morgan came, we praciticed and then jonathan and i went out to get dinner. i ate a chicken fajita and a sundae from mcdonalds. jonathan three burgers and said it was a "small meal" lol. =D righttt... saw mr. yeh at mcdonalds. soo random! hahaha. then..went back. heard some nice audio adrenaline on his car. ^_^ good fun good fun. gave everyone their cards...they're all going to be gone when i get back >_< come back guys!!! =P then we did the praise book thing...deadline...tuesday, lol. oh well, they'll make it without me. then bible study. study on parents-child relationship...interesting discussion. haha. cleaned up afterwards. ken's going to his bro's second reception in NJ so he left early. hmm...then jsut went home. said some goodbyes. byez...hahaha. well, if i don't come on tomorrow, i don't know how long it will be without a computer. i'll try to survive without talking to elias EVERY NIGHT and talking to tim at 1am in the morning. >_< and playing 13 with tony at 1 am or 2 am or whenever. lol. bah..i hope i get to use a computer in taiwan. meh...blaugh...ah, well...i guess this is good bye....

current mood: a little excited, a litte sad...
current music: night train - oscar peterson
posted by Gloria @ 11:41PM

wednesdae & thursdae
August 1st, 2003

hmm...yesterday?? packed like crazy. burned cds like crazy. thanks to tim, i got windowblinds. thanx tim. ah, then i found out that i had a change to get madd dvds, but my mom stopped calling right before i got off line. dammit. booo...i was like you should have bought out the whole store! lol. yeah, kinda pissed at that. hmm...GH was pretty good. alcazar has a crazy, isn't it? hmm...nothing esle happened... todayyy...went to the store, so i missed coffee...flavia...good stuff. and some free doughnuts. =P haha, thennn...i bought farienheit 451 for skool...eww i hate taht word... i finished reading the great gatsby. sad book =[ boo. hmm...ate thai chicken sandwich from aui bon pain. yum good stuff. =] then, hmm...bought gum for the plane...i love planes excpet for the ear thing. that just pisses me off. well, ican't wait to get onthe plane, but i don't want to leave too gonna miss a lot of ppl... >_< well, taiwan should be fun, i hope... just don't want to come back all fob-ish...bah...anyways, should sleep soon...goign tout to lunch with ken tomorrow. can't wake up at 12 coz i'm leaving at 12. lol. wendy's lol. yay! comida americana! heehee. yah, so...byez

current mood:uhm...happy and sand
current music:there will never be another you - oscar peterson
posted by Gloria @ 12:59AM
mondae & tuesdae
July 29th, 2003

hmm..monday...did nothing. lol. made katie's johnny depp cover. made a new layout for my hugh site. cleaned it out a bit. thanx to amanda, it went faster. hmm. did nothing else. read a bit. watched a bit of tv. today. watched the Thomas Crown Affair. GReaAAAAT movie. I LOVED it! A lot like oceans' 11, i think. good stuff. ah, smart man. kinda odd sex scenes though. sex all over the house, literally. in the foyer, on the steps, in the library...etc. erm. yeah... taht guy's got everything possible. he is madd rich and just randomly decides to steal a monet painting for the thrill of it. how odd. lol. it was very cool how he did it though. ah, i could watch taht movie over and over again. those scenes were just so much fun. i dont' like renee russo though. she seemed too old for pierce brosnan and too annoying for my liking. i was just behatch. shut up the plane scene was pretty cool. i want a plane like that lol. my favorite part was the end though. ah, that was great fun. man, that movie was so good! lol. i want to watch it again. ah, yeah...almost dinner time now...oh well... not hungry...

