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Compiled by B. Alan Walton

#1 --- In his book "MYSTERIES OF ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA", Harold T. Wilkins relates the following information, which appears on page 176:

    "Fuentes, who lived about A.D. 1689, and wrote an unpublished manuscript history of Guatemala, speaks of the amazingly large and ancient towns -- inhabited by an unknown and long vanished race -- found there by the conquistadores.


He says:

    "The marvelous structure of the tunnels (subterranean) of the pueblo of Puchuta, being of the most firm and solid cement, runs and continues through the interior of the land for the prolonged distance of nine leagues to the pueblo of Tecpan, Guatemala. It is a proof of the power of these ancient kings and their vassals."

    “He gives no hint of the uses to which these amazing tunnels - more than thirty miles long, on the basis of the old Castellón league - were built by these ancient races of old America.

    “It may be, too, that the great tunnel of the Incas had a branch - an underground way leading under the forests - eastwards of Cuzco, in the very direction taken by Inca Tupac Amaru, his army and his host of camp-following refugees, in the late sixteenth century? 

    “May be, the fleeing Peruvians vanished into these mysterious tunnels and left only the whispering leaves of the trees of the dense green forests, as mute witnesses to their secret exits?"






#2 --- This following Indian tradition appears on pages 8 and 14 of "YUPA FOLKTALES", by Johannes Wilbert:

    "The Yupa Indians, who live on the Sierra de Perija mountain range of Venezuela, have their own legend of the underworld:

    "Below the plane of the earth, according to Pariri cosmology, there exists an underworld inhabited by a race of dwarfs - the Pipintu. The Indians claim to have obtained their knowledge of this place through the eye-witness account of a man who, trapped in a funerary cave, managed to escape by way of the entrance to this underworld... the natural environment of the Land of the Dwarfs does not differ markedly from the Yupa habitat on earth... They are friendly, honest, peace-loving people..."




#3 --- In his book, "SECRET CITIES OF OLD SOUTH AMERICA", Harold T. Wilkins gives an interesting account of a lake that is often worshiped by the native inhabitants of Columbia. The story appears on pages 201-202 of his book:

    "The temples and sanctuaries most celebrated of all the Mosca (Muysca or Chibcha) nation of the province of Nueva Granada, were those of Sogamoso, Bogota and Chia, the lake of Fuquene, and the lake of Guatavita, that is distant two leagues from that pueblo, between very high hills; with so much beauty and so level a formation has Nature created it, that the water stretches for more than a league around. It is so very deep and so crystalline and limpid that a straw that fell into it sent out circles even to the edges of the strand...    “Humboldt visited the mystic lake, about 1830. I have already given his impression (in a page,




supra). Eight years later, Captain Charles Stuart Cochrane, R.N., was there, and he tells a very interesting story:

    “'An old Spaniard, sounding in the centre of the lake, drew up with the lead a small branch of a tree, in the mud round which was a golden image, worth 100 dollars. About the summit of the cone which forms the lagoon is an ancient Indian road, now quite neglected and overgrown with brushwood and trees.

    “'On the edge of the cone we saw two of the sepulchres of the caciques, hewn out of sandstone rock. And there is said to be a cave connected with the worship of the Lagoon of Guatavita, at the entrance of which is said to have once been standing two golden figures, large as life. A Spanish soldier, who first wandered to the place, cut off one of the fingers, when he was seen and attacked by natives. He was wounded and hardly made his escape.

    “'Having told what he had seen to a large body of Spaniards, they went well armed to the spot, but found neither figures nor cave. The Indians, hearing that a strong force was on the way, cleverly stopped up the cave and threw the golden statues into the lake.

    “'And as that lake is 1,000 yards wide and very deep, those gold statues have never been found!'"




#4 --- The book "THE MYSTERIES OF THE ANDES", by Robert Charroux, contains an unusual story about two Venezuelan volcanoes which have been subjected to secret scientific investigations. Page’s 106-108 has the following:

    "The Agartha, that mysterious underground



kingdom that, according to the writer Ossendowski, lies under the Himalayas, is now in South America

if we are to believe certain traditions. It was perhaps this South American Agartha that Harry Gibson, a Venezuelan pilot, saw during a routine flight in 1964, at the bottom of two craters in the jungle somewhere between the Sierra Maigualida and the Orinoco River.

    “It is a strange story, and one would be tempted to place it in the same category as reports of imaginary kingdoms -- El Dorado, Paititi, Moricz's tunnel - if it had not been taken very seriously by two respected archaeologists, David Nott Rofi Liverpool and Charles Brewer Carias of Caracas, assisted by Venezuelan Air Force and ten scientists from different nations.

    “The craters are near the sources of the rivers Caura and Ventuari, and two mountains known as Pava and Masiati, at the edge of the Sierra Pacaraima. The volcanoes have been extinct for thousands... of years, so scientists hope to find plant and animal life in them that has long since disappeared from the rest of the world.

    “In January 1974 a first three-member team went down into one of the craters, about a thousand feet deep and twelve hundred feet wide. They brought back living plants and animals of species that were either unknown or had been thought extinct since the Mesozoic.

    “The two craters are connected by an underground passage nearly a mile long. According to unverified rumors, it is still in use, because traces of recent activity were found in it.

    “So much for the openly announced part of the discovery. The most important results are being kept secret by the Venezuelan scientific authorities, for mysterious reasons. This secrecy has given rise to private inquiries among the



people living in surrounding mountains, whose local names are Jaua-Jidi and Sari Inama-Jidi. Fantastic legends concerning the mystery of the two craters have been gathered...

    “The region of Jaua-Jidi is a dense, very sparsely inhabited forest. It has been difficult for Venezuelan investigators to make contact with the primitive people who live there. They shun outsiders, speak an unknown language and do not understand Spanish. Half-breeds from the town of Esmeralda, on the Orinoco, have been able to approach them, however.

    "’Strange people wearing strange clothes have been seen several times in the forest of Jaua-Jidi,’ one of them reported. ‘They seem unwilling to approach the Indians and they venture only a short distance away from the craters. Their skin is the color of yellowed ivory; they have big eyes, like a jaguar's, and long hair of different colors. They seem fearful and run away whenever they hear an unusual sound. They are thought to live at the bottoms of the craters and in vast underground rooms, with secret entrances in the forest.’

    “Other reports would seem to indicate that the people of the ‘Kingdom of Two Craters’ are in almost constant contact with space beings, but it should be pointed out that sightings of flying saucers are more common in Central and South America than any where else in the world.

    “The Indians of the forest say that at night the trees on the rim of each volcano are illuminated by a soft green light that apparently comes from the bottom. Occasionally something that looks like a ‘little round airplane’ comes out of the darkness, enters the green halo and disappears into the volcano.

    “Two or three nights before David Nott, Brewer Carias, G. Dunsterville and their companions came




to the site, intensified activity by the flying ‘things’ was observed. They were as numerous as a swarm of bees but, perhaps because of their distance from the observers, they flew without making any discernible sound.

    “The Indians felt that the strange people were receiving heavy reinforcements, or else that they were moving out before the archaeologists came. In any case they left little trace of their presence in the underground passages, but enough to give convincing evidence that their existence is not a myth. The Indians believe that the ‘Kingdom of Two Craters’ extends under the mountains and that, for the time being, its entrances are tightly closed.

    “In Lima Zizi Ghenea told me that a little forest of trees extinct everywhere else grew inside the caves and the craters, and that in it lived animals from the Tertiary.

    “What is strange about the whole affair, in which legend is mingled with fact, is the Venezuelan governments’ inexplicable silence and secrecy in which the expedition's report has been kept.




#5 --- Page 119 of Harold Osborne's book "SOUTH AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY", tells of one of the legends of the Tupari Indians, who live up the Rio Branco (or Parima) river. This river eventually merges with the Rio Negro and is to be found in the upper Mato Grosso region of Brazil. A young Swiss ethnologist, Franz Casper, learned of the following Tuparian tradition when he visited the tribe in 1948:

    "...Long ago there were no Tupari or other men. Our ancestors lived under the ground where the sun never shines... Then the men began to stream out in great hordes... Many men remained inside the earth.




They are called 'Kinno' and still live there.

    “One day, when (most of) the people of the earth have died, the Kinno will come out of the ground here. But the men whom Aroteh had let out of the earth did not find room in the same place. We Tupari remained here, the others wondered far away in all directions. They are our neighbors: the Arikapu, Yabuti, Makurap, Arua, and all other tribes."




Similar legends can be found on pages 265-266 of Daniel G. Brinton's book, "MYTHS OF THE NEW WORLD":


    "...This cavern, which thus lingered in the memories of nations, frequently expanded to a nether world, imagined to underlie this of ours, and still inhabited by beings of our kind, who have never been lucky enough to discover its exit.

    “According to a myth extensively disseminated among the Caribs, Arawacks, Warraus, Carayas and other South American tribes, in the beginning of things sky and earth were as one, and man abode within the earth in a joyous realm, where death and disease were unknown, and even the trees never rotted but lived on forever.

    “One day the ruler of that happy realm walking forth discovered the surface of the world as we know it, but returning warned his people that though sunlight was there, so also were decay and death. Some, however, went thither, and the present unhappy race of men are their descendants, while others dwell in gladness far below..."




#6 --- Pages 90-91 of Harold T. Wilkins' book,



"SECRET CITIES OF OLD SOUTH AMERICA", carries a story of a strange underground city beneath northern Brazil:


    "The dead cities of gold and mystery lie, as one has said, round the littoral of the old Maranon-Amazon basin, and on the uplands of proto-South America. Many of the expeditions to one region of the unknown, both European and American... and including that of the lost explorer Irwin have been to the little known territory, watered by the branch of the Amazon tributaries, lying between Obidos and Santarem on the west, and Almereiran on the east, at the embouchure of this mighty waterway. Out of this terra incognita will one day come some startling discoveries. In these, an airship or multi-engined aeroplane will play a valiant part, as the Latin-Americans would say.

    “Somewhere in the north of this region, running from the slopes of mostly unknown and unexplored sierras of the Tumac-Humac and the Parairaima, is a great prehistoric highway known as the Inca Way. It apparently linked this territory of gold, gems and ancient mysteries with what was later the Inca Empire of Quito and Cuzco.

    “Dense bush and far-spreading forests and jungles, beset with fierce Indians who use blow-pipes and poisoned arrows, cover up much of this ancient imperial highway, whose makers may be coeval with the old Atlantean empire of South America (many of these ancient highways were built long before the Inca civilization came into existence).

    “Deep within this region, at a point where a number of affluents merge, and on the fringes of that mysterious land of Oyapoc where lived the Conoris, or white Amazons of Sir Walter Raleigh's day, is one of a number of dead cities of



megalithic date (Compare this following story with the account of another dead city in Chapter 1.).

    “The jungle Indians, who shun the place as taboo and sacred, say that gold ingots lie in the dust of the dead city. They say it has pillars in naves of ancient temples and great buildings, grey and weathered with extreme age, that blaze with gold and sacerdotal jewels.

    “Around the pillars and the friezes may be seen many hieroglyphic and bizarre letters of no known race. One of these dead cities, far within the forest, and near the slopes of the sierras, is approached by a great stairway of many steps going down, between walls of a towering cliff, to an immense cavern or subterranean.

    “The stairway is cut into the solid rock and is slippery with fungi and dripping with dank moisture.

    “As one nears the bottom of the stairway, which at this point is inscribed with strange glyphs, one hears the roaring of tumultuous waters. A rushing river goes underground through the middle of the subterranean into a tunnel of more than a mile in length. The roof comes down, and over the lip of a great crack in the rocks, the waters rush into a catadupa -- waterfall -- at the bottom of which is a maelstrom. None knows what lies beyond.

    “Clearly, the spot is very dangerous. It is probable that, beyond this tunnel, lies the dead city... which is said to be about three miles long. The story sounds like a South American version of one of the late Sir Rider Haggard's novels. Attempts have been made by daring explorers to find the way into the dead city, where, as said, is much gold and many rich jewels, but all have been baffled.

    “Within the subterranean approach there is a hole in the cavern floor at the bottom of which is




a quadrate-shaped chamber, clearly of man's make, in which round the walls are numbers of oblong niches. These niches are for four fifths of their height walled up with stones neatly laid on each other and cut by skilled masons."


Chapter 1 of the same book, pp. 23-24 carries a similar story:

    "...Here is an account of one in a remote region of Brazilian Guiana, which I take from a travel diary of my own:

    “‘I hear of a place where three streams unite and spread out in the waters of a large and deep lago (lake). I am told that some of the "rare plucked uns" among the New York Four Hundred, young men and pretty girls, have visited this place. One knows when one is in the neighborhood, for one hears, coming through the aisles of the deep forests, a roar of thunderous reverberations. It is one of the catadupas which frequently figure in the accounts of the travels of the hardy, valiant bandeiristas into the Geraes and the Goyaz and the Matto Grosso, in the eighteenth century.      “‘...Waters vanish over a lip of rock into a great cavity. Here, a great hole yawns in the earth. Close by, many lichened and grey stone steps of a very ancient stairway, ‘half as old as Time’, like the red rose city of Petraea, are cut in rock of black basalt. 

    “‘Reaching the bottom of this stairway, one is startled to find unknown glyphs, or, as they seem to be, ancient and unknown letters cut in the rock, which is dank with the spray of the falling waters. One passes into an immense cavern where the air is fresh and cool. Looking up, one sees that the roof is pierced with ancient ventilation shafts, as it might be of a Great Western railroad tunnel in the west of England. 




    “‘...Inside the great cavern, under an archway, one hears an underground stream roaring into the darkness, which is Stygian. No forest Indians will visit the place. But if one can obtain a canoe, one can paddle in the deep darkness to a point where the walls close in, and the roof comes down as in Edgar Allan Poe's Pit and the Pendulum, in the dungeons of the old Dominican Inquisition in Toledo. Dangerous eddies appear and white foaming waters roar over the brink of a whirlpool.

    “‘...One of the war-time frogmen might try his luck beyond, but he had better be accompanied!

    “‘...Off the main cave a labyrinth of passages branches out. It is anyone's guess what lies beyond the maze. But one passage leads into an eerie mausoleum. Here, in wall-niches around, human skeletons are walled up. Above each partition, however, peers a grinning skull!

    “‘Who are these guardians of this mysterious buaca? Why were they walled up, and when?  On a frieze, or fresco, over each skeleton, strange hieroglyphs are carved deeply in the rock, or they may be signs of some unknown and ancient syllabary. No one knows if this weird buaca contains hidden treasures, nor what purpose it served. The forest Indians whisper that, if one follows the right path through the maze of passages, one will finally emerge into the grey ruins of a city of the long dead.’”




In his book "THE COMING RACE", Edward Bulwer Lytton seems to support the idea of dead cities underground which have been abandoned by the ancient inhabitants thousands of years ago as they sought for other lands (above or below the surface) where they could re-settle.



    The following quote comes from chapter IX of his book:

    "...A band of the ill-fated race, thus invaded (had) taken refuge in caverns amidst the loftier rocks, and, wandering through these hollows, they lost sight of the upper world forever.

    “Indeed, the whole face of the earth had been changed by this great revolution; land had been turned into sea, sea into land. In the bowels of the inner earth even now, I was informed as a positive fact, might be discovered the remains of human habitation, -- habitation not in huts and caverns, but in vast cities whose ruins attest the civilization of races which flourished before the age of Noah (and perished with the flood), and are not to be classified with those genera to which philosophy ascribes the use of flint and ignorance of iron."




#7 --- Pages 1-6 of Erich Von Daniken's book, "THE GOLD OF THE GODS", tells of the remarkable discovery of a vast system of tunnels under Ecuador and Peru, which have only been little explored and which contain ancient treasures of a long vanished civilization:


    "...To me this is the most incredible, fantastic story of the century. It could easily have come straight from the realms of Science Fiction if I had not seen and photographed the incredible truth in person.

    “What I saw was not the product of dreams or imagination, it was real and tangible.

    “A gigantic system of tunnels, thousands of miles in length and built by unknown constructors at some unknown date, lies hidden deep below the



South American continent. Hundreds of miles of underground passages have already been explored and measured in Ecuador and Peru. That is only the beginning, yet the world knows nothing about it.

    “On July 21, 1969, Juan Moricz, an Argentine subject (resident), deposited a legal title-deed signed by several witnesses with Dr. Gustavo Falconi, a notary in Guayaquil. The deed sets out Moricz's claim to be the discoverer of the tunnels as far as the Republic of Ecuador and posterity are concerned. I had this document, which was written in Spanish, translated by a UN interpreter. I quote the most important parts of it at the beginning of this incredible story of mine:


"’Juan Moricz, Argentine citizen by naturalization, born in Hungary, Passport No. 4361689...

    "’I have discovered objects of great cultural and:-historical value to mankind in the Province of Morons-Santiago, within the boundaries of the Republic of Ecuador.

    "’The objects consist mainly of metal plaques inscribed with what is probably a resume of the history of a lost civilization, the very existence of which was unsuspected by mankind hitherto. The objects are distributed among various caves and are of many different kinds. I was able to make my discovery in fortunate circumstances ... In my capacity as a scholar, I was carrying out research into the folklore ... ethnological and linguistic aspects of Ecuadorian tribes...

    "’The objects I found are of the following kinds:

    "’1. Stone and metal objects of different sizes and colors.

    "’2. Metal plaques (leaves) engraved with signs and writing.

