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may 26//*03                                       11:35 am

<3 hey! wow i havent blogged in.. 6 days. whoa, weird. well, a lot happened yesterday. i guess i'll fill ya in:

well, yesterday, me, jen, and cate went to friendlys for lunch. first we met at cates house and we walked there, then we ate lunch and walked to jens. we didnt invite danielle, and she got all pissed, and she said she was crying in her room most of the day. god. she didnt come to friendlys with us. big whoop. anyways, danielle was all upset, and we told her we were sorry, and she was like I DONT LIKE BEING DITCHED and all this other shit. heres part of her and cates conversation last night (cate sent it to me..)

danielle [10:54 PM]: so anyway, what happened this afternoon
cate [10:55 PM]: i dont know
danielle [10:55 PM]: what do u mean?
cate [10:55 PM]: umm what do you mean
danielle [10:55 PM]: friendly's
cate [10:56 PM]: okay jen told me that you're really pissed at me and i dont get why its just me but here goes....
cate [10:57 PM]: jen said can we go to friendly's today? and im like okay so when my mom came home i asked her and she said yeah so they met me here and we walked there then i went to my cousins house
cate [10:58 PM]: dan?
danielle [10:59 PM]: seems like everyone's stories r differeing
cate [10:59 PM]: what the fuck is going on
cate [10:59 PM]: jens telling me its all my fault
cate [10:59 PM]: wow
cate [10:59 PM]: can we just forget it?
danielle [11:03 PM]: i just wanna know what happened
cate [11:04 PM]: what happened was we went to friendly's! big deal!!!! it was one time that you didn't come with us. you missed one time eating lunch with us, forget it
danielle [11:04 PM]: thats not y i care!
cate [11:04 PM]: then why do you care
danielle [11:05 PM]: cuz i just wanna no what happened somehow i didn't get invited!

...this was by far the stupidest reason to fight with someone, ever. jeez. danielle has some major issues, sorry to say. and danielle, if you're reading this: sorry, but you were overreacting. i agree with cate. i mean seriously, you dont have to do everything with us. ur like a fucking little kid! its not that big of a deal! if it was me, i probably wouldnt even have said anything, but then again, i let people step all over me sometimes. anyways, onto some other important parts of the conversation...

cate [11:11 PM]: and if you can't just forget about this one little mistake we made, then maybe you're the one who's overreacting and maybe you should try hanging out with someone else who doesn't make any mistakes

i liked that line. go cate! whoohoo. score one for the freckled team! well, im wandering off the subject of danielle and onto cates cousins.. they are so unbelievably funny. why is my family so damn boring?

well, last night cate was at her cousins house, and her cousin steve kept calling. hes really funny. oh god, and they called danielle (why does everything im talking about today have something to do with danielle?)and left this wierd message, so she called back since she has caller id, and was annoying the hell out of steve cuz it was his cellphone she was calling on. so he was like cursing her off, it was so funny. danielle must have had a pretty bad day yesterday. (haha too bad) well, i gotta go. ttyl x0x


may 20//*03                                       9:53 pm

<3 ew omg i blogged at the same exact time yesterdayyy!! thats wierd. thats really wierd. ok, well... update on health project: we are now not doing a talk show because one person cant come, so we did our individual projects. what'd i tel ya? no one evveerr listens to me. but anyways, i just finished, so no biggie. i just didnt do a poster and i think everyone else did but who cares? NOT ME. im so sick of school, i cant wait til summer. well, onto new subject matter...

i got my hair cut today! it doesnt look much different even though i got 2 inches cut off, but the lady did a good job. she took like 45 minutes blowing it out and it came out PERFECT. i cant do that. toooo bad. i dont have that much time to work on my hair in the morning. i usually only have like 20, 25 minutes tops.

hmm... someone looked sexy today. and i cant tell you who he iiiss. i betcha wanna know, huh? too bad. actually u probably dont really give a shit, but i was so won over by him today i like couldnt talk. well.. i guess i'd better go. im gonna try and finish a page i've been working on, and a layout for another page im working on. they should be up soon, but ya never know. im kinda slow at this. ttyl x0x


may 19//*03                                       9:53 pm

<3 a word from my friend cate:
did you know that sex burns 360 calories an hour?

-x-love, us*

may 19//*03                                       8:35 pm

<3 hey. omfg im so overwhelmeddd. i have 2 chapter tests tomorrow, like 4 other long-term projects due, and a group health project due on wednesday that we havent even started except for researching. everyones making it so fucking complicated! we just have to make a short speech in front of the class, but everyone wants to do a video b/c they are afraid to talk in front of the class, but we dont have time to do a fucking video cuz we didnt write the script yet and we cant write it tonight cuz we're not sure if everyone can even come, and tomorrow we cant even start filming the video until 6 and THIS ISNT GONNA FUCKING WORK. whoa. had to get that out. i wouldnt even think it was that big of a deal if it wasnt for the fact that i failed my last test in that class and if i dont get a good grade on this project im gonna like fail the class. actually if i dont get an A+ on this project im gonna like fail the class. i was calculating it, and so far this marking period we've had TWO, count em, TWO, grades, besides class participation. and i know im not gettin a good grade in class participation because i never raise my hand. i mean you cant exactly blame me, its sex ed we're talking about here. i dont really enjoy raising my hand and answering questions about "sexual intercourse" and the parts of the male and female reproductive systems. shit this is long. sorry im just kinda venting here. well thats it for today.. i'll let u go i know im boring ya. ttyl x0x


may 18//*03                                       6:36 pm

<3 we won 4-1!! yay!! we even played short- there were only 11 people there from the start of the game and then 2 people got hurt, but they felt better and went in a little later. whoohoo go comets! whoa... i never blog twice in one day. ahh im getting my hair cut on tuesday... scccarrry. the hairdressers always cut off like 5 inches more than u want them to. well ill let u go.. nothing else real interesting happened today. i'll try and get the pics site up but it could take a while. thanxx <3ya


may 18//*03                                       1:49 pm

<3 hey. holy shit i havent blogged in a while. well.. new layout! its not finished yet- but i got a lot of the bugs out. tomorrows my parents anniversary and i havent gotten them anything yet!! i need ideas! got another soccer game today- go comets! we're 3-1-1.. ;( we had such a winning streak and then we lost the other day and tied yesterday. oh well, at least we won a few games. im not even gonna start on last years record... well, to say the least, we've definitely improved since then. or maybe the other teams just suck. well gtg im leaving soon and the phones ringing. i'll blog later with the rest of my day and how the game went. bbl lyall

p.s. i gotta fix the layout so if you dont see it or if theres something wrong with it, please email me. thanx so much! ill probably get a guestbook up here soon too, so when its up sign it and tell me whatcha think.