current mood:fragilely happy
current music:Best Kept Secret - Longwave
posted by Gloria @ 7:57PM

quiz taking spreeeeeee
July 28th, 2003

hmm. today. went to church. played bass. =D ate lunch. went home. watched harry potter 1. ate out at malibu steak house. good stuff. came home. watched the restaurant. good show. i love how there is so much drama and the gay guys are hilarous! =P ah, every reality tv show has gay guys and it is just sooo funny! they are sOOOOO cool! hahaha. anyways... here begins my quiz taking spreeeeee...
current mood:shady...
current music:A Sorta Fairytale - Tori Amos

posted by Gloria @ 12:53AM

July 27th, 2003

ah, boirng days...hmm.friday...went to praise earlyy. jonathan picked me up at around 4:15. went to church. played the bass. we practiced for sunday service, ate dinner, then practiced for friday night. it was good. then had friday night bible study. yeah, good stuff. fun. messed up during the praise part, but its okay.i hope i do better tomorrow morning. took the amp home so i could hear the bass better. yeah, good dinner. chicken teriaki from subway. yum! still owe teresa for the sub. oh and morgan for the frap. lol. owe so much $$$. =/ i'll pay em back. finished my entire science project last night. was up until 2:30am. jonathan motivated me by being my teacher. sent it to him at like 2:30am. he gave me a subject to write about too. lol. it was good. and tim and mayline helped out a lot too by telling me what exactly happens with the science project. tim gave me madd linkz and stuff. thanx tim. so, yeah..uhm...then in teh morning, went to piano. was going to go to teresa's thing but my dad was too lazy to take me. lol. augh. laid in bed and contemplated suicide most of the afternoon. it was good. good music helps. then went out to dinner with the parents. =/ not fun. chinese food...again. geez. =/ *sigh* hmm then came back home and watched tv. some of bloodsport, dog eat dog, the restaurant. pretty good. then went downstairs and practiced guitar. online, changed some stuff. o yeah, i watched sweet home alabama with grace today. good movie. very sweet. but i do think that it was not fair that andrew was dumped and got his heart broken. but josh erm jake *josh is his real name* is cute! lol. very sweet movie. loved it. yay! uhm that brings us to now...sleep is good...

current mood:somewhere in between good and bad
current music:The Blue Channel - Taking Back Sunday
posted by Gloria @ 1:30AM

so long, astoria
July 24th, 2003

ahhh!!! i finally got the Ataris CD, so long astoria!! YAAY! extreme happiness becuase of that. heehee. i love em. got it for $11.99. what a bargain! lol. o yea, so today, i went to my mom's store...she went to get her hair done before we go back to taiwan. boring day, i'll say... went to the underground to get lunch from taco bell. but they were closed. =/ no more tacos. the line for subway was madd long so i just walked around first. circled the shopping mall...went into FYE..saw so long astoria for 12 bux and i just HAD to get it. lol. debating between taking back sunday too. hard choice, but i had to go with the ataris. lol. =] yeah, then i went to the bookstore and then i went to subway and got a steak and cheese sub. the lady didn't put tomatoes on my sub! =[ booo. o was good anyways...hmm..put in contacts. not bad. it felt better after a while. lalala. boring the rest of the day. still hating my life...

current mood:the gray area...more bad than good...
current music:my reply - the ataris
posted by Gloria @ 11:02PM

contacts make the world blurry
July 23rd, 2003

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIAS! yay! hope ur having a good one! haha. life sucks. thank you. i know it's summer. i know i should be happy. that's a buncha bull that i put on for my "friends". i hate life. it sucks. it sucks. it sucks. the only thing i look forward to are my tv shows and talking to elias online everyday. everything else sucks. lessee..things i live shows...starbucks coffee...late night chats with elias...maybe finding the one...playing the bass...rainy days...good movies...good music...concerts...getting away from my parents...the friends... only some of these things i don't have, i don't feel...they dont' happen to me. well, whatever...suicide sounds good right about now...

current mood:i want to die...descriptive enuff for u?
current song:Adam's Song - Blink 182
posted by Gloria @ 10:25PM


ahh, contacts make the world blurry. my eyes are so watery. =/ im blinking every 2 seconds. they feel so werid. they make me dizzy. got em yesterday. i can only wear em for 4-5 hours today. they are hard to get in, especially without a mirror like on the counter so taht i can see what im doing. lol. it doesnt really hurt, it just feels like there's crap in my eyes. i want to rub it, but if i do, then the contacts will move. anyways, im feeling a little better, thanks to elias. wut a great friend. =] he makes everything seem so much better. thanks, elias. my headache is gone. yippeee. anyways, today, i woke up at like 11:20. very early, lol. got up, watched tv. ate lunch. watched some more tv. o yeah, my sister's home coz she's sick. so yeah. it's cool. put in my contacts. watery. lol.umm. read a book. now im doing my english crap. =[ booo. okay, piano soon. =[ booooooo.