    “‘These form a veritable metal library which



might contain a synopsis of the history of humanity, as well as an account of the origin of mankind on earth and information about a vanished civilization.

    "’The fact of my discovery has made me the legal owner of the metal plaques and other objects in accordance with Article 665 of the Civil Code.

    "’However, as I am convinced that the objects, which were not found on my own land, are of incalculable cultural value, I refer to (the next article), according to which the treasure I discovered remains my personal property, but subject to State control.

    "’I beg you, most excellent President of the Republic, to appoint a scientific commission to verify the contents of this document and assess the value of the finds...

    "’I am prepared to show such a commission the exact geographical position and site of the entrance, as well as the objects I have discovered so far...’


    Moricz stumbled on the underground passages in June, 1965, during his research work, in which he was ably assisted by Peruvian Indians who acted as skillful intermediaries between him and their tricky fellow tribesmen. Being cautious by nature and skeptical as befitting a scholar, he kept silent for three years. 

    “Not until he had covered many miles of underground passages and found all kinds of remarkable objects did he ask President Velasco Ibarra for an audience in the spring of 1968. But the President of a country in which nearly all his predecessors had been deposed by rebellions before the expiry of their term in office, had no time for this lone wolf with his incredible tale of discovery. The palace flunkies found the obstinate




archaeologist very charming and assured him, after long delays, that the President would be glad to receive him in a few month's time, but Moricz was finally told he could not have an audience until 1969. Disillusioned and embittered he withdrew to his subterranean retreat.

    "The secret entrance to the hidden tunnel system, which is guarded by hostile Indians, is situated within the triangle formed by the three towns of Gualaquiza, San Antonio and Yaupi in the province of Morona-Santiago."




#8 --- Alexander Von Humboldt's book "VIEWS OF NATURE", carries an account of the subterranean cavities beneath Cajamarca, Peru on pp.412-413:

    "...Besides the family of Astorpilea, with whom I became acquainted in Caxamarca (now Cajamarca), the families of Carquaraicos and Titu-Buscamayea were, at the time I visited Peru, regarded as descendants of the Inca dynasty. The race of Buscamayea has since that time been extinct.

    “The son of the Cacique Astorpilea, an interesting and amiable youth of seventeen, conducted us over the ruins of the ancient palace. Though living in the utmost poverty, his imagination was filled with images of the subterranean splendor and the golden treasures which, he assured us, lay hidden beneath the heaps of rubbish over which we were treading. He told us that one of his ancestors once blindfolded his wife, and then, through many intricate passages cut in the rock, led her down into the subterranean gardens of the Inca. 

    “There the lady beheld, skillfully imitated in the purest gold, trees laden with leaves and fruit, with birds perched on their branches. Among other



things, she saw Atahualpa’s gold sedan-chair (una de las undas) which had been so long searched for in vain, and which is alleged to have sunk in the basin at the Baths of Pultamarca. The husband commanded his wife not to touch any of these enchanted treasures, reminding her that the period fixed for the restoration of the Inca empire (in 2023 AD, according to some sources/records!? - Branton) had not yet arrived...

    “Golden gardens, such as those alluded to (Jardines o huertas de oro), have been described by various writers who allege that they have actually seen them; viz., by Cieza de Leon, Parmento, Garcilaso, and other early historians of the Conquista. They are said to exist beneath the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, at Caxamarca, and in the lovely valley of Yucay, which was a favorite seat of the sovereign family."




#9A --- The following letter appeared on pages 168-171 of the June 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine. I will quote a section of it here:


"Sirs: ...In regard to the underground passages at Cuzco, I have been told again and again by natives and some foreign investigators that there are subterranean passages in the neighborhood of Cuzco which are still guarded. Men have actually been known to try to enter these passages and either disappear or turn up dead. Rather than attribute this to deros (this is not sarcasm, as I find Shaverism very much worthy of study) I would attribute it to the zeal of the Indians to guard the treasures of the past to which they feel they are rightful heirs.

    “Separately, someday, I hope to present a



treatise on why I believe the Treasure of the Incas exists today near Cuzco and that it could not be valued at much less than seventy-five millions of dollars, but that is a lengthy subject. There is much to support the possibility of the existence of the underground passages to which Mr. Hansen refers, because, among other evidences, it is known that the Incas had secret ways of traveling great distances under ground. A friend of mine (a Peruvian miner with twenty years of experience among the Quichua Indians in the Andean highlands) has actually discovered the entrance to one of these royal passages. 

    “The floor is paved with tile.  He wet back as far as he could go without suffocating. The air is too stale and there is considerable danger of cave-ins.  The Incas were very clever, but I don’t believe at all that they had the means to bore tunnels for thousands of miles through the mountains. Rather, if they covered such distances underground, it can only mean that their man-made passages were only entrances into a series of caverns. After earthquakes in the hills and in Lima (as long as twenty minutes after) you can sometimes hear subterranean rumblings, as though the sound were the result of subterranean landslides in deep caverns below.

    “Indeed one time in Lima I heard a subterranean landslide without the accompaniment of earthquake. The ground merely vibrated in a light and curious fashion for perhaps a minute, to the accompaniment of the muffled, subterranean sound of sliding rocks. Ask the Indians in the hills. They'll tell you at once about the rumblings under ground..." – Marx Kaye., Lima, Peru, S.A.






#9B --- The following letter appeared in the Feb. 1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on pages 164-165. This letter by Mr. Rhoden appeared right after Mr. (L. Taylor) Hansen's:


    “My dear Mr. Star:  In answer to your letter published in the December issue of AMAZING STORIES, I wish to answer the statements you make concerning my facts. You seem to think that I am not telling the truth, even though you graciously admit that I tell ‘lies with ability.’

    “First as to Pizarro's name. I doubt if I misspelled it. However, I have always thought it should be spelled with two z's as that would hiss so much better. I have never admired the swineherd turned conqueror. Living so much closer to the territory of his misdeeds, do you? Honestly? However, as the wish is so often the father of to the deed, it is possible I did misspell Pizarro. I do know better.

     Next, and the most important fact. You state: ‘There are no tunnels in Peru and never has the government looked for them. The legend about Atahualpa’s treasures is not as Mr. Gaddis relates it... The treasure, the most important being a golden chair, were hidden in some lake in the mountains and not in secret tunnels’.

    “I believe that a part of this statement refers to what I said and not to Mr. Gaddis. I admit of course, that parts of the treasures were hidden in lakes. However, part may have been hidden in secret tunnels for such tunnels do exist in Peru. For this statement I quote to you from no less authority than Dr, Wm. M. McGovern.

    “Dr. McGovern, author of ‘Jungle Trails and Inca Ruins,’ has the following qualifications: He is a Ph.D. from the University of London. Also Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Assistant




Curator of South American Ethnology in the Field Museum of Natural History, University of London, and the respected author of many books.

    “Concerning the tunnels in Peru, he has the following to say on page 438 of his entertaining ‘Jungle Trails’ while describing the ancient fortress Saksawaiman (or ‘Sachsahuaman’ - Branton):

    "’Near the fortress are several strange caverns reaching far into the earth. Here alters to the gods of the deep were carved out of the living rock, and the many bones scattered about tell of the sacrifices which were offered up. The end of one of these caverns, Chincana, has never been found. It is supposed to communicate by a long underground passage with the Temple of the Sun in the heart of Cuzco. In the cavern is supposed to be hidden a large part of the golden treasure if the Inca Emperors, which was stored away lest it fall into the hands of the Spaniards. But the cavern is so large and so complicated, and so manifold are its passages that its secret has never been uncovered.

    “‘One man indeed is said to have found his way underground to the Sun Temple, and when he emerged, to have two golden bars in his hand. But his mind had been affected by days of blind wandering in the subterranean caves, and he died almost immediately afterward.

    "’Since that time many have gone into the cavern never to return again. Only a month or two before my arrival the disappearance of three prominent people in the Inca cave caused the Prefect of the Province of Cuzco to wall in the mouth of the cavern, so the secrets and treasures of the Incas seem likely to remain undiscovered for the present.’

    “By his use of the words ‘said’ and ‘supposed’,



McGovern here keeps his facts separated from his theories, as the scientific mind should.

    “As Mr. Palmer so ably pointed out, in his answer to your letter, I try to be specific in my articles, and draw a sharp line between fact and theory, no matter how plausible the later may be. I envy you your residence in this land of Peru, which is apparently the site of man's first great civilizations.”

    --- L. Taylor Hansen


(Well, there's one answer to Mr. Star, and the next

letter is another! - Ed.) - [Note: The ‘editor’ of AMAZING STORIES at the time was Raymond A. Palmer, or ‘RAP’ - Branton]




#9C --- “Sirs:  I have read EVERY issue of AMAZING STORIES, since the middle of 1945. I have enjoyed the magazine very much, however, I think you publish too much bunk which you try to pass off as absolute truth.

    “In your December, 1947, issue you had a letter from a Mr. Marcial P. Star, of Lima, Peru. It seems that Senor Star is calling several of your authors ‘liars.’ I thought I might be able to shed some light on the controversy.

    “Please understand: I am not interested in anyone's opinions, I am only interested in facts.

    “I do not care to attest to the veracity of the statements of Messrs. Gaddis, Kaye, Hansen, etc. Nor do I wish to be interpreted that I am trying to make a ‘liar’ out of Senor Star. However, I believe that I may be able to offer information which you do not seem to have available.

    “I forgot just which tunnels Mr. Gaddis was referring to, however, in all fairness to Mr.




Gaddis, and to keep Senor Star's statement from being taken in the wrong light, I feel compelled to make the statement that THERE ARE CAVES IN PERU -– IN FACT, THERE IS EXCELLENT REASON TO BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE ALSO TUNNELS IN PERU!

    “Senor Star makes the affirmation that the Peruvian government has ‘never’ looked for said tunnels. I do not know whether they have or not. I do know, though, that the government does know they are in existence. I, too, have heard of the ‘falling stones.’  However, these sounds were heard in the vicinity of Cuzco!  These caves -- or, ‘tunnels’ -- are known to be in existence, the entrance of one is located on a hill about a quarter of a mile from Cuzco.

    “A number of years ago the government sealed up the entrance to this cave, after several persons had become lost after entering it. There is said to be several exits, of which at least one is supposed to be under the ‘church’ in Cuzco. It is said that the Incas used (these) tunnels to hide gold in while the Spaniards were searching for said gold... At least one expedition has entered this tunnel in search of the fabled gold. I believe that they had no luck whatever.

    “In proof of my assertions I offer the following: ‘Treasure and Treasure Hunting,’ and other books by Harold T. Wilkins; ‘Caves and Treasures in Latin America’ (I've forgotten the author's name).

    “At the time that I first heard of these caves I wrote to the Peruvian embassy in Washington, and to the American Geological Society, both of these sources informed me that such caves DO exist.

    “I have a list of books on the subject, none of which I have bothered to read. However, if there is still any doubt as to the existence of these caves I'll be glad to write an article for AMAZING




STORIES covering this subject.

    “I'll quote ONLY irrefutable evidence. As I said before, I am not interested in opinions -– I WANT FACTS!  I BELIEVE THAT I CAN OFFER PROOF.  ANYBODY INTERESTED?

    “--- Joseph R. Rhoden, Jr., 1244 North Dearborn St., Chicago 10, Ill.


    (Well, that ought to prove something! At least, we can definitely say that Shaver-type caves do exist in Peru -- that is, caves and tunnels built by an ancient race. - Ed.)" [Raymond A. Palmer., or, “R.A.P.”]




#9D --- One interesting legend which ‘may’ give a clue as to how the Inca race ‘originated’ into Peru, is recorded on page 42 of Harold Osborne's book "SOUTH AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY".  The legend/tradition is as follows:

    "...The first version tells of a cliff with three small cave mouths, or a building with three exits, about twenty miles from the present city of Cuzco (Peru). It was called Paccari-tambo (Inn of origin) or Tambotocco (place of the hole). In prehistoric times four brothers and four sisters, who were to be the founders of the Inca dynasty, emerged from the middle orifice. Their names and numbers are differently given. According to some versions the ancestors of other non-royal Inca clans emerged from the other two orifices."


Later on in this book, there is a particular legend which states that after the ancestors of the Incas emerged from the caves, they passed through two areas known as "Apitay" and "Huana Cauri" while on their way to the present city of Cuzco, which many




believe to be the ‘birthplace’ of the Inca civilization.




#9E --- The following letter appeared in the September, 1945 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on page 175:


“Sirs: Near the city of Cuzco stands an old Incan fort, Sacsahuaman. In one spot amidst the crumbling stones is a low dark opening leading into the bowels of the earth. In the year 1850 or '51, seven students of the Cuzco University entered the forbidding dark hole. That was the last that was ever seen of them. The authorities then ordered the entrance walled up..."

    --- Miss Eleanore Kramer., 1239 W. 32nd Pl., Chicago 8, Illinois




#9F --- Pages 95-96 of "THE MYSTERIES OF THE ANDES", by Robert Charroux, carries the following related story:


    "The mystery of socabons (tunnels and underground rooms) is not limited to South America, but in Peru it belongs to tradition in the same way as lost treasures, the Incas, and secret cities.

    “At Ilo, a rock bearing mysterious writing, now almost entirely effaced, is said to reveal the entrance to the socabon that leads to the lost world of the ancients. Powerful occult defenses protect the mysterious world, where gold and precious stones abound.

    “Such legends circulate all over the country, and the Peruvians are particularly fond of them. It




is said that a vast underground passage goes from Lima to Cuzco and that the ancient capital of the Incas is connected to the fortress of Sacsahuaman, which overlooks the city, by socabons forming a labyrinth in which the treasure of the Incas is hidden. I can readily believe in that secret sanctuary where Huascar, the last of the lawful Inca rulers, buried the wealth of his kingdom when the greedy Spaniards invaded the empire and crossed -- the devil knows how -- the ‘uncross able’ Andes.

    “The entrance to the labyrinth was in the Moyoc Marca, a kind of stronghold that rose from the center of the fortress. A priestly caste composed of members of the Council of Elders had charge of the underground city. The network of passages was so ingeniously designed that not even the king -- the Inca -- could go into the city without being guided.

    “The heart of the labyrinth was an immense cavern where an abundant spring had its origin."




#9G --- Pages 169-179 of Harold T. Wilkins' book, "MYSTERIES OF ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA", contain the following interesting statements:


    "...It was only, says Madame Blavatskey, by interpreting the mystic signs - invisible except when the sun's rays struck them at a certain angle, at a certain hour of the day, in the old Sun Temple of Cuzco - that one might learn the secret of the tunnels and how and where they might be entered.

    “One of the approaches to the great tunnels lay, and still lies, near old Cuzco, ‘but it is masked beyond discovery’.  This hidden approach leads into an immense ‘subterranean’, which runs from Cuzco to Lima, as the crow flies, a distance



of 380 miles!  Then, turning southwards, the great tunnel extends into what, until about 1868, was modern Bolivia, around 900 miles! 

    “At a certain point the tunnel cuts into and is intersected by a ‘royal’, inside which, with all the ingenuity employed by the old priestly architects and engineers of ancient Egypt, when they wished to trap tomb-robbers of the Pharaohs, thousands of years ago, the ancient Inca (?) engineers had contrived two cunningly arranged doors, consisting of two enormous slabs of carved stone, pivoted to turn and close so tightly that one can see not the faintest sign of crack or join.  In fact, their position can be discerned on the sculptured walls of the royal subterranean mausoleum only by reading secret signs whose key is in the possession of hereditary custodians (It is whispered that the old caste of custodians of these wonderful tunnels and their secrets, has not died out, even today, in 1945).

    “One of these pivoted, turning slabs, so cleverly sculptured and invisibly hinged, conceals the southern mouth of the branch of the tunnel leading to Lima. The other masks the southern entrance to the great tunnel to the former Bolivian end. This former Bolivian corridor (today located in Chili) runs southwards, passing through Tarapaca and Cobijo, which are in modern Chili. It must then turn eastwards, passing through or under the cordillera and, skirting the mysterious Atacama desert, of Northern Chili, itself... This Atacama desert (was) the home of curious remains of subterranean type, and even in the late seventeenth century rendezvous of a gang of pirates who call themselves ‘Brethren of the Black Flag’ (who) used five languages to hide their movements, and who left a bundle of musty and faced documents in code, found in 1934, in Santiago, about a cache they made



here, in this weird desert.  

    "...Tunnels and labyrinths have played a mysterious part in ancient civilizations in the regions of what may wrongly be called the older worlds of Asia and Europe and Africa. Who can say what the ancient priest-emperors of old Peru knew of, or had inherited, from these vanished civilizations which are not even a name, or more than a faint and ghostly shadow? An ancient tradition of Brahmanic Hindustan speaks of a large island of ‘unparalleled beauty’ which, in very ancient times, lay in the middle of a vast sea in Central Asia, north of what is now the Himalayas. A race of Nephilim, or men of a golden age, lived in the island, but there was no communication between them and the mainland, except through tunnels, radiating in all directions, and many hundreds of miles long.  These tunnels were said to have hidden entrances in old ruined cities in India -- such as the ancient remains of Ellore, Elephanta, and the Ajunta caverns in the Chandore range.

