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in >this --diary-- photo album
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my bass
· bass_guitar_1 - my bass...

obx: aug 2002
· beach_1 - sunrise in obx
· beach_2 - sunrise in obx
· katie_1 - katie at sunrise in obx

church lock-in: oct. 2002
· lock-in_1 - from left to right: david, melvin, playing moo-cow...david being squaked like a turkey...
· lock-in_2 - jonathan pretending to not know who the moo-cow is...
· lock-in_3 - jonathan pretending to not know who the moo-cow is again...

field day : june 2003
· field day_1 - from left to right: alex, meredith, carmen, katherine...all decked out for field day.
· field day_2 - from left to right: me, mike, lutz behind us. he's the best!
· field day_3 - katerhine and her blue ribbon for winning the pin drop for our team.
· field day_4 - our team doing tug-of-war...we won that round...
· field day_5 - katherine in the cafeteria during homeroom...before field day started...
· field day_6 - from left to right: adrianne, suzy, amy, anne, katherine. this is after field day, watching the slideshow, having drinks...

friends : 2003
· biz_n_me - biz and me in english on the second to last day of skool
· guys_1 - from left to right: pyster, jimmy, mark, and philip aka dead guy