current mood:semi-happy =]
current music:Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am - Charles Mingus
posted by Gloria @ 1:48PM

retreat in gay
July 21st, 2003

ah, the retreat was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring. lol. like getting there took six hours. it was actually kinda cool. it was like a road trip. pauline, mayline, and i all rode eric's car. he's a cool guy with GREAT taste in music, as mayline said. he really does have great taste in music. i met him briefly last week at church. great guy. he signed up for the retreat at the last minute AND agreed to drive. if he didn't drive, we would have needed the pastor to drive us too. anyways, we drove up in his car. his cd player was broken, but we listened to the radio, which turned out not to be taht bad. it was fun to switch around and finaly get a song we all knew. i found out that PA has some gooood jazz stations. man, VA needs some of those too. =/ yeah, so we also found some good stations that played a whole RANGE of songs from rock to pop to rap. it was great. we got to allentown around 8 or so and ate dinner at wendy's. =] had a junior bacon cheeseburger, some chili, and their 5 piece all white meat chicken nuggets. just 99 cents each! lol. i watch WAYY too much tv. anyways. i was madd stuffed afterwards. and then, mayline and i ran to morgans car and tried to sit on it, but we were too late coz he already walked out the door. so we just sprawled out on it as much as we could. lol. yeah, so we got to the acutal place at around 9pm. we were madd late for the service, but whatever. the rooms were madd nice. clean, thank God. so then we went to praise and service. met in our small groups. it was okay. met jon. i remembered him from last year coz he broke his glasses. lol. wut a weird way to remember him. yeah, but anyways, i found out that he knows my second cousin, tim. he was rooming with him. i dun really kno tim, but jon was gotta give him a hug, okay? so i was like, okay....i ended up only seeing him once and i didn't give him a hug. lol. o well..there's always next year. on friday, ate breakfast, devotions, speaker. interesting character. grew up in NY. likes taiwanese/chinese americans. lol. yea. nice guy, over all. alittle weird, but he was okya. then lunch. then praise with the guys. i fell asleep next to the drums. and then infront of the amp again. lol. i was madd tired. then, we went to get gas from eric's car. it was quite an adventure cuz we got lost. lol. there was this one like, court, i guess in the neighborhood and it seemed like it had no opening. it was like we coudn't find a way out. it was freaky. then, we got to the gas station and eric forgot his wallaet, so we went back and got lost again. lol. came back out and gassed up and went to CVS. kool stuffz. no tax. went back. dinner. praise. speaker. back to dormz. sleep. same thing the next day. stayed up later. but it was still intersitng. yeah. kinda boring. actually, really boring. most of the time. too much free time. talked mostly. sat around. lol. sleep is good. drive back was a little shorter. nice clouds. i think it was today, woke up at 2pm. lol. slept 11 hours. talked to katherine. watched GH. cleaned our storage room. madd clean now. =P i am owed. lol. ate dinner. watched pepsi smash coz the ataris were on. and here we are. interestin weekend. good start to da week. we will see....