    "...A startling clue, gained in a very peculiar and romantic manner, to one of the purposes of these mysterious tunnels, and which is directly concerned with the mysterious stone city in the Lancandones territory, of which I have written elsewhere, came in the course of a chance talk between a very old Peruvian -- a Quichua Indian -- and the same well-known mystic and American woman traveler, the late Madame Helena P. Blavatskaya (also spelled ‘Blavatsky’ - Branton), who, as one sees, was journeying through the mountains of Peru, in 1851 or 1853. The old Peruvian had passed all his life vainly trying to conceal his hatred toward the official Peruvians, and the Spanish conquerors. He called them brigands.

    "’I keep friends with them, these bandidos’" he said, ‘and their Catholic missionaries, for the




sake of my own people.  But I am as much a worshiper of the sun as if I had lived in the days of our murdered emperor, the Inca Atahualpa. Now, as a converted native and missionary, I once took a journey to Santa Cruz del Quiche (in Western Guatemala), and, when there, I went to see some of MY people by a subterranean passage leading into a mysterious city behind the cordilleras. Herein, it is death for any white man to trespass...’


“Said Madame Blavatskaya:


"’We believe his story, as it is corroborated, elsewhere, by Stephens in his Travels. Besides, a man who is about to die will rarely stop to invent idle stories.’

    "...One day, says the Indians, the wheel of life, or cycle of events, will come full circle, and the ancient people will return and re-introduce a golden age. (As one has seen, millennial prophecies of this kind are common all over the regions where the ‘Atlantean’ Central and South American empire once held sway.)"




#9H --- Pages 163-164 of "Mysteries of Ancient South America", by Harold T. Wilkins, also carries the following story of an Incan treasure hoard below Cuzco:

    "...In the archives at Cuzco, I have seen an old, yellowed parchment, insect-bitten, as is the way in these countries, written by one Felipe de Pomares. He tells a romantic story about a Inca hoard of Arabian Nights' splendor and variety, sealed up somewhere in or under the ancient fortress of Cuzco, on the Sachsahuaman Hill.

    “Carlos Inca, a descendant of an Inca emperor,



had married a Spanish lady, Dona Maria Esquivel, who did not think he was ambitious enough on getting on as he ought, and did not keep her in the style she deemed befitting her rank, or his descent from kings.

    "’You may call yourself Inca -- a lord, or hidalgo -- but you are only a poor Indian,’ she one day twitted him.

    “Carlos, who did not rule his poultry run in the way advised by old Spanish hidalgos, or, yesterday, by ex-Wilhelm II, Rex et Imperator of Prussia and the German Reich, that is, as cock of the walk, was content to keep oviedos (sheep) and alpacas, and not worry about gold of any origin.

    “She somehow found out that he knew where great treasures were hidden. The poor Carlos was plagued, night and day, until, to gain a night's peace, he consented to blindfold his wife, and, later at night, led her out into the patio of the old hacienda.

    “Under the cold light of the stars, when all around were asleep, and no unseen eye was on the watch, he took her by the shoulders, and, although she was exposing him to serious risk of prison, or torture in Cuzco, twirled her round three times. Then, deeming she had become disoriented, he led her down some steps into a concealed vault in or under the fortress (the ancient Inca fortress of ‘Sachsahuaman’).

    “He removed the bandages, and Dona Maria's tongue for once was silenced. She stood on the dusty, stone floor of an ancient vault cluttered with gold and silver ingots, exquisite jewelry, and temple ornaments. Round the walls, ranged in fine gold, were life-size statues of long dead and gone Inca kings. Alone, the golden image of the Sun, on which the old Incas set the greatest store, was missing; but the lovely goldsmiths' work was of the



same artistic creation as the gold and jeweled plants and flowers which the Peruvian workers made for those wondrous gardens on the isle of Puna, in the northern part of the old Empire (modern gulf of Guayaquil), where the Incas retired to hear the melancholy music of the Pacific combers on the beaches below.

    “Don Carlos was the custodian of the secret, and from him it passed to a successor. As Mr. Squier, one time U.S. Commissioner in Peru, said in 1870: ‘All I can say is if that secret chamber she had entered has not been found and despoiled, it has not been for want of digging... Three hundred years have not sufficed to eradicate the notion that enormous treasures are concealed within the fortress of Cuzco.  Nor have three hundred years of excavation, more or less constant, entirely discouraged the searchers for tapadas, or buried treasure mounds.’

    “Even today, in 1945, the secret of that vault under the Sachsahuaman hill may still remain locked up in the breast of some descendant of the Inca. The last man of whom I heard in search of these treasures, was one Tito Cusi Ticcapato, said to have Inca blood in his veins.  It was in 1928, and he planned to accompany an American expedition to quarter another ancient hill near Cuzco, where he said the lost caches lie.

    “He was also an inventor and sought for Inca gold to promote and exploit his creations.  What struck his imagination, as he said, was ‘the fact, senores, that the old Incas wall-papered their houses with thin sheets of beaten gold’".




#10 --- Page 52 of the November, 1954 issue of FATE 




magazine carried the following story about a mysterious ‘gate to the unknown’:


"In March, 1954, a French Jesuit priest in Sorata, Bolivia, told a strange story of an exploring trip he had made in the cavern of San Pedro, on 20,000 foot Mount Illampu of the Andes chain (just east of Lake Titicaca).

    “The cavern must be entered on all fours through a narrow passage which widens after a few yards and leads into an immense cavern filled with stalagmites and stalactites. At one end of the cavern is a subterranean lake.

    “The French priest claimed to be the first person to cross to the far end of the lake. After several hours of rowing a small boat by artificial light, he related, the cave narrowed and gave way to a trail barred by an enormous gate of wrought iron. The grille, he said, bore all the characteristics of 17th Century Spanish ironwork.

    “The priest tried unsuccessfully to break through the barrier. He was eager to see what lay beyond, but he had to return to Sorata without solving the mystery."




#11 --- Pages 35-39 of Eric Norman's book, "The Under-People", contains the following interesting statements:


    "...There are many equally fascinating, and unsubstantiated, stories of subsurface tunnels in South America. Brazil has long been a hot point of inner earth belief, and several organizations devoted to its perpetuation maintain active chapters in the country’s major cities. The discovery of a new hole in the ground, a strange



cave, or an ancient temple will send a frantic horde of hollow earth investigators pouring into the locale. I have corresponded with several of these groups. Some of their letters read like the frantic scribbling’s of madmen. Others are rational, well written and fascinating, even if they are a bit bizarre. A sampling of this South American correspondence includes:


    "...The well-known English explorer, Colonel Fawcett, disappeared in the jungles several years ago. He was searching for a tunnel entrance into the subterranean world in the Roncador Mountains when he disappeared. He was not killed by Indians. He is living in a cavern city beneath the Roncador mountains. His son, Jack, is also with him. They are well treated, but they are not allowed to return to the surface because they would reveal the location of the entrance.

    "The entrance to the cavern city is carefully guarded by the Murcego Indian tribe. They are a ferocious, dark-skinned tribe with a highly developed sense of smell. You must obtain their approval before you can enter into the caverns. However, if they decide you are not worthy to share the secret, they will seldom allow you to return to civilization.

    "There is a legend that the subterranean cities were originally constructed by the survivors of Atlantis. We don't know whether the present inhabitants are the descendants of the Atlanteans, or whether they died and there were other races who eventually wandered into the cavern cities and settled there amid peaceful surroundings, abundance and happiness...


“Another correspondent writes:

    "’ first I scoffed at such stories about



mysterious tunnels and an alien civilization beneath the surface... I joined an inner earth group for the simple enjoyment of discussing outlandish ideas in a humorless, serious manner.  Gradually, I became interested by the considerable volume of circumstantial evidence. I now believe the earth is absolutely honeycombed by a web of tunnels that run beneath the continents, under the oceans, and these passageways link the subterranean cities of the inner world.

    "’...There are many reports concerning a vast tunnel called the 'Roadway of the Incas' which has an entrance somewhere in Peru. It runs south for more than a thousand miles (and according to others was actually built by an even more ancient race, yet were discovered and utilized by the Inca later on. - Branton).

    “‘There is another entrance to this fabulous tunnel in the Desert of Aticamba in Chile. The 'Highway of the Incas' passes under Cuzco, the legendary city in Peru. There is another smaller, but very well hidden entrance to the tunnel in the mountains near Machu Picchu, which is capital city of the first and last Inca emperor. It is called ‘The Lost City of the Incas' and was not discovered until 1911 by an American, Hiram Bringham. It is considered the 'Eighth Wonder of the World.'

    "’Everything at Machu Picchu is an excellent preservation... there are more than to hundred buildings constructed from white granite... fountains... shrines... and gigantic stairways carved from a single massive boulder...

    "’...This was a thriving city. It is intact except for the thatched roofs of the houses having deteriorated over the centuries... and, the doors are missing... it is as if the inhabitants selected a single day and mysteriously vanished. Did they enter the “Highway of the Incas” and migrate to the




inner earth?...’

    “Was this correspondent brainwashed by his colleagues to believe in the subterranean world?  Or, was he a skeptical man who changed his mind in the face of a tremendous amount of information? His mention of the 'Highway of the Incas' strikes a familiar note among the hollow earth fraternity. A physician in Argentina has devoted his spare time to an investigation of this legendary inter-continental tunnel of the Under-People. He commented:

    "’...I have always been intrigued by the unknown and please convey my thanks to Dr. H--- for providing this opportunity to publish my views. I am of the belief that there are two subterranean worlds. The cavern cities exist in cavities within the earth's-crust. There is a larger, more populous civilization in the hollow center of the earth and entrance to that new land is made through openings in the north and south poles.

    "...I started to investigate the 'Highway of the Incas' when I was a young, curious youth and I have hundreds of witnessed, notarized statements.  These documents and tape recordings fill one room of my home. The Incas knew of the tunnel and although gold was of little value to them, they hid their treasures in these caverns to keep it from the greedy Spanish conquerors.      “No one has provided a satisfactory explanation for their mysterious disappearance. There was an empire of several million people that vanished from the surface of the earth. They entered the tunnel and left the Quechua Indians behind. As few Incas have been seen since then, they possibly took up residence in a cavern city or followed the tunnel to the interior of the earth.

    "...The 'Highway' is the largest of the tunnels and it connects all continents. In addition to the




openings in South America, there are entrances in Canada, in British Columbia, in America... you should investigate Mt. Shasta in California and Mt. St. Helena in Oregon. The tunnel Is connected with Tibet and another opening in Central Asia. I believe the African entrance is in the Atlas mountains in the north of that continent.

    "...I also suggest that you explore the 'highways' which have been found in the oceans.  These ancient underworld civilizations may be mining our seas!"




#12 --- Page 4 of the 1980 issue of the ‘UFO ANNUAL’ magazine carried the following strange report under the heading, "CAVE MARTIANS":

    "...The residents of the town of Xucurus, some 90 miles from Buenos Aires, Argentina, claim that men nine feet tall, green, with antennas on their head, and square legs, are seen daily leaving a cave.  The cave was found last February, when agriculturalist Gerardo Cordeiro dreamed he would find a treasure if he went to a certain place. Not uncovering gold or jewels, Cordeiro found a cave with nine connecting tunnels with strange inscriptions on the walls.

    “The place is now being visited by hundreds of people from the town and nearby locales, who expect to find ‘treasure’ or see the ‘Martians’ (robots!? - Branton) who, according to witnesses, resemble enormous ‘portable radios’.”




#13 --- John Goodwin’s book, “OCCULT AMERICA”, carried the following statements on page 167:

    "...Milinko S. Stevic, a Yugoslav-born engineer



currently (at the time of this writing...) lecturing on the United States Para psychological circuit, advances an even more startling theory. He holds that there are entire subterranean towns situated beneath such large surface centers as Tokyo, Leningrad, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and New York.

    “These underground cities are connected with each other by a system of tunnels."




#14 --- The following story appeared on page 51 of Timothy Green Beckley's book, "THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH".  This, as well as-the stories that follow, were sent to Mr. Beckley from Dr Raymond Bernard, the famous author on the ‘Hollow Earth', while he resided in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Although his whereabouts are not known at this time,-some believe that he actually entered into the Inner World, and they claim that he was living happily among the friendly inhabitants of the cavern cities:


    "...Another explorer visited a similar tunnel near Gaspar, Santa Catarina, and behind a wonderful (underground) fruit orchard, saw a subterranean woman with a child in her arms reading to it aloud from a huge book written in an unknown language (Atlantean?). 

    “After she read every sentence, the child repeated the same and in this way was taught how to read. All of these subterranean cities are illuminated by a strange light."




#15 --- Page 50 of this same book carries the



following account:

    "...Our explorer, J. D. (name on file) who is a mountain guide of the Mystery Mountain near Joinville (where there is supposed to be an entrance) said that, several times, he saw a huge luminous flying saucer ascend from the tunnel opening that leads to a subterranean city inside this mountain, in which he heard the beautiful choral singing of men and women, and also heard the ‘canto galo’ (rooster crowing), a universal symbol indicating the existence of subterranean cities in Brazil.

    “He said that the saucer was so luminous that it lit up the night sky and converted it into daylight. On one occasion he met a group of subterranean men outside the tunnel. They were short, stocky, with reddish beards and long hair, and very muscular. When he tried to approach them, they vanished.  Often he saw strange illuminations in this area at night which were probably produced by flying saucers.

    “(We use the name, ‘Mystery Mountain’, rather than reveal the true name of the mountain, so that unwanted outsiders will not come here to locate it.)

    “Throughout my many years of research I have accumulated a vast amount of data which would indicate that these entrances to subterranean cities abound throughout the region.




#16 --- Pages 49-50 of Tim Beckley's book also contains the following statements made by Bernard:


    "...I arrived in Brazil in 1956 and have been carrying on my research since I met a Theosophical leader who told me about the subterranean cities,



inhabited by a super race of Atlantean origin, that existed in Brazil. He referred me to Professor Henrique Jose de Souza, president of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, at Sao Lourenco in the state of Minas Gerais, who erected a temple dedicated to Agharta which is the Buddhist name of the Subterranean world. Here in Brazil live Theosophists from all parts of the world, all of whom believe in the existence of the subterranean cities.

    “Professor de Souza told me that the great English explorer Colonel Fawcett is still alive, living in a subterranean city in the Roncador Mountains of Matto Grosso, where he found the subterranean city of Atlantean’s for which he searched, but is held prisoner lest he reveal the secret of its whereabouts. He was not killed by Indians as is commonly believed.  

    “Professor de Souza claimed he has visited subterranean cities, including Shamballah, the world capital of the subterranean empire of Agharta. I then went to Matto Grosso to find the subterranean city where Fawcett is claimed to be living with his son Jack, but failed to do so. I then returned to Joinville in the state of Santa Catarina, and there continued my research.

    “Just recently two of my explorers returned from entering a tunnel near Ponte Grosse in the state of Parana. One of them had recently entered alone and spent 5 days in the underworld city there. It had about 50 inhabitants plus children. The fruit orchards were recently planted, and the inhabitants received fruit from another subterranean city. During the last visit, the two explorers were met at the entrance of the tunnel by a guardian and the chief of the city, who told them that they should return in two years when the fruit trees will start to bear, but cannot enter now.     



“These same two explorers entered a tunnel near Rincon, state of Parna, and finally came to a chimney-like structure with four chains hanging down. They descended on the chains but when they came near the bottom, a gas with a chemical odor started to come up and forced them to ascend. Obviously the subterranean dwellers tried to keep them from reaching their city. (Editor's Notes: This seems often to be the case)."




#17 –-- Page 51 of the same book also gives the following interesting account:


    "...An elderly man living in Joinville once told me that he had visited a tunnel near Concepiao in the state of Sao Paulo, and saw in the distance a marvelous subterranean city with vehicles darting back and forth, evidently traveling through tunnels from one subterranean city to another.




#18 --- Page 51 of Mr. Beckley's book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, also carries the following story:


    "...Although the following report requires conformation, it was told to me by an explorer named N.C. who said that he had visited a tunnel near Rio Casdor and had met a beautiful young woman appearing to be 20 years of age. She spoke to him in Portuguese and said that she was 2,500 years of age. He also met a bearded subterranean man. Still another explorer named D.O., visited this same tunnel and saw a child inside, who fled upon seeing him. Also as he once lay in front of the tunnel




opening, a man with a beard and long hair passed over him and entered."




The following story appeared on pages 54-55 of the same book:


    "...Apparently such tunnels into the subsurface exist elsewhere in the world besides Brazil. In fact one letter on file with us comes from Prof. W. Wiers of Mexico, who tells us that he knew Prof. Schwartz who had made a long study of cave problems, starting when he was 15 years old in Germany.

    “According to Prof. Wiers, just before the beginning of the second world war, both the axis and allied powers were interested in using various caves as supply bases, and for many military applications.

    “Prof. Schwartz at one time had stated that he knew of a Nazi who had come upon an ‘enormous circular pit’ (in Brazil? - Branton) whose sides dropped straight down for a good 1200 feet. Trees could be seen growing tall and straight below. Eagles soared around, and then dived to the center of the bottom, apparently to eat something. Since the sides were dangerously steep the Nazi had to content himself with using binoculars instead of descending into this world himself.

    “Returning later with others he eventually discovered a similar but much narrower bore, or shaft, not far from the first, which was so big that it could not be hidden in any way. Not having cable or apparatus with which to let down a man in the seemingly bottomless shaft, they let down a pencil attached to a rope. To their surprise, the cord, when drawn back up was found to be cut clean,




as with a knife, or scissors - and the pencil was gone. Of course they all resolved to come back to study this pit further but the war prevented their doing so.

