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in >this --diary-- welcome
welcome to in >this --diary--: a summer blog. take a look around, please.

September 15th, 2003
ah, well...this thing is started again and i'll just put off updating!
July 31st, 2003
updated shoutouts section. so check that out. check out my other site, coz i updated the layout. warped tour was today in DC. didn't go, but i heard it was "awesome" from susan. man...simple plan, rancid, ataris, less than jake, all american rejects...>_<
July 29th, 2003
added writings sections which is a collection of my writings.
July 28th, 2003
added quizes section
July 26th, 2003
got a guestbook. it's kinda crappy...o well...
changed the layout. hope eveyrone likes it.
July 25th, 2003
added shoutouts section
under "other" July 16th, 2003
added new pix to the photo album..chekc it out. iigh, pace.
July 13th, 2003
12:30 AM
added photo album. it's under other. updates on my blog are daily, so check that out.
July 8th, 2003
10:20 PM
well, posted the layout today, but didn't get a chance to make a spalsh image yet. work on that tomorrow
July 7th, 2003
2:05 PM
posted up some links to other pages on this site. it's only temporary, so bear with me here. i still need to make a good layout.
1:46 AM
Just starting up the site...not much to see here. Come back when I have a real layout made...