current mood:frustrated >_<
current music:Come On, Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runner
posted by Gloria @ 11:12PM
da far...
July 15th, 2003

hmm...okay...starting on sunday...went to church. came back to house for piano lesson...messed around with bass =P dats about it. went to sleep at like 3am =] talked to people online. hahaha. yahep. okay, yesterday...wut did i do...walked around the house...played around with bass...piano...lunch...dled songs. sum laundry. datz about it, i think. went to sleep at 5am..talked to tony all nite long. we played truth or dare without the dare. it wuz fun =] okay, up at like 12pm... ate lunch... mad messages left on my answering machine, so i called my dad, the eye docs, and my mom. found out that im going back to taiwan...totally random...didn't know anything before hand. lol. yah. shocked. i wuz on the phone with tony and i wuz like wtf! coz i saw the fax with the flight info on it. crazy. so, yeah..set up appointment with eye docz next tuesday. getting contacts! yipee! hmm... talked online. burned a CD. packed a little. watched GH. good ep =] sonny thinks ric took carly. yay! jason went to the island to see courtney =] dey were makin out =P hmm...then got bass tabs for songs by the ataris. organized MP3s on my other comp. started my science project that i really dun understand that well. lol. o well...i hope its okay however i do it! hmm. wut else. o yeah, started a math packet fer my mom. it isn't too hard, but it juss takes a long time to do all the math. stuck on a problem tho =/ not fun. madd hungry now. gotta do sum more of the science project. god, i hate science! it sux. i never liked it and i dun think i ever will, espeically after all this crap that i gotta do for next year. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! science sux!!!!!!!! okay, better get my azz moving on it...

current mood: not happy...stupid project!
current music: Unopened Letter to the World - The Ataris
posted by Gloria @ 7:51PM

Church...All Day
July 12th, 2003

went to church this morning at 9:30AM. garage sale today plus barbecue. bought sum beanie babies for my mom. lol. dad got some pillow-ish things for our basement. the baking stuff we made yesterday was good! lol. played the bass last night until like 1:30AM. fingers hurt...bad..right now too coz i played it all afternoon too. it was fun, but my fingers hurt like madd. =/ went to sleep at 3AM last nite and woke up at 9AM. 6 hours...not bad...atleast i didn't go to sleep at like 5AM. ah, so like the barbecue was fun. jonathan and morgan were like doing weird things around the grill. lol. they are sum weird guys. jonathan was doing like this fob accent. it was hilarous. i got it all on a clip on katherine's camera. =P funnny. yah, then jonathan was plyaing rollercoaster with matthew. itwas so cute! coz everytime jonathan stopped, matthew would like start crying again. haha. o yah, i took a pic of tim sleeping in the pews. i dunno if he knew or not. lol. it was pretty funny tho. i was shaking so hard coz i was trying not to laugh, so the picture came out blurry. its so hard to get a pic of tim coz he's alwyas like NO PIX. lol. yah, so after the garage sale was over, katherine and i had to like carry in tables. we were so lazy taht we just slid them across the carpet. lol. yahep. then praise practice. it was okay. i got to play the bass. but then i hitched a ride home with ken. =/ didn't really wanna bug him...but he was nice about it. then went out to dinner at A&J's. had beef noodles. yum. shoulda got bubble tea, but i was madd cold coz my dad had the a/c on in the car even AFTER i told him to turn it off. =/ yah, got home and practiced bass more. then dad told me to play piano even tho i've played all week...=/ and i have to have lesson tomorrow after church. =/ sux. o is starting to suck again. except the bass =P okay, gonna go to sleep so i can get up early tomorrow.

posted by Gloria @ 12:27AM

Another All-Nighter
July 11th, 2003

yes, you read the time correctly. it's almsot 5am and i'm STILL up. stupid movie. lol. i'm not quite as freaked out as i was yesterday, but i'm still not too certain about sleeping during the night. hahaha. yah, so like tones still up, i think...maybe...he'snot repsonding...oh well...he deserves some sleep, especially after staying up last nite too. kates a goner, for sure. lol. i think ima go to sleep soon too. elias was up. he was watching pet semetary 2. he likes it. he likes being scared, that crazy boy. very sweet tho. :D said that if we lived in the same town, he'd gladly give up his bed for me so taht i would feel safer sleeping. heehee. yahep. nice kid. dling madd songs. mostly Finch. werid band. they've got all sorts of music. lol. Project Mayhem = weird song. lol. hmm...well...installed the scanner today. very proud coz it works! yay! gonna scan more pix in today. lol. church picnic/garage sale tomorrow. yay! hot dogs! whoohoo. going to church today with jonosun. he's picking me up at 4. bake fest at church. i can't wait to play the bass guitar again, even though i'm not still "newbie" as jonosun would say. hahaha. yah, well...i have time. :D hungry and tired. better sleep. nite! er morning!