    “The location of this shaft is supposedly in northern Guatemala (near #1 on the map of South America - Branton).  Near the place is a witch doctor, friendly to Prof. Schwartz, who assured the professor that there is a secret passage, closed by a revolving rock door, which goes to the still enormous chamber which is still below the vast roof cave-in seen from above."




Pages 26-30 of Timothy Green Beckley's book, "THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD" -- which he had written a few years after "The Shaver Mystery and the Inner Earth” -- contains some additional information about Dr. Raymond Bernard:


    "...One of the most controversial figures in the UFO and occult fields is Dr. Raymond Bernard. He is controversial not only for his research on the inner earth, but for his mysterious disappearance as well.

    “Since most of the readers of this work will have already read Bernard's landmark book, ‘THE HOLLOW EARTH’, we will keep these introductory words brief. As he states below, Bernard spent many years searching South America for entrances to underground civilizations he believed existed beneath the surface. 

    “After the United States exploded the atomic bomb, he became concerned about the world radiation levels, but believed South America would be a relatively safe haven should an atomic war develop.

    “He became known to flying saucer researchers



because of his belief that the UFOs came from beneath the earth. He corresponded widely with many of them, including this editor, after he had settled in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil, where he hoped to set up a colony for people throughout the world who wanted to come there and develop that rich agricultural area - and escape what he believed to be a coming atomic holocaust.

    “In 1964, Dr. Bernard felt that he was ready to invite the first settlers, and sent out considerable correspondence on this subject. During 1965, however, his letters ceased abruptly, and letters were returned from Joinville marked ‘deceased.’

    “Researchers looking into this matter, however, were unable to find any records, such as medical records or a death certificated of Dr. Bernard's demise.

    “During the later part of 1964, he claim that he had found the entrances to several underground cities, and had actually entered some of these portals to the inner earth. He believed that these entrances existed throughout South America.

    “Many writers in the United States have accused Dr. Bernard of fabricating his information as a money-making scheme. Based on our own correspondence with him and our personal estimates, nothing could be farther from the truth.

    “His books were published by U.S. firms WITHOUT royalty fees. He offered the tracts of land, to be settled by colonists, at very modest costs, and offered to give land free to those without financial resources.

    “It is evident that Dr. Bernard's source of subsistence came from a relatively modest estate, inherited from his mother, and amounting to about $100,000, upon which he lived and conducted his work during his years of searching for the inner




    “Since no records of his death could be found, and since he had often referred to possible trips to the inner earth, it is most natural to reach the rather fantastic conclusion that he either met with some accident in his explorations or actually penetrated the inner earth, where he either met with an unfortunate fate - or is still living!

    “Gray Barker, who published a recent edition of Bernard's, THE HOLLOW EARTH, expressed those same ideas in material appended to that edition. The following account by Dr. Bernard was given to the editor when we were contemplating the publication of a book such as this one back in 1964.

    “Though we were unable to go through with our publication plans at that time, we are most happy, at last, to put this interesting material into print.

    “After a 32-year search through 20 countries of Central and South America, I at last found what I sought - THE SUBTERRANEAN CITIES OF THE ATLANTEANS, which exist mostly in Santa Catarina, Brazil and especially in the Joinville area.  Luminous flying saucers were seen to rise from a subterranean city of small men, and from other subterranean cities of tall Atlanteans. The world will learn that FLYING SAUCERS ARE OF SUBTERRANEAN ORIGIN.

    “Other planets could not possibly be so much interested in us as to send space ships here (...why not from both sources? - Branton), while those who live inside the earth and receive air from the outside are very interested to prevent contamination of the air they breathe by radio-activity. It is interesting to note that flying saucers started coming in quantity after 1945, when the first atomic bomb was exploded in Hiroshima. They came as an act of self-defense to prevent radioactive contamination of the atmosphere. 




    “I have discovered many subterranean cities and have spotted the location of about fifty in this part of Brazil. My mission is to save a remnant of the human race from the coming nuclear holocaust predicted to occur when the Chinese Dragon starts to spit forth atomic fire. I am attempting to do what Noah did before the outbreak of the nuclear war that destroyed Atlantis and brought on the flood (interesting, though a probably unsubstantiated, theory - Branton), by gathering a group and bringing them to Brazil, then (at that ancient time) an Atlantean colony, where their engineers built subterranean cities for protection against fallout and flood.

    “These people and their descendants still live in these cities. I am now collecting a group of Brazilian men, women and children wishing to establish residence in such cities and wish to save as many Americans as possible. This undertaking to save a remnant of mankind is entirely humanitarian and non-commercial (for the subterranean people use no money and require no payment of those they accept in their subterranean cities).

    “In my various books I have presented scientific evidence to prove that the earth, rather than being a solid sphere... molten at its center, is rather a hollow ball, whose crust is about 800 kilometers thick, with openings at north and south extremities, and with a small sun in its center. This sun gives off light for the plant, animal and HUMAN life which exists in the inner earth. When I wrote these books I presented a well-founded scientific concept and theory of the earth's structure, but had no experimental evidence in proof of my theory except Admiral Byrd's expeditions, which entered for 1,700 miles into the North Pole opening and 2,300 miles into the South Pole opening. For material related to this, one




should read my book, THE HOLLOW EARTH.

    “Since then, however, other evidence has appeared which PROVES BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT what I had previously written. I shall now relate a most amazing experience by one of the 20 explorers working with me, concerning a trip in a giant cigar-shaped flying (craft) to the center of the earth, without entering either the north or south opening. I quote from my explorer friend who does not want his name revealed at this time. Thus he shall be known only as R.K.  Hera is his story:

    "’...A certain hunter who had spent most of his life tramping through the mountains of Santa Catarina informed Dr. Raymond Bernard, director of our expedition, that one day he came across an immense tunnel inside of which he saw a giant air vehicle which he described as a zeppelin. Dr. Bernard therefore engaged this hunter to bring me to this tunnel. I entered the tunnel and found inside, this strange immense air vehicle and its pilot, a subterranean man. 

    "’I wanted to take a photo of the air vehicle but the pilot would not permit it. However he did invite me to ascend the staircase leading to a door in the vehicle, and I entered. It was magnificently furnished inside and could accommodate about 40 passengers.  The hunter who accompanied me also entered the vehicle.

    "’I made a second trip to this same tunnel at a later date, this time alone. When I entered the vehicle, the door closed and I was taken for a trip. The vehicle had no windows and I was unable to see where I went, or perhaps the windows were purposely closed to guard certain important secrets.

    "’There was no sound of any motor and the vehicle was completely silent. It was operated by a different form of energy, and so I concluded it was



a giant cigar-shaped flying saucer. I expected it to leave the tunnel and fly in the sky, but instead it traveled deeper and deeper into the tunnel. Then it began descending and I felt a strange sensation in my stomach, the same as when an elevator descends rapidly in one of New York's skyscrapers.

    “‘The descent took about half an hour and I figured the vehicle traveled at supersonic speed, because, as Dr. Bernard explained, showing me a diagram from his book, that what really happened was that the vehicle descended through an inclined tunnel connecting the earth's surface with its hollow interior -- perhaps the only such connection between the two worlds, excepting the north and south polar openings.

    "’Finally, the feeling of descent in my stomach disappeared and it seemed that the vehicle was now flying horizontally. A large window at the bottom of the vehicle then opened, and much to my amazement I saw below me a large city. This city was much different from the much small subterranean cities inside the earth's crust and not far from the surface, of which Dr. Bernard discovered more than 60. These exist in Brazil, which was once an Atlantean colony and where Atlantis found refuge and constructed subterranean cities for protection against flood waters." (There are some who suspect that the destruction of Atlantis AND the Biblical flood did not exactly coincide. Others in fact suggest that Atlantis arose a few generations AFTER the Biblical flood.  Time will tell. - Branton) 

    “(NOTE: While these subterranean cities exist [mostly] in Brazil within the western world, it is probable that they also exist in the Far East. - Dr. Bernard).

    "’The vehicle then made a curve in order to return, and as it did, it tilted, and much to my surprise I saw a “sun” in the sky, though smaller



and nearer than our sun, and dimmer and reddish (orange) in color. This is the central sun described by Dr. Bernard in his books. It is a remnant of the original fire before the formation of our planet."

    "’The vehicle then began to ascend and finally it returned to its starting point. I then returned to Dr. Bernard to tell him of my experience. I really did not understand at all what I had gone through until he showed me diagrams from his book, THE HOLLOW EARTH, and explained that I was the first inhabitant of the Earth’s surface (that Dr. Bernard was aware of, that is - Branton) ever to travel to the subterranean world in the hollow interior of the earth. He added that I made the greatest discovery and performed the greatest feat of exploration in history, much greater than that of Columbus, for while Columbus discovered a new continent, I discovered a NEW WORLD - THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD."

    (Actually, those who constructed the ‘vehicle’ in which this man traveled, probably ‘discovered’ the inner world before him... - Branton ;o)

    "’I then told Dr. Bernard that I had forgotten to tell him one thing - namely that the subterranean pilot had told me that a great reception was being prepared for him in the center of the earth, when I will bring him there on my next trip, for as a leader of our expedition, the subterranean people will honor as the first inhabitant of the earth's surface to establish communication between the Upper World and the Subterranean World.

    “‘This reception will take place in the City of Shamballah, world capital of the Subterranean World of Agharta. Here dwells the King of the World, its supreme potentate, ruling over millions of inhabitants of this empire. Dr. Bernard was



thrilled when he heard of this invitation, for he has tirelessly searched and traveled for 32 years, covering more than 20 countries of Latin America to find what I found for him. He had spent the most of his personal fortune in his search for the inner earth empire.  (Here ends R.K.'s narrative -- Ed.)

    “‘This is undoubtedly THE GREATEST FEAT OF EXPLORATION IN HISTORY. I wish all who want to help me, to come here and let me bring them to the tunnel in which this vehicle is stationed.

     “‘There are certain basic requirements, however, before anyone can enter the Subterranean World. These were given to me by the leaders of that world. They are:

    “‘1. The applicant must abstain from all animal foods, and be a strict vegetarian, consuming no meat, fish, fowl, eggs, dairy products, honey, salt condiments, coffee, tea, cocoa, alcoholic beverages, etc.  (Hmmm... maybe living in the outer world isn't so bad after all!? [smile] I do however agree with his warnings against alcohol consumption - Branton ;o)

    “‘2. He must not be addicted to the poisonous weed, tobacco.

    “‘3. Persons wishing to enter the center (of the) earth must also be strictly chaste, for no sexual relations are allowed.’ (Question: How do they pro-create!? - Branton)

    “...Right now there are about 100 individuals (men, women and children) in Santa Catarina ready to take up residence in the subterranean colony I am establishing, to be associated with one of the 60 subterranean cities I found, all of which have an abundance of fruits for the nutriment of their inhabitants. These fruits grow under the strange light that illuminates the subterranean (cavern) cities. (Note: Some believe that this ‘light’ is a diffused electromagnetic illumination of the cavern




atmosphere’, somewhat similar to the aurora borealis phenomena. - Branton)

    “One such city was described by Bulwer Lytton in his book, THE COMING RACE. The subterranean race of fruitarians, who live for centuries, will be the coming race after surface cities are destroyed by the lethal fallout of World War III. Belief in an impending destruction is widespread in Brazil and this compels many people to seek refuge in the subterranean world, to escape the deadly fallout caused by the coming war and the flood to fallow. This flood will be caused by melting of the polar ice caps by the heated atmosphere caused by super bomb explosions.

    “Another one of my explorers discovered a subterranean city in which exist marvelous automata or mechanical robots. These robots perform all kinds of useful labor and have electronic brains which, strange to relate, posses a degree of intelligence of their own. They can speak, answer questions, talk, open and close doors, etc. These robots are controlled by radiations coming from a control dial, something like a typewriter, operated by a subterranean man.

    “When my explorer came to the door of this subterranean city, the robot opened the door and met him, together with the subterranean man who controlled him(it). The subterranean spoke Esperanto or a similar language, which had words from many of our languages, mixed together. When my explorer tried to take a photo of him, he grabbed the camera, which he later returned.

    “To enter the tunnel which leads to this subsurface city one must pass through poisonous gases and wear a mask and carry a tank of oxygen. My explorer spent some time in the subterranean city of Atlantean scientists, operating strange devices. These subsurface world people ride in




automatic cars that travel at supersonic speeds along rails or something like this.

    “My explorer has been invited to bring eleven other people to this city, and each newcomer can bring eleven more. In this way, more and more people, who begin to realize that an inner earth really exists, can experience its actualities. They will also learn that the people who live in these cities are flesh and blood people who look, for the most part, just like you and me. Only their science and personal development is thousands of years more advanced than ours, on the outer surface of the planet."




#19A --- Page 26-29 of the March, 1960 issue of SEARCH magazine, carried the following fascinating story:



By "The, Inca"

(Name withheld for reasons this account makes obvious)

Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil

c/o postal Box 485


    “The editors of SEARCH present here a strange manuscript, or rather, a letter, received by us from a man who claims to be a descendant of the Incas. Although he signed his name, he has asked us to withhold it for reasons of safety for himself and his family. We present his information with no comment other than that it is presented as received. Without actually accepting the invitation of the Inca to go to these caverns with him, nothing further can be said, one way or the other.

    "’...I am descended from the Inca race, which



disappeared in a tunnel when the Spaniards invaded their country, and continued to live in subterranean cities. The Incas were a race of vegetarians and pacifists, and when the Spaniards came to attack them, they did not fight, but escaped into tunnels and disappeared from the world.

    “‘During all of my life I have been searching for my lost race and traveled to many countries, as far north as Mexico, also in Venezuela, Chili, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and all parts of Brazil, investigating tunnels to find an entrance to the subterranean world. But I could not find anything, and lost (through swindlers claiming to bring me to Atlanteans under the earth) and spent 1,800,000 cruzieros, equivalent to $36,000.

    “‘After my money was gone I worked as a mechanic and saved money, and with it, I continued my investigations. After searching all the 21 states of Brazil and living a year in Matto Grosso among the savages, I finally found what I sought.

    “‘One day I went to a river to drink water. On the other side was a high mountain. I heard a powerful voice coming from the top of the mountain, yelling many times. I thought it was a person lost in the forest and asking for help. I swam the river to the other side and walked through the forest an hour and then climbed for two and a half hours. When I reached the top I found a hole in the ground. It was very deep, as I found by dropping a stone down.

    “‘I then gathered vines from trees, tied them together, fastened a stone at the end and dropped it down until (it hit) bottom. I pulled it up and it measured 100 meters or 330 feet.

    “‘Then I returned to Joinville and told Dr. Raymond Bernard about this, who gave me money to buy a rope. I returned to the mountain and by means



of the rope I descended. When I came to the bottom I entered a tunnel, which I traversed for a distance of 2000 meters. I then saw with my flashlight a door of stone. While I was watching the door, it suddenly opened and I saw a very tall man with a metallic uniform, who spoke with a powerful voice and said that this was the first time that anyone ever had the courage to enter this tunnel.

    “‘I first was frightened at the powerful voice of the man and wanted to run, but he called me and told me not to be afraid as he was a very peaceful person who never did harm to any living being. So I asked him who he was to live in this cavern. He said: "I am an Atlantean-Inca, the guardian of this door." He asked me what I was looking for. I told him I was looking for my race, because I too am an Inca. He seemed to be very pleased to hear this. I told him I would like to visit his city, and that I had an American friend, and a wife who would like to go there too, with my children.

    “‘He told me to bring photographs of my wife, children and American friend, and if they were found acceptable, he would give permission for them to enter.

    “‘I then returned to Dr. Bernard, who gave me his own photo, and I brought all the photos, including those of my wife and children, back to the Atlantean.      “‘On this second visit to the Atlantean he delivered a lecture on radioactivity and its danger. He said that radioactive dust in the air is now causing surface dwellers to age very rapidly because it accumulates in the pores of the skin and stops skin respiration. He said the pores of the skin have a constants alternate contraction and expansion and serve to take in air and expel foreign matter.

    (Note: There are those who believe that not



only radioactive dust, but also solar ‘radiation’, causes surface dwellers to age faster, which is why the subterranean’s who are not exposed to such radiations -- and also the antediluvian’s who lived at a time when the earth was surrounded by a Venus-like canopy of water vapor which blocked out most of the harmful solar radiations –– had life-spans of several hundred years.  However, as a result of man’s rebellion against his Creator, and their unbalancing of the natural order, this vaporous ‘canopy’ condensed and ‘fell’ to earth as the deluge. - Branton)

    “‘In an atmosphere of radioactive dust & metals, these substances clog up the pores and interfere with their vital functions of respiration and excretion. This causes disease and early death.

    “‘The Atlantean called me to come near a transparent screen to make an exchange of blood, to make sure I will preserve the secret of the whereabouts of this tunnel, so that I do not reveal it to an unworthy person. When I was near the curved plastic screen, another curved plastic screen suddenly appeared from each side of the door and encompassed me, so that I found myself inside the two curved plastic screens.

    “‘Then it seemed that all air was pumped out, leaving a vacuum in the space where I was BETWEEN the plastic screens. Then other air entered, which seemed lighter and purer, which made me feel more healthful and stronger. Then the inside plastic door opened, and he put inside a man-sized capsule of this transparent substance which he held by handles on both sides of it, and told me to go inside the open door. After I was inside, the door automatically closed.

