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a long apology a long apology

Stop and just listen to me.
Just hear me out
and I'll leave you be.
I say, I've made some mistakes.
And I made one big one
the other night.
But if I've gotta fight
With all I've got,
With all my might,
I'll never leave
You. Ever.

You're all I've got.
No one and nothing
Ever sold or bought,
Could ever replace you
Could ever be you
For you are you.
And the only one I want.
The only one I need.
I could never live without
You are my life.
I can't just leave that.
You know, I love you.
And I'm sorry that I hurt you.
But now that you are hurt, so am I.
So, please, reconsider
For life will never be the same
And I could never live another day