posted by Gloria @ 5:00AM

The All-Nighter
July 10th, 2003

ah, pulled an all nighter last night. did you acutally think i'd go to sleeppp?? geez. i spent the whole night online talking to tone and katie. we had a blast! lol. i am strange at odd hours of the nite. i was freaking out to every sound. and tone and katie kept LEAVING the chatroom, lol. so i would freak out and be like...WHERE DID U GOOOOOOOO! and all this crazy stuff. they were talking on the phone for like an hour to each other. we talked about the most random things like...katie having feet sex...hooking me up with someone...number of azns in langley...weird werid stuff...hahaha. yah. stayed up all night. until six am. then i went to sleep. woke up around 1pm. called katie. ate cereal. watched maury with katie on the phone. watched general hospital. did work. played piano. now i gotta go clean my roomie....

posted by Gloria @ 5:18PM

A Day W/ Katie
July 9th, 2003

went to katie's this afternoon. her mom picked me up and then we went to pick up katie's pix. then, we went to blockbusters and rented the excorcist and sumthing eles...i can't remember waht it's called...then we went to the reserve to look at the HUGE houses. so friggen big. ahh! saw jay's house. three car garage. big.... ahhah. then we went for slurpees. started POURING right before we got to 7-eleven. katie and i were running in and it was madd slippery, so she lost her flipflop. i ran back to get it, cracking up sooo hard. i was going back to her and MY flipflop fell off too, so i grabbed it and ran half barefoot into 7-eleven. thankfully, there was a guy standing at the door holding it open for us. LOLOLOL. that was sooo funny! we were cracking up so hard. we got mixed slurpees adn went back to the car. we were smarter this time and stayed under the cover thing until we couldn't anymore. THEN we ran. lol. got back to her house...worked on her scrapbook, well mostly organizing pix. then we ate dinner and watched the excorcist. MADD FREAKY... nto really when your watching the movie, but like...more so when you start thinking about it AFTER the movie. NO SLEEP tonight. lol. juss very vulgar and perverted and bloody. =/ anywayz....then we watched sum random stuff on tv. not another teen movie, the weekenders, sex in the city, sex in the city in spanish...found out katie has SOAPNET!!! YAY! sooo happy =] i was going to stay over, but my dad was come home. so i didn't. on the way home, all the tailights and redlights looked like eyes...freaky...not now...better go..ah, gosh, my siste rJUST scared me...not nice.....okay..going...

posted by Gloria @ 11:41PM

Sun & Sweat
July 8th, 2003

did nothing most of the day. continued cleaning my room. downloaded songs. shit like that. then, i went to my dad's away-from-the-house garden in lewinsville park. had to help him load/unload the mower. i ran like half a mile around the many little garden plots. so many friggen bugs. i was annoyed. very annoyed. sat in the car and read the great gatsby and listened to in this diary. was sweating like madd. beads of sweat all over my legs. it was quite hot in the car. well...then i helped my dad untangle the garden hose. hahaha. yah. and then we went home... took a shower, while my dad tried to get rid of the wasp nest taht was in a box in our garage. it was there since this weekend when my parents went out on their vacation. lol. stung my mom on the finger and my dad twice. once on his big pot belly and once on his arm. yah, so we had this big insect light that attracts the bugs to it and then kills it sitting right over th box with the nest in it. yep. then, wehn i came outside after my shower to get my stuff from the truck, he had the box sitting on top of our grill. he went inside and got lighter fluid and matches. lit the whole box on fire. it was quite a scene. anyone up for grilled wasps?? hahaha. yahep. lol. so, like all my english and algebra work shit got here today. ew. i hafta do it all this orders of my mother. i know she means well, but i already got a buncha shit to do. don't need to add, you know. lol. ah, better get my ass working on this shit...