    “‘Now the second plastic door opened and the Atlantean took hold of the handles on each side of the capsule and carried me to the other side of the



inside plastic screen whose doors automatically opened and shut.

    “‘Then he inserted his hands into two soft pockets in the capsule, made of the same material, and took hold of a metal device which he lowered on the chain and wire with which it was suspended from the curved top of the capsule (the base was flat for me to stand on) and put it on my head.  Then he went over to an electrical apparatus, from which a recording tape emerged and I heard a ticking sound, much like a telegraphic ticker. Then he read the tape, put it in a box and spoke in a funnel-shaped speaker in a strange language. It seemed to be a radio telephone.

    “‘Then he asked me for the photos. He told me to put my hand by one part of the capsule with a very delicate wall. He told me to push my hand through, which I did and the material adhered to my hand like an elastic, so as not to permit any air from inside the capsule to leave, since he was afraid of my having contaminated the air inside the capsule by what I exhaled. Then he sprayed my hand with a purpose of radioactive decontamination. He took the photos from my hand and slid them into an opening in the same electrical apparatus. Then more tape emerged, which he read and then spoke by radio telephone to headquarters below. He then looked at a sort of small television apparatus with a horizontal screen, apparently to see the persons he was speaking to.

    “‘He told me not to bring here any unworthy person, because he would know it in advance. I asked how. He said that with this apparatus, which he called an "electro-visor" he could behold whatever was occurring in any part of the world. If any unworthy person comes near the mountain and tries to get to the tunnel opening, certain rays confuse the person's mind, so that he is unable to




continue the trip and will go off in the wrong direction.

    “‘I had some bread in a pocket. He told me not to eat the bread. He put a white pill in my hand (which was projected outside the capsule all the time), and told me this pill had the taste of many fruits and that his people live entirely on it. I believe it is a concentrate of the vitamins of fruits. Then I withdrew my hand and the elastic material through which it projected closed.

    “‘After he gave me the pill he carried the capsule with me inside to the space between the two plastic screens, as the door of the inside screen opened to admit the capsule and then automatically shut.  Then the door of the capsule opened. I left the capsule, and then the door of the outside plastic screen opened and I left.

    “‘When newcomers enter, they first enter the capsule, and the Atlantean carries them to a Decontamination Chamber (the Atlantean told me). The door of the capsule opens, the person leaves the capsule, takes off his clothing, then the chamber becomes filled with vapor which draws forth radioactive poisons from his body. The person dresses with other clothing there ready for him, then enters an "electronic apparatus", which carries him to the center of the earth (i.e. into the ‘geo-concavitic’ portion of the earth’s ‘coconut-like’ shell, some 800 miles below.  In fact, some believe that the Creator in His infinite wisdom created all or most planets ‘hollow’, in keeping with some sort of cosmic law of ‘conservationism’ - Branton). 

    “‘I should mention that during my visits, before the door opened I heard a peculiar humming sound, which was of the apparatus with which the Atlantean came up from below, which became louder and louder as the apparatus came near, and when it



came to a stop the noise stopped and the doors automatically opened.

    “‘I should also mention that when a flying saucer came near my house on Saturday, June 13, 1959, in the afternoon and night, it gave off an identical hum as this subterranean apparatus, which makes me think they are both operated by the same mechanism and that the flying saucer was an apparatus of these same subterranean Atlanteans and did not come from another planet.

    “‘The flying saucer came describing (performing) a spiral which descended on top of a hill about 2000 meters from my house, and then rose in a spiral manner, with a tail of light behind it. It came in the night, had a round shape and a silver color. I believe it was sent by subterranean Atlanteans, who knew where I lived and came especially near my house.

    “‘We are now twenty-on We are now twenty-one

vegetarians. This is necessary for those who wish to enter the subterranean world. And if any of you wish to enter, you may send me your photos for Presentation to the Atlantean, to secure permission for you to enter.

    “‘I am sending you this as an invitation to come here and I will guarantee to bring you to the Atlantean and to the subterranean world. I wish you to reply and tell me whether you care to come or not. We will then tell you when to come and meet us. Await our reply, as we are now building a boat and an elevator, and when these are ready we will advise you to come and meet us in Joinville.

    “‘This may seem as a lie or a story, and many people will not believe that a subterranean world, which is a Utopia, exists, but IT EXISTS!  I know it exists because I made this discovery and saw with my own eyes. The door I came to leads to a tunnel through which the Atlantean came up from the




subterranean world in the center of the earth on an "electrical apparatus" and there exists the cities of this interior world called Agharta. 

    “‘When the boat (to cross the river) and the elevator (to descend into the tunnel) are ready, I will enter with my family and bring them to the subterranean world, then I will return to wait for your coming and will bring you there. In that world there is no radioactivity to poison the air and foods, as here. 

    “‘That world has no bad people, no swindlers, no crooks. All the people there are good, pure and vegetarians. They do not eat bulky vegetables as we do here. There they live entirely on fruit concentrates prepared as pills, which dissolves in your mouth and eat nothing else. I say this because the Atlantean delivered a talk to me and told me all what I say and gave me a pill, which I ate. It made me feel as strong as a bull, and very warm, and it seemed as if I overate (I ate it on my way back), and could not walk, so I lay down and went to sleep for several hours until I got over the feeling of overeating.

    “‘On that pill I returned to Joinville full of energy, and for the following three days I could not eat a thing, as I had no appetite, because the pill had a high concentration of the vitamins of fruits, and was so nourishing that I had no further need for food.

    “‘Now we are working on the boat and elevator and the moment when they are finished, ten vegetarians here in Joinville including three men, one woman and six children, will go up the mountain and descend into the subterranean world. The youngest of this group is only one week of age. I want my newborn child not to live and grow up in this radioactively contaminated atmosphere and eat food full of radioactive poisons. I want it to grow



up in a better world free from radioactivity and live on these  fruit concentrate pills in place of the radioactively contaminated foods here’”. ---  Sincerely., The Inca   (THE END)




19B --- The following letter was sent to Richard

Shaver by Dr. Raymond Bernard himself.  Shaver in turn passed it along to Ray Palmer, who published it in the October 1959 issue of SEARCH magazine, p.48:


Dear Mr. Shaver:

    “I have discovered several ‘dero’ races, who live in subterranean cities. If you came here I could bring you to the dero people, but they are NOT malicious (Note: The subterranean’s that this individual met are probably NOT known as the ‘dero’, but by another name. - Branton). 

    “First of all, they are vegetarians, as they cannot keep animals where they live, and a vegetarian diet makes people peaceful. They are simply the ‘Niebelungs’ or dwarfs, and with long white beards, of fairy tales, and they have dwarf women and children. Last week my investigators returned and said they visited their city (which has its own system of illumination) and are able to bring any of my American friends to visit it, but I require one condition: absolute secrecy, as I don't want governments to send armies Into the tunnel to disturb these peaceful people.

    “To reach them requires a 3-day journey of about 40 miles through a tunnel. This entire distance is through a tunnel carefully lined with cut stone blocks below,. above and on the sides. That was quite an engineering feat. I think the tunnel was made long to keep out curiosity seekers,




and only the most determined will travel that distance.

    “Here is a report of my investigators:(They are two ranchers, father and son; who discovered the tunnel accidentally):

    "’We left our house 5:A,M. for the tunnel on top of a mountain and reached it 3 P.M. We were tired and camped near the entrance of the tunnel. For three days we proceeded through the tunnel. We told time by our watches, as we could not tell when it was day or night. We went to sleep at 10 P.M. and awoke at 3 A.M. and continued walking. By the third day the tunnel started to go downward by steps. It was built of stone blocks on all sides. By the night of the third day the tunnel suddenly opened into a great space covered with what appeared as a sky with yellow light that made everything luminous, like daylight.

    “‘We saw a city with many houses and saw many people in the distance. They were dwarfs with long white beards and long hair and we saw women and children, and heard them crying. The third member of our party got frightened so we had to return...’

    “These men found three such tunnels.  They entered another for three days, but after hearing voices further in, got scared and returned. Now they are entering the third.

    “But these people of your dero race (except not malicious, as you injected much imagination into your account of subterranean people) are degenerate offshoots of the real Atlanteans who live in the hollow center of the earth. How to gets there is a great secret.

    “If you wish to come here and visit these dero people I can arrange it. There is no charge as we are not after money. But you better come soon because I intend to enter the deeper subterranean world, perhaps never to return. Why should I return



to this miserable radioactive world, which the Atlantean teacher told us will be as dead as the moon by 1969, when I can live in a non-radioactive paradise?

    “To enter you must pay the price: 

    “1: STRICT VEGETARIANISM, to get a clean body inside, free from decaying proteins; the Atlanteans have refined sense organs and do not like people near them who are walking cemeteries of putrefying corpses of animals.

    “2: Absolute continence, or conservation of phosphorus which is not wasted via the gonads and conserved to feed the brain cells.

    “3: A vow of silence so that you don't ‘spill the beans’ and endanger these people who do not want any lunatics with atomic weapons to invade them.

    “4: You must give up all surface attachments for money, fame, etc.

    “If you, Richard Shaver, meet these qualifications, I will bring you to the subterranean world. No price charged except the price above stated. Show this all to Ray and tell him he and his family are welcome too. But I wonder if he would pay the price? Anyway he can do a good service on the surface to save others by publicizing our discovery in a cautious manner as we don't want madmen with atomic weapons invading these people to learn their scientific secrets concerning ‘vril’, their source of energy beyond atomic energy, which empowers their flying saucers... two of which came here yesterday to visit us.

    “It is pure nonsense to claim they come from other planets. They purposely say so to conceal their true origin so as not to endanger their people. But now that the human race has only a few years left to survive on earth, the subterranean’s



have adopted a more open-policy. You ask how to reach them.  Their entry is in Matto Grosso, in Chavantes territory, where Fawcett was heading when last seen.

    “Fawcett is still living in a subterranean city. The Atlanteans refuse to let him out because he has too loud a mouth and may speak too much or be forced to deliver lectures before scientific societies about his expedition. The subterranean’s do not wish to risk invasion. However, those who are worthy will not be molested by the Indians who guard the entrance to the subterranean world. Just how to enter without danger is a secret I will tell only to qualified persons. The location of the entrance is (in the) Roncador Mountains in northeast Matto Grosso (Brazil), where Fawcett was heading after leaving Cuiaba.


Dr. Raymond Bernard

Director, New World Pioneers

Postal Box 485, Joinville

Santa Catarina, Brazil


    (Mr. Shaver gave us this letter, apparently sent at the same time as the article we received from Brazil, and which is reproduced in the next issue. Apparently Mr. Shaver is unwilling to risk visiting the ‘dwarf’ people, admitted by Dr. Bernard to be ‘degenerate’. The idea of their being peaceful because they are vegetarians doesn't convince Mr. Shaver, who points out that human beings are not vegetables, and he says he's seen [via telaug] human beings being eaten in caverns. As for the ‘Atlanteans’, Shaver just doesn't know. This is new to him. - Rap.)






#20 --- The following story appeared in a San Diego newspaper on Feb. 10, 1980.  It was later published on page 48 of the Summer, 1980 issue of the NEW ATLANTEAN JOURNAL (Pat & Joan O’Connell, editors).  This story also appeared in hundreds of other newspapers across the nation at the time:


"SAN DIEGO - Every now and then Bill Robinson takes the 10 pound onion out of his freezer and contemplates it. Behind the gargantuan vegetable lies a strange tale, difficult to believe, of the wonder farmer’s from outer space. Even if the explanation is nonsense, there is no denying the reality of the onion, or the photos Robinson has of cabbages 3 feet wide and collard greens up to 51 feet long.

    “Robinson is the information officer for the San Diego Police Department and local reporters generally give him high marks for credibility.

    “It was while vacationing in Irapuato, Mexico, Robinson said, that he discovered farmer Jose Carmen Garcia, according to a copyrighted report in San Diego HOME AND GARDEN magazine.

    “Garcia's produce is the wonder of the marketplace in Valle de Santiago, a village 260 miles northwest of Mexico city, near Irapuato. Townspeople gather to marvel at his eight pound onions, cabbages weighing from 44 to 60 pounds, and collard-greens as big as palm fronds.

    “Housewives swear they are as tender and tasty as normal sized vegetables. Yet Garcia plows his 3 acre plot behind a mule or horse, just like his neighbors... buys the same seed at the store, and does not use fertilizers.

    “Garcia said that in 1947, as a youth of 17 struggling to make ends meet on the farm inherited from his father, he met a stranger, who looked and talked like a Mexican peasant.




    “The stranger said he had been held captive by tall, fair humanoids IN A TUNNEL BENEATH A NEARBY VOLCANO. His captors spoke unintelligible gibberish, he said, and lived on out-sized vegetables.

    “He said he had memorized their magic formula, which he sketched on a scratch of paper. He told Garcia to concentrate on the symbols and that after a period of time, the ‘message’ would become clear, then he walked away.

    “After several sleepless nights, Garcia got the revelation, what ever it was - planted the seeds and has produced gigantic vegetables ever since. Arrendondo wrote about Garcia in the Irapuato newspaper, EL ALACRAN and a Mexico City magazine, IMPACTO...

    “An imaginative Agriculture Ministry official took up Garcia's challenge to prove his crop-growing, in a grow-off against any farmer on any soil. The ministry laid out two 20 acre plots near Campo de Tangasneque in December 1978. The competing tract was farmed by a team of ministry experts and local farmers hand-picked from a nearby cooperative, using fertilizers.

    “At harvest time, the results were tallied. Garcia still has the tote sheets, showing the ministry team averaged 30 tons of produce per acre, compared to his 106 tons. A ministry official thanked Garcia and told him he could sell the produce, disappointing Garcia. He had expected to be summoned to Mexico City to reveal the formula to the government, which did not even

keep samples.

    "’Why isn't the world interested?’ Arrendondo asked Robinson in the chance sidewalk Café encounter in Irapuato that put Robinson on Garcia's trail.

    “Robinson and Arrendondo went to the farm north




of town where Garcia presented Robinson with the

monumental onion. Why didn't the government experts give him recognition? ‘Perhaps,’ he replied, ‘they took it personally.’”




#21 --- The two following accounts are taken from an article by Vincent H. Gaddis, titled “NOTES ON SUBTERRANEAN SHAFTS”, which appeared on pages 150-151 of the June, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine:

    "...Rising above the Pacific near Acapulco, Mexico, is a sheer rocky cliff, protected from the sea by jagged boulders that make a landing possible only by native canoe. In the face of this cliff is an (almost inaccessible) artificial tunnel, regarded with superstitious dread by the natives. Known as the ‘Cave of the Pirates,’ it was obviously made by a prehistoric, patient race, and since there are no safe anchorage spots nearby it is doubtful that pirates ever used it.

    “It has never been fully explored, and it apparently goes back into the earth for an incredible distance. The walls are remarkably smooth and decorated with un-translated inscriptions and figures. Long delayed echoes reveal its astonishing depth.

    “It has been known to the Indians for some years, but they avoid it and tell of strange lights that they have observed near its mouth. Although access to it is difficult, this man-made, vast and unexplored ancient tunnel deserves investigation. Why it was constructed in such a treacherous spot on a barren cliff is itself a mystery.






#22 --- (From the same article...) “...On the road from Mexico City to Laredo, down the Montezuma river valley, is the Indian town of Tamazunchale. Twenty-five miles from this town, on a rough side road, is Xilitla, where the ruins of an old Spanish monastery lie surrounded by a wall of masonry.  On one side this wall is built against the side of a cliff.

    “Some years ago an earthquake shook the village and part of the ancient wall collapsed, revealing a tunnel cut into the cliff.

    “The sides of the tunnel bore mysterious inscriptions and figures of birds, snakes and curious unknown animals. The local Indians (natives) kept away from the passage, but one day two Americans who were passing through the village decided to explore it.

    “Hours later they emerged greatly excited and left the town, stating that they would return. But they never came back. No one knows who these Americans were or what they found.

    “The padres, for reasons known only to themselves, sealed the tunnel again by rebuilding the wall. In more recent years they have absolutely refused to permit exploration, although they state that they have no knowledge of what lies within -– which is probably true. Only time will reveal the answer."




#23 --- Pages 46-49 of the Aug. 1958 issue of "SEARCH" magazine carried the following article by Jim Wentworth, titled - "THE MARGARET ROGERS STORY":


"...Few students of the ‘Shaver Mystery’ would find the story of Margaret Rogers uninteresting. For it




was she who wrote a booklet in 1947 called ‘BEGINNING’ - which told, in seventy-seven pages, of her personal experiences in the ancient underground caverns that Richard Shaver claims exist to this day, for the most part in secret.

    “Margaret was also responsible for the true story ‘I Have Been In The Caves’ which appeared in the January, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES.

    “Her story began on January 8, 1930, when she was thirty-nine years old. As an American drug addict, unemployed, living in Mexico City in misery and despair, she prayed to be freed of her enslavement.

    “On this day, a sympathetic and kindly friend, Doc Kelmer of the Electro Therapy Institute, took her in hand.

    “As he had on other occasions, he gave her some money for food, clothing, hotel, etc. Later the following night, he met her, and in his car drove her past the city limits on the road leading to Cuernavaca.

    “When Margaret became violently sick, he gave her a small vial to drink. She did so, falling asleep immediately.

