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in >this --diary-- shoutouts

elias: hey! although i've never really met you in person and i've only known u for a couple months, i feel like we've become very close friends. ur always there when i really need to rant and rave about how much life sucks or the next guy i like. thanx for always being there. always making me laugh, making me feel better. you are a real friend.

katherine: hey sarah! lol! wow, we've been through a lot together in our two years in middle school. everything from tests and quizzes to bus rides home and twenty questions. lol. we have so many good memories. we will always be bus buddies, i hope. i can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, including getting me hooked to banana boat and ed. you are a great friend.

jonathan: hey big bro! u are like my big brother. i can tell you anything and you're always supportive. you have listened to me go on and on about meaningless things and have not complained once. that takes skills. =P you always make me laugh, especially when im having a bad day. you are a great brother in Christ and im am truely going to miss you when you go off to college in the fall. promise to visit every once in a while and keep in touch. i wish you the best of luck in college.

katie l.: where do i begin??? lol. i remember when we first became friends. in history class last year when mr. ahern said "sydney poitier" and i yelped. lol. the whole class was staring and i was bright red. lol. well, after taht we were like best friends. i had SOOO much fun last year at the beach and i hope its the same again this year. it will be better! we have so many good memories watching movies and just fooling around! TWINS!!! hahaha. remember i made you watch someone like you 5 times in one day with me?? that is true friendship right there. lol. remember the flipflops at 7-eleven. hahahaha. that was hilarious! ah, you are the best kind of friend anyone can have! TWINS FOR LIFE! =P

TONEZZ: o dear...hahahaha. your my hero! lol. i owe you big time for that one night i made you say up all night. me you and katie. lol. man, i was so freaked out taht night. NEVER WATCH THE EXORCIST!!! and yet you almost did with ur brother. lol. you freak! man, you are probably one of the best friends i've had in a while and i think we are going to have even more fun in high school. if we make it there, lol. man, tone...we are always bored together. lol. crazy bored. hahaha. ur always eating somehting too! hahaha. always playin CS or Eating. too bad u have tutors this summer =/ poor tonez. i say that alot. lol. i can't wait to see you again..whenever that will be!

gini bear: ah, i have known you...forever? lol. man, you are ALWAYS there for me whenever...seriously...through my crushes and heart breaks. and for good music, ur always the one i turn to. lol. you always reassure me with wutever crap i am going thru and i can always tell you wuts going on. you always help with html and graphic design or wutever my site needs. lol. we have had some great memories. you always know what im thinking no matter what. its kind of scary...hahaha. but its good to have a friend like you. you always support me. thanks for caring. ah, thanx again for the greaat music and for introducing me to taking back sunday and sugarcult. they rock! here's your longer shoutout! lol. man, we have so many good memories! lol. at retreats...wherever...remember when we went to buy morgan all those facial products. lol! that was hilarious. lol. man, we should hang out more often!!! we never get to hang out together. boo! lets do something soon! before the "s" word starts again! luv ya!!

timko: hmmmmmmmm...D2? lol. yeah, thats what i thought. ah, thanks for everything, including being the human pillow at the retreat. although you are boney, you are still comfee. thanks for...helping me with my computer coz it's so damn old. lol. thanks me madd songs when i needed em. thanks for giving me Dead AIM twice and Kazaa Lite when my downloaded versions didn't work. thanks for...talking to me when i was going through that whole thing with that guy from school and me freaking out coz i didn't know how to talk to start a conversation with him and i was scared i'd never meet him since it was the last week of school. lol. that was quite a dramatic time. lol. thanks for all taht and more tim!

mayline: ah, life revolves around music, lol! ah, hmm...i don't know how many things i gotta thank you for, but it's a long list...we have some good memories. remember the koo chung concert? and the "road trip" to penn for the allentown retreat? lol. that was lots of fun with eric and pauline too! ah, good memories. thanks for so many things. songs to download, sending me songs over AIM, talking when i just needed to let it all out, just being a great friend...all of those things...thanks. and a BIG HUGE thanks in advance for help in high school! coz i know i'm going to need it! lol. *if i make it there* thanks for being supportive whenever i need the support. thanks for being a great sister in Christ.

jeffrey: hey! its been...a while. lol. i hope u acknoledge that ur the smartest kid in the world! because you really are. i mean, all those math classes and thoes GT classes...geez...ah, good luck in TJ! you'll have amanda there to help you out and get around the school i hope! lol. i get if you try out for football, you'll make it! thanks for taking me to the movies that one time! lol. no one showed up! boo! well, they all suck! hahaha, jk! it was fun anyways, though. i hadn't seen you in forever so it was nice to catch up. man, that movie sucked and i was about to fall asleep but it was too cold in the theater. lol. i hope you liked it and i hope you had fun. we should do that again sometime. man, we have so many memories. remember elementary school and sacc? lol. those were the days! ah, call me up sometime or something, okay? keep in touch!

cathy: heyy! wow, we've known each other since...kindergarten? yeah, i think so...well, wow, we've only been good friends since sixth grade or so though. dang...well, i hope your summer's been good. had fun in the dominican republic? i hope you did. we have soo many good memories and some sad ones, like megan leaving for the philippenes. =[ but atleast we still keep in touch with her once in a while. we are movie buddies! remember in seventh grade when i counted down the days until vanilla sky opened? lol. and then it turned out to be extremely confusing. i was so lost. lol. many kudos to your aunt who took us. that was a fun night. we have to watch another movie again. man, i hope we're in a lot of the same classes in langley. i know we weren't on the same team this year and barely got to talk, but i hope things are different next year. we'll be friends either way though. thanks for being a great friend.

Eric: Hey! Wow, I really haven't known you for that long, but it seems like I've known you for longer. It's been really great getting to know you and talking to you online. That "road trip" to Allentown was lots of fun. I hope we can do that again next year! Well, I'm sure your going to do great in college. There's no doubt about that. I hope you have fun too, because that's important. Always keep music in your life and always make time to watch movies. Like you said, it's too bad that you didn't meet us (the church) earlier because now you have to go to college, but you can always come back and visit us. I'm sure everyone in the youth group is as glad as I am that we got a chance to meet you and get to know you. You are one of the most talented people I know. Your amazing at both the guitar and the bass guitar. Maybe you could show me some stuff sometime. Well, I hope I get to see you before you go off to college! Good luck buying all your college stuff!

David Choi - That Girl.mp3