posted by Gloria @ 10:18PM

Sundae & Mondae
July 7th, 2003

did practically nothing today. cleaned my room...looking for stuff for the garage sale. takes forever to look through all my crap. too much crap. not fun. ugh. tired. slept but then my dad was like...get up and set up chairs for dinner. grrr. not happy to have been awaken from my nap. ate dinner, walked around. did random things. going to take a shower and sleep now.

posted by Gloria @ 10:53PM

12:27 PM

yesterday was fun. went to church at 9am...not too much fun...was madd tired. after service, lunch, of course. and then morgan drove teresa, virginia, katherine, and me to the mall. we went to cvs to get morgan some facial cleansers and moisturizers. we spent like half an hour in there trying to explain to him what each thing was for. it was hilarious. hahaha. the most girly day for morgan. he was so embarrassed. it was madd funny. hahaha. then we walked around. went to abercrombie, but that was not fun coz there was nothing good. and then we went to american eagle and i got a t-shirt and a pair of flip flops. yay! then we went to eat hot and sour soup for gini and teresa. then we went to dinner. we were going to go to eat pho coz katherine had never eaten pho before, but the pho place was closed, so we went to wendy's instead. all us girls ate salads. it was a good salad tho. after wendy's, we drove katherine back home and went to morgans. we finished watching bad boys. it was funny. i really want to see bad boys 2 now. thennnn...we played resident evil. sooooooo SCARY. geez, i had the shit scared out of me. lol. no joke, especially when the zombies go after you. one sorta popped out of a corner once. i freaked out. lol. teresa was playing and she was really good at controlling it...better than i would have been. my parents took forever to get to morgan's house to pick me up. :/ then, after resident evil, gini and teresa went home and i watched tv for like 45 minutes before my parents got there. i watched law and order: criminal intent and wild wild west... too much will smith, i think... yeah, so it was fun to do that yesterday, but i don't think my parents were too happy that they had to drive all the way to morgan's house to pick me up. :/ not fun, but oh's a new week. gotta find things for the church garage sale. that's my goal this find stuff to give to the garage sale. i hope i can get rid a lott of my shit, coz i have a LOT. lol. better go start now...