    “Still later, upon awakening in a motionless car, she found herself in mountainous country lit by a brightly shining moon. The car was close to a mass of greenery that grew at the foot of a tall cliff.

    “Margaret thought the spot was near Ixtaccihuatl.


“Doc Kelmer stood quietly touching the foliage. Once more Margaret was overcome by nausea. After the (nausea) attack, Doc came to her side, talked briefly, and returned to the foliage. With upraised arms, he wailed (rather than spoke) a few words. Then a startling thing happened. The whole mass of




greenery slid to one side, revealing a large opening. Margaret followed the middle-aged man inside, oddly unafraid. 

    “The opening closed, and a queer bluish light filled the cave. Events moved swiftly then. But to Margaret it was all so vague. As though ordered, she made for a large block of black marble beside one of the cave's walls, and lay down upon it.

    “She felt herself float above cool, green waters, watching strangely-colored denizens at play, unable to descend for quite some time. She finally submerged beneath the water. The sensation of drowning was never felt. Then -- utter oblivion. Once or twice, as in a dream, she saw that she was in a vast room, lying on a table of some sort. Many giant figures surrounded her. Under a soft, lavender light, Margaret felt heavenly relief from the pains she had known for so long.

    “Again came the feeling of floating. And, again, came the hazy realization that she lay unclothed on a table with one of the giants bending over her. When fully awake, Margaret thought for a moment that death had truly claimed her. In wonder, as she lay in a fur-covered bed fifteen feet long and nine feet wide, she looked about the room in which she was present, a spacious room with appropriately huge furniture where everything was seemingly made of silvery metal.

    “Now free of pain, feeling clean (and weak), Margaret was given a jolt when she received a visitor in the person of a strangely attired female giant, strikingly beautiful.

    “Given food, and told the date -- January 15, 1930 -- as well as the fact that she had for days been taking the ‘cure,’ Margaret learned that she had not dreamed of the giant figures about her when she had arrived in the caverns. For later she met those very same giants (or surgeons, to give them




their proper name) who had cured her of the drug habit and its ruinous results on her system.

    “Margaret Rogers saw many amazing things; learned much; met many of the cavern people who were all very kind to her. She noticed many articles of surface manufacture; examined wondrous machines of the underworld; saw evidence of how a badly hurt surface man, with one eye blinded for fifteen years, was made completely well again in two hours by the miraculous science of the wise people below (This man had accidentally fallen down a shaft while exploring the ‘Cave De Los Vientos’ [‘Cave of the Winds’], where he was found unconscious by the subterranean inhabitants).

    “Reduced to our size scientifically, Margaret was told that many cavern people live on the surface in large numbers, being scientists, doctors, lawyers, judges, even higher in the government.


“Days passed...


    “Babies were seen as big as ten-year-old surface children. Cavern children at that age were noted to be Margaret's height of five-feet-five. The method of locomotion in the underworld was a vehicle that was wheel less and without motors, torpedo-shaped and two-seated. In what manner were they propelled over the perfectly smooth roads? Simply by -- thought!  About 2,000 miles was covered in less than two hours on one occasion.

    “She learned further that the caverns are visited by Venusians in space ships, for the people below (who by the way call themselves the 'Nephli’) have colonies all over the universe.

    “All the stars and planets as large as Earth, or larger, have life in humanoid form. None of this four-legged, green-colored intelligence so popular



in science fiction.  Animals, on the other hand, are more varied.

    “...More time passed for Margaret Rogers. For her it was a happy period. Horror and fear never once marred the scene.

    “I might mention here the fact that certain underworld territory was forbidden. Margaret never had the reason explained to her.

    “Before leaving for her return to the surface, she was told she would come back to the caverns in twenty years.

    “Now, let us check back to the September, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES where a letter was printed by a Mrs. D.C. Rogers of 117 Devine Street, San Antonio 3., Texas -– evidently the same Margaret Rogers who wrote the booklet BEGINNING.

    “Here, in the letter, she touches briefly on her experiences in the immense caves of the underworld.  A few important facts are mentioned.

    “(1) Margaret Rogers ‘disappeared strangely and appeared just as strangely after three years.’ (Having entered the caves in January of 1930, she therefore departed sometime in 1933).

    “(2) ‘I was born here’(in the U.S.A.) ‘but had lived in Mexico City since I was ten years old.’

    "(3) ‘I shall go back (to the underworld) when I am sixty years of age, three years from now.’ (Figuring it out, by her own admission, Margaret was thirty-nine in the year 1930 when first she found herself in the caves.) With her published letter in AMAZING STORIES in 1946, she should have been fifty-five.  1951, then, would have been the year of her second disappearance below. For then she would be sixty.

    “Since I have known the story of Margaret Rogers for more than ten years, I have often wondered about her. Did she vanish in 1951 as she had prophesied?  I never did find the answer."






#24 --- The following two ‘origin’ stories/legends can be found on page 95 of "THE PROBLEM OF ATLANTIS", by Lewis Spence:


    "...More important are the flood legends of the Indians of South America. The Antis Indians of the Bolivian Alps, north-western Brazil, the Ipurimas, Yurukares, etc., say that the world was overtaken by a great flood and men were imprisoned by this deluge in a large cave. Fiery cataclysms followed, and (much of) humanity perished.

    "...The Arawaks of Gutana had a myth to the effect that Aimon Kondi, the Great Spirit, scourged the world with fire, from which the survivors sought refuge in underground caverns. A great flood followed, in which Marerewana and his followers saved themselves in a canoe."




#25 --- The following Taino myth was recorded on the island of Haiti, or Hispaniola, by Fray Ramon Pane, a poor anchorite of the order of St. Jerome, at the bidding of Columbus, who ordered him to set down all their language and antiquities, because of his familiarity with their language. (From - "LATIN AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY", by Hartley Burr Alexander., pp. 28-29):


    "The earliest Indians appeared, according to the legend, from two caverns of a certain mountain of Hispaniola -- ‘moat of the people that first inhabited the island came out of Cacibagiagua,’ while the others emerged from Amaiauva (it is altogether likely that the two caves represent two races or tribal stocks).




    “Before the people came forth, a watchman, Marocael, guarded the entrances by night; but, once delaying his return into the caves until after dawn, the sun transformed him into a stone; while others, going a-fishing, were also caught by the sun and were changed into trees. As for the sun and moon, they, too, came from a certain grotto, called Giovava, to which, says Fray Ramon, the Indians paid great veneration, having it all painted ‘without any figure, but with leaves and the like’; and keeping in it two stone ‘zemis’ which looked ‘as if they sweated’; to these they went when they wanted rain."




#26 --- Thy following information can be found on page 123 of Ellen Russell Emerson's book. "INDIAN MYTHS":


    "...It is to the Cubans we are indebted for the following version of man's origin:

    “It was from the depths of a deep cavern in the earth that mankind issued. There were two apertures to this cavern, one large and the other small: out of the large aperture passed the men who are of tall, magestic proportions; and from the small issued the men of diminutive size..."




#27 --- The following interesting information concerning the Aztecs can be found on pages 91-93 of "AMERICAN HERO-MYTHS", by Daniel G. Brinton:


    "All through Mexico and Central America this legend  of the Seven Sons, Seven Tribes, and Seven Caves whence they issued, or the Seven Cities where



they dwelt, constantly crops out. To that land the Aztecs referred as their former dwelling place. It was located at some indefinite distance to the north or northwest -- in the same direction as Tollan. The name of that land was significant. It was called the White or Bright land, Aztlan.

    “In its midst was situated the mountain or hill Colhuacan the Divine, Teoculhuacan. In the base of this hill were the Seven Caverns, Chicomoztoc, whence the seven tribes with their respective gods had issued... those gods including Quetzalcoatl, Hnitzilopochtli and the Tezeatlipocas. There continued to live their mother, awaiting their return.

    “The lord of this land and the father of the seven sons is variously and indistinctly named. One legend calls him the White Serpent of the Clouds, or the White Cloud Twin, Iztac Mixcoatl.  Whoever he was we can hardly mistake the mountain in which or upon which he dwelt. Colhuacan means the ‘bent or curved mountain’. It is none other than the Hill of Heaven, curving down on all sides to the horizon; upon it in all times have dwelt the gods, and from it they have come to aid the men they favor.

    “Absolutely the same name was applied by the Choctaws to the mythical hill from which they say their ancestors first emerged into the light of day. They call it Nane Waiyah, ‘the Bent or Curved Hill’. Such identity of metaphorical expression leaves little room for discussion."


Pages 134-135 of the same volume continues:


    "For this reason Quetzalcoatl's statue, or one of them, was in a reclining position and covered with wrappings, signifying that he was absent, ‘as of one who lays him down to sleep, and that when he




should awake from that dream of absence, he should rise to rule again the land.’

    “He was not dead. He had indeed built mansions underground, to the Lord of Mictlan, the abode of the dead, the place of darkness, but he himself did not occupy them. Where he passed his time was where the sun stays at night. As this, too, is somewhere beneath the level of the earth, it was occasionally spoken of as Tlillapa, ‘The Murky Land’, and allied therefore to Mictlan.

    “Caverns led down to it, especially one south of Chapultepec, called Cincalco, ‘To the Abode of Abundance,’ through whose gloomy corridors one could reach the habitation of the sun and the happy land still governed by Quetzalcoatl and his lieutenant Totec.

    “But the real and proper names for that land were Tlapallan, ‘the Red Land’, and Tizapan, ‘the White Land’, for either of these colors is that of the sunlight. It was generally understood to be the same land whence he and the Toltec’s had come forth in ancient times; or if not actually the same, nevertheless very similar to it'... "


Pages 206-207 of Franklin Folsom's book, "EXPLORING AMERICAN CAVES", carries the following related information:


"It is interesting to speculate that archeologists, working in caves of the United States or northern Mexico, may one day complete a chapter in the history of the Aztecs. These Amazing people, who ruled much of Mexico in Columbus' day, believed that the ancient and original home of their tribe was in seven caves.. far to the north.

    “There is ample evidence that Aztecs did, in fact, move southward into the high valley of Mexico. It would be an Indian feather in some



speleologist's cap if he could solve the mystery of the longitude and latitude of caverns which the Aztecs did use in their migrations southward. Archeologists may rise up in careful academic wrath and say that no such find can ever be made, but scholars were not impressed when Heinrich Schliemann set out to find the city of Troy with not much more than Homer to go by. Amazing things have turned up in American caves..."




#28 --- The following story was reported by John J. Robinson, a popular investigator of UFOs and other phenomena. It appeared on pages 6-8 of Tim Beckley's book, "THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD":


    "After the conquest of South America by the Spanish Conquistadores, the Catholic priests who were attempting to convert the heathen Indians (to Romanism) discovered a cave entrance to what they called ‘Hell’. This entrance has since been sealed off with tons of rubble, dirt and huge stones and boulders.

    “The village of Liyobaa (or to translate it, ‘The Cavern of Death’) was located in the province of Zapoteca (the ‘Zapotec’ natives lived in the state of 'Oaxaca', Mexico - Branton) somewhere near the ancient village of Mictlan (probably refering to 'Mitla' in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, which is an ancient city containing Zapotec ruins - Branton), or the ‘Village of the Underworld’.

    “The Cavern of Death was actually located in the last chamber of an eight-chamber building or temple. This temple had four rooms above the ground and four more important chambers built below the surface.

    "The high priests of the then prevailing Indian



religion conducted the ordinary ceremonies for the common man of Theozapotlan in the upper rooms. It was when they descended into the subsurface chambers that the secret and, to them, holy ceremonies, were conducted.

   "The first underground room was the one which was reserved for any human sacrifice. Its walls were lined with the images of the representations of their various 'gods'. A blood-stained stone alter in the center of the chamber served for the sacrifice of any human victim, whose still-beating heart would be torn from a screaming still-living body and offered to the lips of those same stone idols for their supposed repletion. There was a second door in this first chamber which led to the second room. This was a crypt where the preserved bodies of all the deceased high priests reposed.

    "The next door in this crypt led to the third underground vault, about the walls of which were the preserved bodies of all the former 'Kings' of Theozapotlan. For, on the death of a king, his body is brought to this chamber and installed there with all the state and glory, as well as with many sacrifices to accompany him.

    "It was from this burial chamber of kings that the fourth and last underground room was accessible.  A doorway in this third room led into the last underground chamber which seems appropriately to have contained nothing but another entrance covered by a huge stone slab. I write 'appropriately', for the entrance to either HELL or the CAVES should be covered but unencumbered in the area about it for the benefit of those who might wish to leave rapidly and wisely.

    "It was considered by the Catholic Fathers of that day that this was an entrance to Hades; however, as we may well understand, it was an entrance to a Dero larder.




    "Through this doorway behind the stone slab were placed the bodies of all human sacrifices as well as the bodies of all great lords and chieftains of the land who fell in battle. The bodies of these warriors were brought from far and wide to be thrown into this cave when they had been cut down in battles which were constantly

being waged by these people.

    "Many of the common people, when debilitated by an incurable illness or oppressed by an unsupportable hardship, which made them seek death, would prevail upon the high priests to allow them to enter the door of death while still living.  They believed that if they did so they would be the recipients of a very special afterlife.

    “The high priests would sometimes accept them as living sacrifices and after special ceremonies allow them to enter the ‘Cavern of Death’ while still living. Needles to say, none ever returned to describe their experiences. The Catholic priests, in order to convert the believers of this ‘myth’ to ‘Christianity’, made arrangements to enter the subterranean door with a large retinue of torch holders and a long rope, which was tied to the stone slab door. They also took the precaution of having a large armed guard make sure that the door was not closed on them.

    “After they had lighted their torches and entered the door, it was discovered that they would have to descend several very large steps. At the foot of the steps was a very wide stone-paved passageway with a high stone buttress on either side. The passageway led directly away from the steps into the distant bowels of the earth. The bones of the most recent arrivals, picked clean, lay before them as the passage seemed to continue without end.

    “On each side of the buttressed path they could



see into a large open area which was a labyrinth of huge stone pillars that seemed to hold up the very mountain which they knew they were beneath.

    “As they advanced into the mountain, a putrid, dank air assailed their nostrils, serpents retreated from the light of their torches, and at times they seemed to see distorted figures retreat from the light behind the shadows of the pillars in the distance.

    “They continued into the depths a distance of about 40 meters when suddenly a strong cold wind began to blow about them. Still striving to continue, as their torches were extinguished rapidly, they took flight when all became dark, not only from the danger of the serpents, but also from strange sounds they could not place, but which were being made by the members of their own party.

    “Using the rope and the light of the torch one of the guards held in the doorway, out of the strong wind, the entire party rapidly retreated from this terrifying region.

    “When all the company had swiftly retreated to the ante-chamber of ‘Hell’, they rapidly replaced the large stone slab door.  After this the head prelate gave orders to fill in all the underground chambers and seal off and erase all signs of the stairs to them, thus eradicating for all tine this entrance to the Caves.”




Following are passages from various sources that give information on Inner-Earth related mysteries. They may specify the general, although not the exact, locations of the entrances to the caverns:


In July of 1980 I received a letter from a friend of mine, Ed Berg, of Liberty, KY., who claims to be




in contact with a race of ‘extraterrestrials’ who gave him the information which I quote from his letter below:


    "...According to my friends in space some bases have been established, some underground and some above ground. There are many types of aliens, many different kinds. Some believe in God, some could care less - just like humans. Did you know the space people also have souls and know a considerable amount about the spirit world?  But this is getting off the subject.

    “As to the subterranean cities, they do exist... The cities were constructed by a race (or races?) who inhabit them now. This race is very highly advanced and very peaceful. According to my information this race went underground when the people of Atlantis and the rest of the world started turning negative...

    “This race has created materials harder than diamonds..."




Issue No. 843 of the newsletter for the HOLLOW EARTH SOCIETY (GPO Box 563., Sydney 2001, Australia) reported the following about a disappearance in an Australian cavern network:


"Dear Members,

    “The upper council has instructed me to inform you that, with great sadness, we announce the loss of a third independent expedition by two of our cherished members to the Central Australian Nullarbor cave region which the Society believes holds an entry point to the inner earth continents.

    “An investigation was confidentially made. No trace of the party or their equipment however was




found. We have omitted names of the members until we can evaluate whether their mission was successful.

    “A second expedition will be launched in March of this year with the full back-up of the H.E.S.  We have arranged purchase of sophisticated electronic equipment from the Sony corporation which will keep the council abreast of all details..."




The following letter was sent to TAL LeVesque from Tawani W. Shoush (at the time living at: RR #1, Box 63, Houston, Missouri  65483  USA). ‘TAL’ was kind enough to forward this letter to me, which I record here in full:          



    “We have received your letter of 21 January. We thank you for your courtesy and the enclosed items of interest...

    “First, we have no information to exchange. I shall try to be as brief as possible and to the point. Until five years ago all things in life were on what may be termed normal. Then on a certain morning I was awakened very early, about 1:30 AM by my faithful Doberman.

    “A few hundred feet from my lodge on this beautiful Ozark mountain was a pulsating light. I arose and went to see what it was. Needless to say it was something that I had not dared to think existed. Yes, it was what is commonly called a ‘Saucer’, but I have since had several contacts, and have learned that the true name of these craft is ‘Flugelrad’.

    “I have had the honored privilege of accompanying these beautiful ‘Arianni’ on three




separate Flights.

    (Note: Shoush, a German immigrant, admits that this name ‘Arianni’ is related to the word ‘Aryan’, which has led SOME to suggest -- in addition to the fact that ‘Flugelrad’ is a German word -- that these entities ‘may’ have been from the secret Nazi German ‘New Berlin’ underground ‘saucer’ base that exists or did exist beneath the Neu Schwabenland region of Antarctic, where these Nazi’s reportedly collaborate with reptilian humanoids that do unspeakable things to those humans whom they abduct.  The U.S. government allegedly knows of this base, and sent Admiral Byrd to investigate it, which led to a secret government operation called ‘Operation Hyjump’. This base was reportedly constructed by a secret cabal of Nazi scientists who escaped the allied invasion of ‘Der Fodderland’ - Branton ;o).

    “Of course this sounds like a crackpot does it not?  Well, that is not the case. These craft do come from the inner Earth. Strange that you call yourself Tal, for that is the Name of my closest Arianni Friend ‘Thal’. We desire no connection with any other group. We have been given a certain Crystal, this for Navigation purposes through the Magnetic Maelstrom that is a barrier against all at the Polar Apertures. This Crystal is far from here and in a very safe place until needed.

    “The US Govt. found out what that Barrier means on the ill fated expedition to one of the Polar areas... Yet, today at the North Polar aperture nearby is a Soviet Base-camp, watching the coming and goings of the Flugelrad. The Americans made the greatest mistake of all in 1945 when the Arianni came to the surface in quantity, this to let the Surface People know of their existence. Hiroshima 1945.

    “Instead of the Americans realizing that the



Arianni were a Super Race and here for the benefit of all Humanity, the Military Fired on them and pursued them with Hostile intent. Insanity!  Thus the Americans have lost their chance with them.

    “They have proposed to us (The Arianni) that if we can launch a sincere Expedition free of Military or Materialistic intent, they will meet with us. There will be many barriers no doubt, but as the (Hollow Earth? - Branton) Society in Australia states, ‘At Last The Truth Will Be Known’.

    “So we proceed our course as directed. Again, thank you for your courteous letter, and we wish you all good Fortune in the quest of Peace."




Page 10 of the book, ‘ESCAPE TO INNER EARTH’, by Dr. Raymond Bernard (author of 'The Hollow Earth’) carried the following paragraph:


    "...We will have to find refuge under the earth from the radioactive contamination of its atmosphere and surface. In fact, after we have found such refuge from the destructive effects of atomic bombs and fallout, we will have to become permanent subterranean dwellers. That such an idea is not as far-fetched as it may seem to be at first glance is indicated by the discovery of vast subterranean tunnels under South America, probably constructed by a prehistoric race who sought safety from a similar catastrophe."




The following letter appeared in the September, 1945 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on page 173:





    “I sincerely hope that Mr. Shaver's intentions are good because it is clear that he has come into certain powerful knowledge from the past. Let me make clear these points.  The tablets referred to were buried by Thoth (are these the so-called ‘Emerald Tablets of Thoth’? - Branton). They have since been dug up and are at present in Tibet.  Mr. Shaver will never find them. 

    “The Atlanteans and Lemurians were two different places and races. Both were wiped out by the great Masters because of failure to obey cosmic laws. The last remnants of the Lemurians are locked in a great cavern in the earth along with other... negative creatures and can not be reached by any ordinary mortal, for which I give thanks to the Cosmos.

    “About Shasta - it is not peopled by Lemurians, although some of those who dwell there are centuries old. You may make inquires if you wish, however you will not learn much unless the great ones wish it. The masters have seven great caverns in scattered places throughout the earth.

    “There were other elder races besides the Lemurians and Atlanteans. One of these was the Xions, who came from a dark planet. As you travel in space, it can be done if you travel through curves but not through angles. I welcome inquiry in the proper spirit and will answer letters from anyone who is sincere.

    --- Alden M. Scrum., P.O. Box 625., Williams, Ariz.




The following information can be found on pages 20-22 of David H. Lewis' book, "THE INCREDIBLE CITIES OF INNER EARTH".  This book describes an alleged



expedition in April of 1979 into a tunnel located in Connecticut. The explorers claim they observed a huge agricultural center deep underground in which a strange type of plant was grown. They also reported seeing a massive complex with strange machines operated by automatons:


    "...There are, as far as we can determine, seven openings from the outer crust to cavities yet unseen by surface man. One such opening is the gigantic gap at the north pole while the matching entrance being at our South Pole area. Of the five remaining, we can pinpoint them as being in South America, Russia, China, mid-Atlantic and one... in our northeastern hemisphere, not too far from the famed Hudson River.

    “All openings mentioned are accessible with the exception of one located in the mid-Atlantic ocean. No opening lends to a dramatic entrance marked for your convenience with pointing signs, nor are they even obvious to the careful explorer who is sure he has covered every square mile of that location. The

most obvious is generally the unobserved.

    “For South America, I can state that the opening is by way of a natural tunnel for part of its enormous length: Its location lies south of the Amazon Basin and west of the Brazilian Highlands in a range of 700 latitude and 200 longitude.

    “A second opening, recorded on the microfilm taken from the tombs of the Gizeh Pyramid, points to the land now occupied by Russia. This is somewhat a large opening hidden behind a series of caverns south of Tonbou, north of Voronezaa and east of Livny, with a 90° latitude and a 300 longitude. This particular opening, as far as research has gone, indicates a closed tunnel system, either by the force of man or by the violence of nature over these many centuries. One



expedition entered and reached a point of falled rock extending miles in depth, and never returned.

    “A third passage is marked for China and due to the normal hostility, it becomes inaccessible. We do know, however, that such an opening does exist east of Kyaring, south of Ziling and due west of Bam. For all intent and purposes, this opening is yet unexplored by the people of China, either through the lack of money and equipment or a sheer lack of interest.

    “The fourth and most direct route is completely inaccessible by people of earth, for its location is marked at a 40° longitude, or 1,0029 meters below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.  Such an opening would have placed you at the mid point of the Atlantean continent had it still remained on top of our earth's crust. Unfortunately, there are no indications that this is factual and could very well be a distorted location to throw all ancients off the track of the secret entrances around the world. There is one fact that is certain for there is a direct connection with the well known Bermuda Triangle and the many mysteries surrounding it.

    “The fifth entrance is located here in the United States and is the opening that forms the basis for this book. Its location is mapped to a point just off route 6 that extends from Iahopoa to Brewster, New York. As to a definite explanation of why this particular continent of the United States was chosen for an opening is principally due to the formation of the outer crust and the coolness of the mantle beneath it. (Apparently Mr. Lewis only know of these few entrances as was not familiar with the dozens [or hundreds] of other reports of strange tunnels and caverns beneath the surface of the USA alone. - Branton)

    “The United States, South America, China and Russia, at the time of such excavations, were




unoccupied in the area of such planned tunnels. These areas (speculatory thoughts only) were chosen for their climate, trade winds and the fact they could remain breathing holes for centuries - utterly undetected by the surface inhabitant..."


Pages 16-17 of the same book continues as follows:


    "...Today, our earth contains hundreds of thousands of miles of tunnel systems - a network varying from the underground arched tunnels from Trenton, New Jersey to Bordentown of the same area ... to the network in Colorado Springs mountain - operated by our government, the unknown tunnels beneath New York City, the extensive system now in the Himalaya Mountains of China and the deep network of tunnel mastery that are buried deep beneath the solid rock of our ocean beds. When you take into consideration that most of this tunneling was done without your knowledge, especially here in America, nothing should surprise the average reader to find that thousands of more miles exist below our surface in the form of caverns and passageways.

    “This vast network of tunnels buried far beneath earth's surface now extends from Hyderabad India, around the northern tip of the Arabian Sea, through the land bridge south of Jordan, across Egypt and extending northwest to areas above Pearyland.  Greenland is but one small division of the system. Other tunnels were bored through solid rock from the Pearyland Junction, south and slightly westward to the Cumberland Peninsula of Finland and south to the mountain ranges of Tennessee and again westward to a dead end in the deserts of Arizona. There are other networks that connect Yucatan with a location just west of Bandeirante, Brazil.

    “Networks now believed to have been destroyed



by quakes were marked from an unknown location in the Bermuda Islands back to Yucatan and southwest to Easter Island. If these points were connected by straight lines, each would represent its own triangle with the first beginning at Wilmington, North Carolina to Bermuda and down to Nassau.

    “Others will form automatically when drawn on a world map. Bermuda and its triangle carry equal mystery as that of Yucatan, Bandeirante, Easter Island, Egypt and India. In the booklet, ‘Mysteries of the Pyramids’, the tunnels are revealed with detailed drawings originating below the Pyramid of Gizeh."


And finally, pages 30-31 of the same volume carry the following words:

    "...There are facts regarding these inner caverns where some surface dwellers (such as you and I) have wandered into various tunnel openings and were never seen again. There are to date more than nine dozes accounts where people from our surface have entered cave openings and again, have not been heard from since the day of entry. There is no way to verify if they became hopelessly lost, and ventured beyond the point of no return or actually wandered into Utopia far in the depths of our earth.

    “It is however, the author’s opinion that not all of these odd nine dozen so-called adventurers lost their way to the point of no return. If, on the other hand, some did manage to escape detection on their journey and eventually reached a subterranean city, I could not even hazard a guess as to whether they would still be alive and reaping the benefits of an ultra-modern garden of Eden or befell disaster as an unwelcome intruder and immediately sentenced to a death fitting for this unforgettable sin of trespassing into another world."






The following letter appeared in the November, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on page 174:


“Sirs:  Here is some information you may have; if not, this can be added to the Shaver Mystery.

    “I will reveal no names or how I came across this as it might involve the Ordinance officer who told it to some friends of mine.

    “Recently in Mexico in some caverns the U.S. Army found six spaceships. They know not who they belong to, or what they are made of. The construction of them is strange as they seem to appear to run on compressed air or by some such method. I hope this will add to your knowledge.

    “Kenneth Henderson., 1441 Madison Avenue., Indianapolis, Ind.




The following statement, made by Raymond A. Palmer, former editor of AMAZING STORIES magazine, was recorded on page 176 of the September, 1947 issue of that publication:

    "...As for your editor, he can give you some of the information you want. For instance, we have close to 15,000 letters from pro and con readers concerning the Shaver Mystery (AMAZING STORIES was a very popular science ‘fact-ion’ - or science fact / science fiction - magazine during the mid-1940's, and it still a very popular magazine today... - Branton).

    “We have perhaps 3,000 from people who have had similar experiences!  We no longer count letters -- we weigh them."





The following is part of a letter which appeared on pages 172-173 of the March,1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES:


“Sirs: ...Then there is the Brotherhood of the White Temple of 1600 Logan Street, Denver, Colorado, owned and operated by Dr. Doreal and Dr. Ramose.  This is another order that tells tall stories of giants, underground cities, and the pyramid of magnetic fire that always points toward the Sun on a magnetic belt deep in the earth, and many tales that stretch the imagination..." --- G. H. Spaulding., Box 1223., Warrenton, Oregon.




Pages 355-356 of ‘The Word’ (a series of volumes dealing with the occult) contains the following information in the issue for Sept. 1917:

    "...With elemental aid man will learn the geography of the earth. At present he knows little about the earth and its structure. All he knows is something about the seeming outline of the surface, the outer skin of the earth. Aside from the so-called geography there is an occult geography. Of this he can know nothing except what he will learn with the aid of... the use of some faculties of his mind (see THE WORD., Vol. 11, page 193) which are now unworkable as adamant.

    “Within the skin of the earth are other earths and earth organs, of which man has not as yet even dreamed. Within the earth are other earths and oceans and airs and fires, each of them peopled by beings, some of them human in form and others strange beyond fancy...."






Pages 182-183 of "AN INTRODUCTION TO FOLK-LORE", by Marian Roalfe Cox carries the following passage:


    "...The idea of bliss is not incomparable with underground abode. Legends tell of many a blissful sojourn in subterranean fairy-halls. In folk-tales, little children who are good fall into wells, and pass through green meadows to the house of the friendly Frau Holda. A well-known Chinese legend relates how two friends, wandering among the mountains in search of medicinal herbs, come to a fairy-bridge guarded by two maidens of superhuman loveliness, who invited them to cross into fairyland.

   “The blissful period spent with the fairy-folk seems but as yesterday when it is passed; yet when the friends fulfill their desire to revisit their earthly home, they find that seven generations have lived and died during their absence, and they themselves are centenarians ..."




Pages 411-412 of Harriette Augusta Curtiss' book, "THE MESSAGE OF AQUARIA", carries the following information:

    "....If it were possible to shut off all the other planetary forces and focus the Martian force it could be used to bore a tunnel clear through the earth. We are told that the Masters have constructed wonderful tunnels under continents and oceans through the help of the elements, but the elements and forces so used were not of Earth but of Mars. Engineers say that they could tunnel through the earth even now if they could remove the debris as the greater depths were reached, but with the use of the Martian force there would be no debris to be taken out, for the sides of the tunnel



would be compressed and fused and whatever resisted could be volatilized, and the tunnel, when completed, would endure as long as the planet itself.

    “By the use of this force all the great Centers on Earth can be connected when the time comes."




Pages 30 and 81 of the book, “GODS AND RITUALS”, by John Middleton, carries the following:

    “...In the cosmogony of the Amba there is another world under this one and our earth is the sky of this other world.  Rain, for instance, soaks through the earth and rains once more in the world below.

    "...the world contains certain other invisible creatures - the ‘people from below’ (i.e., living inside the earth), who are ‘good’ people, for example, anxious to insure rain for the humans...” (Otoro tradition)




Page 155 of "THE SEXUAL LIFE OF THE SAVAGES", by Bronislaw Malinowski, carries the following passage:


    "According to active tradition, mankind originated from the underworld, whence a coupler, a brother and sister, emerged at different specified places. According to certain legends, only women appeared first. Some of my commentators insisted upon this version: ‘You see, we are so many on this earth because many women came first. Had there been many men, we would be few.’”






On pages 176-177 of John Godwin's volume, "OCCULT AMERICA", we find the following information:


    "...It is at this point that the UFO syndrome gets inextricably tangled with a row of underworld themes, bringing in earth gods, dwarfs, giants, subterranean serpents, and the whole kingdom of Pan, complete with the fauns, centaurs and satyrs of classic mythology.

    “A number of spiritualist organizations hold that these creatures - plus others undreamed of by the ancients - are alive and exceedingly active in the bowels of the earth.  The ‘Borderland Sciences Research’ Associates of Vista, California, specialize in describing encounters with them; sometimes via psychic projection, occasionally in person.

    “But with the coming of the UFO, a new dimension was added to the picture. One set of beliefs merged with another, so today we have the cavern creatures increasingly identified with outer space beings. Often to such an extent that the term Venusian, for example, could denote a (reptilian) inhabitant of sub-Antarctica as easily as a planetary dweller -- simply according to who uses it."




The following comes from Robert Charroux's book, “THE GODS UNKNOWN", page 206:


    “...Think of the pointer of a compass: it shows where the greatest magnetic forces of the earth are concentrated, and yet, geographically, there are places where apparently nothing at all happens.

    “It might be, therefore, that Agartha (i.e. ‘Agharta’ - Branton) is either at the north Pole or




under the Himalayas. In any event, one tends to imagine initiatory centres to exist below the surface and always with some sort of lighting system based on highly technical knowledge!"




The following passages, putting forward the idea that beings exist below the earth's surface (according to some interpretations), may be found in the Holy Bible:


    "And no MAN in heaven, nor in earth, neither UNDER the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon." -- Revelation, CH.5 vs.3


"There were GIANTS IN the earth in those days...” -- Genesis, CH.6 vs.4


"And every CREATURE which is in heaven, and on earth, and UNDER THE EARTH..." -- Revelation, CH.5 vs.13


"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things UNDER THE EARTH..." –– Philippians, CH.2 vs.10


“Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also DESCENDED first into the LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH?" -- Ephesians, CH.4 vs.9


"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the son of man be three days and three night in the HEART OF THE EARTH." -- St. Matthew, CH.12 vs.40






The following quote comes from Benjamin F. Johnson, and appeared in LIFE'S REVIEW (Independence, Mo., Zion's Printing and Publishing Co., 1947. P 93):


    "...Some think the earth hollow and at the northern end of the earth there is a great hole. They fancy that the earth is inhabited inside with a race of people, said by some to be what is called the ten-tribes, as the statement is made that they (the lost tribes of Israel) journeyed to the north for many days and it seems impossible to many to account for them on the land that they now live on.

    "...and if this be so it is more than likely that they are a numberous people. If they are inside the earth, I think that their cry for a long time has been: give us room that we may dwell." ("The North Pole.," The Deseret Weekly., 53:20-21 [June 20, 1896]...)

    "...In adding his theory, the writer of the Era goes on to state the possibilities of a warmer region in the north. And that some day, explorers MAY find the ten tribes who likewise may also be searching for their brethren of the other two tribes." (ie. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin)


The most widely accepted source of information on the Lost Tribes of Israel can be found in the ‘APOCRYPHA’, which according to Jews and Christians alike are ‘books’ that are not considered to be ‘Divinely penned scripture’, but rather collections of Jewish tradition and history. One can read the following in the Apocryphal book of II Esdras 13:40-48:


    "...And whereas thou sawest that he gathered another peaceable multitude unto him; those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Csea the king,




whom Salmonasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters and so they came into another land. But they took this council among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt, that they might keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the river. For the most high then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over. For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth. Then dwelt they there until the later time: and now when they shall begin to come, the Highest shall stay the springs and streams again, that they may go through: therefor sawest Thou the multitude with peace."