posted by Gloria @ 12:36 PM

Indie Pen Dance Day Weekend
July 6th, 2003
12:37 AM

this weekend was madd fun. indie pen dance day, lol! went to morgan's this weekend. it was lots of fun. they had a barbecue/pool party on friday (yesterday) it was fun. the pool was crazy. madd splashing. it was cold and everyone was like..its okay when you get in...i was sitting out for like 20 minutes before morgan jumped in and splashed me...meanie butt. lol. yah, so then we played games and just swam and stuff. sharks and minnows hard for the sharks to win, since there were only like 5 people. marco polo was exhausting. i kept becoming marco and everyone was running away. :/ fun, but exhausting. i kept trying to get morgan, but it didn't really work. then, gini and morgan got into this underwater war and gini was like trying to pull morgans trunks off. lol. it was funny, but then morgan stuck his fingers up his nose and started chasing everyone around. gini and morgan kept having splashing wars and shit like that...well, what can you say? thats just the way they are. the barbecue food was good. there was beef and corn and all this other crap. then, we played 007 on gamecube...i kept on losing like madd. oh was still fun. after that, we did fireworks. it was crazy. they had gotten a big box of sparklers from costco. cheap shit. they were madd small. alice got 12 together and it was like on fire. lol. that was funny. they had also got this huge pack of like 20 different fireworks, but they mostly turned out to be crappy. there were some with colors and shit, but that's the best that they got. the neighbors had illegal ones, we think. they were the ones that actually shot up in the air and exploded. those are the ones that i want. we set off our cheap ones like three at a time to make it seem illegal, but ofcourse, it wasn't as good as the real thing. =/ oh well, it was still fun. then we watched bad boys..or like half of it until like 10:30, when gini and teresa had to leave. yah, then i watched someone like you, well, most of it...and then i went to bed. slept downstairs all by myself. i am so proud. i had a really weird dream that sort of incorporated harry potter and general hospital. lol. coz, well, there was sonny and then there was magic and wizards, but there were also guns and shit. it was weird. i killed some "evil wizards" or something...dont' ask. lol. then, on saturday, i was supposed to go shopping with bess and grace, but then like, there was praise practice too. i spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out what i wanted to do, but then jonathan came to pick up morgan and so he told me that they got the new bass guitar and i just couldn't pass up a chance like that, so i went to praise practice instead of shopping. maybe not the BEST choice, but i think i had more fun than if i had gone shopping. they were going to go to leesburg outlets, but then they went to potomac mills instead and spent like 3 hours in ikea, so i'm kinda glad i didn't go. so, i went to praise practice and tried out the bass guitar. it's kinda hard, but it's easier than the regular guitar, especially with my small hands, lol. jonathan sorta taught me the basix and ken helped me play the songs. its pretty easy, i guess. its madd fun tho. i like playing it. it sounds so good with the rest of the people playing too. ah, im glad i went to praise practice instead of going shopping. so then, we went to gas up jonathan's car and then we went to taco bell for lunch. ate a chicken quesadea. it was okay... then, we went to pick up gini and teresa, but then we saw that tim had just come back from deep creek lake, so we stopped by his house and said hi. we all went inside his house to check out his new computer. katherine and i didn't understand a word they were talking about, so we just stood around waiting for them to leave. virginia called morgan like a million times to go and pick her up even tho she just lives around the corner from tim. lol. so, when we came back out, teresa and gini were already inside jonathan's car because he had left the windows down and the car unlocked. hahaha. weirdo. lol. yah, so then we went to morgan's house and played 007 again. i lost...again. lol. it was fun tho...hard, but fun. it gets easier after you play for a while. then, morgan insisted on "resting our eyes" so we played risk, the board game. it was pretty fun, until morgan lost and started singing the star wars theme and putting his players on the board. annoying, but funny as hell. lol. then we got kinda crazy and did crazy things. jonathan was trying to teach the furby we found how to say "soogie" and teresa was trying to teach it how to say "i kill morgan for fun" lol. it was crazy. and then the phone rang and morgan picked it up and there was no one there. he did it again and no one was there again. so the phone rang like 3 more times before stopping again. we all started freaking out and like gini was like, it's a stalker. and she was like "there he is!" and pointing out the window. jonathan was like freaking out and was like, "dude, morgan, you gotta bat or something incase the stalker comes inside?" lol. it was sooo funny. gini got some pix of jonathan going crazy. freaky. so yah, we ordered pizza for dinner and started telling scary stories. morgan's stories were the longest. and teresa took forever to finish a story because she would start cracking up every other second. she can not tell scary stories. lol. gini was the best because she kept on scaring everyone at the end of her stories when she yelled "boo!" all of a was great. lol. we told scary stories for like 3 hours until it was like 9:30 and pitch black. we were all sitting in morgan's room. it was so much fun. lol. yeah, jonathan told this really weird riddle. we made up weird names for the characters. it went like this: bambi's friend jane's husband died. bambi went to his funeral. she saw a cute guy there. a week later, bambi's sister died and there was a funeral for her too. what happened and why? well, we all were really confused because jonathan told the story like 9 different times and all 9 times were slightly different. and we took like half an hour to try and come up with an answer. jonathan told us the answer that a psycho person would say. it was "bambi killed her sister so that she could see the cute guy again." because bambi thought that the cute guy showed up at all funerals. yah, it took we a while to understand yah, scary stories in the dark. lol. it was fun. =D yeah, then everyone left and my mom came to pick me up. morgan got my dad to help him with his physics problems for school, so i was there waiting for like 20 minutes, which wasn't bad...i'm not complaining. then i left and came home. yah, this weekend was a blast. i wanna do it again sometime. i can't wait to play the bass guitar tomorrow, er, today at church. =) well, better go to sleep. need to wake up pretty early tomorrow, er, today. in six hours. i'll live..i hope.-_-

posted by Gloria @ 1:07 AM