Page 77 of John W. Dean's book, "FLYING SAUCERS CLOSE-UP", carries the following information on the Hollow Earth theory:


    "It is true that we have several books along that line, along with some vague stories and rumors. One of the earliest and most definite was an old issue of the magazine SHOWERS OF BLESSING (Published by the Rev. William R. Blessing). It showed sectional diagrams of Earth -- a shell 300 miles thick, having openings at each end... somewhat like a coconut with holes at the ends with rounded edges. I noted that they were drawn about 1910."

    (Note: Some claim that if these ‘holes’ do exist, then why do they not appear in satellite photos? Well, first of all, there ARE satellite



photos which raise some suspicions, if you do a net-search for the words “polar hole photos”, for instance. Next, these holes are allegedly concealed most of the time by thick polar cloud cover, or by some other phenomena, such as a dimensional phenomena!?  The government of course has not released any evidence to the existence of these vortexes for obvious reasons. - Branton)




Pages 30-31 of the book, "RAINBOW CITY AND THE INNER EARTH PEOPLE", by ‘Michael X’, contains the following interesting information concerning Marshal B. Gardner (now deceased) who was the author of the volume, "A Journey To The Earth's Interior", one of the earlier books to put forward the idea of a geo-concavetic or ‘hollow’ sphere:


"By means of (electromagnetically assisted ‘thought transference’) I received the following message:


“‘...There are entrances leading into the interior of the earth. One located at the Polar region, but not at the spot present exploration has covered. The opening is at distance some 1800 miles from the North Pole. Another opening is 2400 miles from the South Pole. These openings are not nearly as large as (some have) calculated... nor are they easy to find. The Inner earth people keep those entrances well concealed and camouflaged by their advanced scientific knowledge and superphysical abilities.’

    “At this point the communication was brought to a close. I was permitted to ask no more questions at that session. But much of value had been revealed. Since then I've learned a number of other vital facts about the Inner Earthians.

    “Most important, perhaps, is the fact that a



great ‘housecleaning’ has been going on within those inner earth realms -- in the great cavern cities -- and the negative, destructive entities are being removed by the friends and brothers from other advanced worlds. Both astral and physical levels of the inner earth are being cleaned out in preparation for the coming Golden Age on earth.”




Page 62 of Raymond Bernard's book, "THE HOLLOW EARTH", puts forward the following speculations:


    "Gravitational pull is strongest around the curve from the exterior to the interior of the Earth. A 150 pound man would probably weigh 300 pounds while sailing through the polar opening and around the curve from the outside to the inside of the Earth. When he reached the inside he would weigh only 75 pounds. This is because less force is needed to hold a body to the inside of a hollow ball in rotation than to hold it to the outside, due to centrifugal force."




The following statements can be found on pages 77 & 218 of the book, “FLYING SAUCERS CLOSEUP”, by John W. Dean:


    "The foregoing does not prove that there are not great caverns in Earth's crust with openings in Alaska and South America where space ships have been seen entering and leaving.    "...There are regular freight space ships, unseen, since they land at sea in the undersea bases and the freight is distributed in their teleporters or by way of the network of tubes that lace the subterraneum."






Page 8 of Tim Beckley's book, "THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD", gives the following information concerning another entrance in Peru:


    "Another source of tunnel information may be a huge monolith of perpendicular rock, which stands apart from its native habitat, the mountains. This rock is of lava, and how it was erected or who erected it is lost in the ages of antiquity, long before the Incas came on the scene.

    “The huge monolith stands alone on the shore at Ila, a small town in the southern tip of Peru, not far from the Chilean border. The rock bears odd hieroglyphic marks carved upon it. Marks which only in the light of the setting sun create a cryptic group of symbols. It is said that these marks will reveal to the person able to read them and decipher the message correctly, the location of a secret entrance to the tunnels, an entrance located - some researchers assert - in the fastness of the ‘Los Tres Picas’, the Three Peaks region. This is a triangular formation of mountain tops near the monolith in the Loa River section.

    “When Mme. Blavatsky visited Peru, she viewed and concurred with the information regarding the markings on the Ila monolith. She also asserted that information regarding the entrances to the tunnels had been graven in the walls of the ‘Sun Temple’ at Cuzco. Information of a symbolized nature, but nevertheless information which revealed to the person, with the knowledge of the meaning of the symbols, the secret entrances to those tunnels which the priests of ‘Sun God’ knew about. It is reported that Mme. Blavatsky received a chart of the tunnels, from an old Indian, when she visited Lima. This chart now reposes in the Adyar, India,




archives of the Theosophical Society."




Page 313 of the book, "BEASTS, MEN, AND GODS", by Ferdinand Ossendowski, records the following prophecies, made in 1890 by the (so-called) ‘King of the World’, who is/was said to reside in the subterranean kingdom of ‘Agharta’ or ‘Agharti’. Quoting from the volume:


    "...The Hutuktu of Narabanchi related the following to me, when I visited him in his monastery in the beginning of 1921:

    "When the King of the World appeared before the Lamas, favored of God, in this monastery thirty years ago he made a prophecy for the coming half century. It was as follows (Note: It may be that the ‘half century’ interpretation may have been the author’s idea, as many of these predictions were not fulfilled by the year 1971, 50 years following 1921. - Branton):

    "'More and more people will forget their souls and care about their bodies. The greatest sin and corruption will reign on the earth. People will become as ferocious animals, thirsting for the blood and death of their brothers. The 'Crescent' will grow dim and its followers will descend into beggary and ceaseless war.  It’s conquerors will be stricken by the sun but will not progress upward and twice they will be visited with the heaviest misfortune, which will end in insult before the eye of the other peoples. The crowns of kings, great and small, will fall... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... There will be a terrible battle among all the peoples.

    “‘The seas will become red... the earth and the bottom of the seas will be strewn with bones...




kingdoms will be scattered... whole peoples will die... hunger, disease, crimes unknown to the law, never before seen in the world. The enemies of God... will come. Those who take the hand of another shall also perish. The forgotten and pursued shall rise up and hold the attention of the whole world. There will be fogs and storms. Bare mountains shall suddenly be covered with forests. Earthquakes will come... Millions will change the fetters of slavery and humiliation for hunger, disease and death. The ancient roads will be covered with crowds wandering from one place to another.

    “‘The greatest and most beautiful cities shall perish in fire... one, two, three... Father shall rise against son, brother against brother and mother against daughter... Vice, crime and the destruction of body and soul shall follow... Families shall be scattered... Truth and love shall disappear... From ten thousand men one shall remain; he shall be nude and mad and without force and the knowledge to build himself a house and find his food... He will howl as the raging wolf, devour dead bodies, bite his own flesh and challenge God to fight...

    “‘All the earth will be emptied. God will turn away from it and over it there will only be night and death. Then I shall send a people, now unknown, which shall tear out the weeds of madness and vice with a strong hand and will lead those who still remain faithful to the spirit of man in the fight against Evil. They will found a new life on the earth purified by the death of nations... Afterwards there will be eighteen years of war and destruction. Then the peoples of Agharti will come up from their subterranean caverns to the surface of the earth.’”





The following information comes from a booklet by TAL Levesque, titled "REFLECTIONS”. The underworld journey described below is remarkably similar to that which is described In John Uri Lloyd's book, "ETIDORHPA" (Available from: Amherst Press., Amherst, Wisconsin., 54406):


"THINKING AND DESTINY", by Harold W. Percival., Word Publishers (1946):

    “...Inside and outside of the crust of the earth, are spherical zones. Inside the crust and the zones are races and entities, some superior and some inferior to the human race. During certain cycles divine kings (perfected doers) come from the interior earth to teach and rule over human beings on the crust.

    “SECTION 5 - The Way in The Earth.

    “The companion meets the on-goer and makes himself known... ‘I am here to help you on a part of the journey. Are you ready to go and to have me as your guide?’

    “Together the companion and the on-goer go from place to placer... When the time comes the companion leads the on-goer to an opening into the earth... a new guide appears. The on-goer and his guide leave the surface and enter the earth.

    “Gradually the on-goer becomes accustomed to the darkness and sees by a new kind of light. They come to a new worlds inside the earth crust, a world existing on many levels.  The new world is like spaces in a sponge; some of the chambers, passages and labyrinths are vast in size, hundreds of miles long and high, and some only small pockets. He sees strange things in many colors, landscapes, cliffs, some of crystal. He sees by

an inner earth light, which is made by a mingling of transient units. There is no night and no day. There are no shadows, except at the outer limits of



the inner earth light. He travels on foot or at times in vehicles made of metal.

    “The vehicles glide like a sled over the magnetic ground.

    “The guide takes him through many countries, in which are varieties of human beings. They travel along different layers and from one layer to others. Different conditions exist on the different layers. Thus the force of gravity is strongest near the outer crust and after that point is passed, decreases gradually as they advance into the crust, and finally ceases (according to some, this would be the gravitational ‘null’ zone between the inward ‘pull’ of the outer crust and the centrifugal outward ‘push’ of the rotating inner surface - Branton).

    “The on-goer sees many peoples. Nearest to the crust the races are wild and degenerate; they eat raw flesh and drink strong intoxicants. But farther in the people are peaceable and cultured. Nearly all races are white (no doubt due largely to the lack of the ‘tanning effect’ of direct sunlight - Branton). Some of them are acquainted with the earth and have powers over its forces.

    “The people in the earth crust are human beings, but who are not (directly) akin to any human race NOW on the crust. Some have never left the interior. The on-goer meets people of the race to which his guide belongs.

    “During these wanderings the guide explains the structure of the inner earth, its forces and history, the phenomena and their causes and reactions. He explains the illusions of time and of the dimensions of matter and the relative reality of all these things, which are seen as illusions. He explains that the on-goer must balance his thoughts, and that the end of The Way is in the balancing. The on-goer says: ‘I will go on alone.’”






A former acquaintance of mine (mid-1980's) by the name of Christine Hayes, at the time living in Colorado, revealed an interesting account of a huge cavern beneath the South American country of Peru.  In one of her letters, she stated:


“...a Cavern City (exists) beneath Lake Titicaca (Peru), called ‘XUBLAAN’.  It is next to an underground twin lake of Titicaca's..."




Pages 48-49 of Raymond Bernard's book, "FLYING SAUCERS FROM THE EARTHS INTERIOR", records the following account:


    "Recently the Brazilian press and radio announced that a party of geologists and other scientists entered one of the many tunnels that open on the tops of mountains here (evidently constructed by an antediluvian race of ‘Atlanteans’ before the Deluge), and after descending some distance, came to a subterranean city. Then a sudden fright seized the party, and they fled before they entered the city. They refused to return or to reveal what made them get frightened. Perhaps the city was inhabited and perhaps its inhabitants did not want to be molested and projected certain types of radiations on them..." (Compare this with other rumors that many Incas actually disappeared into the subterranean world - Branton)




Page 159 of Andrew Tomas's book, "ON THE SHORES OF



ENDLESS WORLDS", records the following account, which is perhaps a reference to the sub-city of XUBLAAN mentioned earlier:


    "...The Jesuit Agnelio Oliva (1572-1642) recorded the words of an old Inca quipu reader to the effect that the real Tiahuanaco was a subterranean city exceeding the one above ground in vastness. It was believed that the entrance to the underground apartments could be gained through four tunnels. Last century one passage was evidently found as treasure hunters managed to get in, to look for gold, but only one came out. He brought out with him two gold bars but left behind his sanity. After this incident the Peruvian government decided to wall up the cave entrance. How like the experience of the two Englishmen, treasure-hunting in Andkor..."




The following accounts come from page 242 of "THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLK-LORE” - Vol-52:


    "...The Cubeo Indians, a Tukano-speaking people, live at present along the Cuduiari, Querari, Pirabaton, and Vaupes rivers in southeastern Columbia. The region of these rivers is hilly, heavily forested country, at an average elevation of some 750 feet. Some thirty gentes grouped into three exogamous unnamed phratries comprise the tribe. The Cubeo Indians refer to themselves as pamiwa - ‘first people.’

    "...The Cubeo are a river people, and according to their traditions their ancestors first EMERGED from the rocks at river rapids; thereafter all the Cubeo lived along the rivers."




Pages 248-249 of the same work contains the following information:


    "The Caraja are an isolated people inhabiting a large territory slightly north of the geographical center of Brazil.

    "...In the underworld, the original home of the Caraja, there was neither sickness nor death. As the emergence myth states, ‘More people kept being born. Nobody died. There wasn't enough room. When a man got old, he sat there in one place without moving. Kaboi couldn't add any more houses to the village. It was full. A new father was lying on the mat. It was time to eat honey. He went off hunting honey. While he was hunting he heard a ‘seriema’ (Portuguese name of a bird) sing. He scooped a hole toward it and came out. He found fruit at once and decided to return. When he got back he gave his folk the fruit to taste. They found it very good and wanted to come out. They invited the others to come with them. Wobedu sent his folk out first and he went first among them. Kaboi came among the last. He got stuck in the hole. His belly was too big. He decided to go back. It was a dead leaf that he spied. He spoke to his wife, 'Let's go back. There is death there.' They went back again..."




The following passage appeared in an article titled "Subterranean Saucers - Global Network Of Underground UFO Bases", by Raymond Bond, which appeared on page 58 of the 1980 issue of UFO ANNUAL:


    "In the Tampico area of Mexico stands stately Sombrero Mountain, riddled with caves near the top. From these caves come incredible sounds which,



according to the local people, resemble those made by hydroelectric generating equipment. There is no hydroelectric plant within Sombrero Mountain. But take note, witnesses often have said that the UFOs they sighted made buzzing noises like 'electric machinery'”




The following two accounts can be found on pages 79-82 of Warren Smith's book, "THIS HOLLOW EARTH":


    "In his book, ‘Mysteries of Ancient South America’ (The Citadal Press., New York., 1956), author Harold T. Wilkins related that in March 1942, a Mr. and Mrs. Lamb (no other identification) from California, were personal guests of President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House. The couple had reportedly discovered a tribe of uncivilized Indians in the Mexican state of Chiapas. These Indians, possibly members of the Iancandones tribe, said they guarded an ancient, unknown Mayan city. The Lambs informed President Roosevelt that the old city included a temple with a subterranean vault. Inside the vault were gold plates, inscribed with a record of man's history on earth. They also declared the gold plates had predicted the outbreak of World War II.

    “‘The Lambs told the President that the gold sheets recorded history back beyond the great flood,' reported Gunther Rosenberg. 'The Indian tribesmen seldom visited the secret city, except to worship. Then they held ritualistic ceremonies in the Mayan temple and worshiped their ancient gods of the underworld,'

    “'This may be the same lost city mentioned by Abbe Charles Etienne Brasseur-deBourbourg, the scholarly, religious administrator of Chiapas,



Mexico, in the early 1850s. The Abbe recorded his experience in a journal, mentioning rumors of a lost city along the edges of the Mexican frontier. He said that people FROM this hidden city frequently appeared in the pueblos and town to barter for supplies. They vanished as quickly as they appeared when they were questioned about their origin.'

    "...J. Lloyd Stephens, an adventurer, traveler and a friend of Madame Blavatsky, was exploring the areas of western Guatemala in 1838-39. Later, in both London and New York, Stephens astonished newsmen with stories of unusual ruins near the pueblo of Chajol. Stephens said:

    “'There are ruins beyond Santa Cruz del Quinche that are unknown to our explorers. I was traveling with a band of native Indians near the headwaters of the Rio Usumacinta. After many days of hard travel, we climbed to the summit of a large ridge along the Sierra Cordillera. At a height of 10,000 feet I could look over an immense plain that extended to the south and down into the (Gulf?) of Mexico. From that vantage point I saw a marvelous city that extended over a great area. There were high, white turrets that glistened in the sun.

    “‘Stephens motioned for his porters to march toward the city. 'I was extremely excited at the thought of finding a lost metropolis In this dense green jungle,' he said later.

    “'”This is as far as a white man may go,” an elderly Indian Informed Stephens. “The people in that city know that white invaders have conquered this land. They murder any white man who enters the city.”

    “'”How have they remained undiscovered for so many years?” asked Stephens. “They have no coins, no livestock, or domestic animals,” said the old Indian. “The buildings you see are not inhabited,




They have left the city and moved underground to save themselves from the white invaders.”

    “'”How do they live underground?” inquired Lloyd Stephens. “Without sunlight, they would surely die after a few weeks in a cave.”

    “‘The old Indian looked at the explorer with amusement. “There are many secrets in this world,” he said. “These people have known the formula for the great light for thousands of years.”

    “'”What great light?”

    “‘The Indian pointed to the earth and up into the cloudy sky. “The great light is the secret of all things,” he said. “It was given to these people many years ago by the gods from beneath the earth.”

    “‘Stephens argued with his Indian packers, but he was unable to convince them to enter the city. Frustrated, his curiosity at a fevered pitch, Lloyd Stephens reluctantly followed his guides down the Rio Usumacinta river. As he left the tortuous hilly jungles of western Guatemala Stephens wondered how many ancient races lived beneath the earth. These abandoned cities had once hummed with life. Now, he wondered if Cortez and his Conquistadors had seized the real treasure from the sallow-faced Aztec priests. Was the great light the real bonanza?’".

