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In relation to the above account, there is a prediction which appears on pages 143-145 of the book “CHEIRO’S WORLD PREDICTIONS”, by the famous 'seer' CHEIRO:


“...From 1980 the succeeding period of another seventy times seven will, in my opinion, see the restoration of the Twelve Tribes of Israel as the dominant power of the world.

   "During this period it will be the Israelites and nations who have intermingled with them who will open up and develop the great wealth of both Palestine and Egypt.

   "The Great Pyramid will then become the controlling center in the world’s civilization. Under their influence it will at last be fully explored, the secret passage at present sealed up by the granite block in the side of what is called 'the well' will at last be opened. Beneath the thirteen acre base of the pyramid a treasure temple will be discovered, one not only containing gold and jewels beyond the wildest dreams of imagination, but revealing scientific secrets by which the Pyramid was built, which will upset all previously known laws relating to Astronomy, gravitation, electricity, the harnessing of the powers of light, etheric rays and the hidden forces of the atom. With such knowledge at their disposal the Israelites and all the descendants of 'the lost tribes' will become possessors of the Earth in every sense as has been predicted so many times in the Bible... Before this desired time can dawn, the great Armageddon must be fought...

   "Among other things, there are allegations that the Great Pyramid at Giza holds hidden within itself actual artifacts related to the life and crucifixion of Christ, including the actual cross mentioned in the Bible; a Space Ship; a tunnel leading to distant countries; and 12 super beings - at present in a state of suspended animation..."




Page 89 of the book, “THE HISTORY AND PRACTICE OF MAGIC”, contains the following information relating to the Gizeh region of Egypt:


“...The Sphinx of Gizeh, says Iamblicus, served as an entrance to the 'sacred' vaults in which the Maji held their tests. This entrance, frequently blocked, can still be traced between (ad beneath) the forelegs (of the Sphinx). In former times it was closed by a bronzed door whose secret spring was known only to the Magi. In the body of the Sphinx were constructed corridors that communicated with the subterranean portions of the Great Pyramid; these corridors were so skillfully arranged that anyone who undertook the journey from the Sphinx to the Great pyramid without a guide was inevitably brought back through their mysterious network to the point whence he had started."




Pages 107-109 of Richard Webb’s book “THESE CAME BACK” records 11 prophecies concerning those things to happen at the close of the age. They were given to a man named Tony during his visit to the Tsai Hei Lamasery. One of these prophecies seems to refer to the Great Sphinx, it is recorded in the book as follows:


“The stone cat of the desert shall reveal its standing legs and lost knowledge and wisdom shall come forth from them. The first to un-lock the ancient doors shall be three men, each from a nation of love and peace, and each of a different race.”




#14 --- Pages 35-36 of Franz Hartmann’s book, “AMONG THE GNOMES”, contains the following legend:


“...We were accompanied by a guide, carrying our provisions and scientific instruments. This guide was a direct descendant of the reputed Lazarus Gitschner, who in the year 1529 spent ten days among the gnomes in the Untersberg (a mountain in the Austrian Alps). We attempted to draw him out, but the guide would not reveal what his ancestor had seen during that visit; nor is this surprising, for Lazarus himself never revealed it to anybody except to the priest in the confessional. All that has become known about it is, that he came out of the Untersberg a man entirely changed from what he was before he went in, and the priest also, after hearing the confession, became very much changed himself, even so that he left off playing ninepins on Sunday morning, led a retired life, and died not long afterwards in the odour of sanctity.”




#15 --- Page 106 of William Denton’s book, “THE SOUL OF THINGS - Vol.11”, contains the following psychometric experiment concerning the burial customs of the Egyptians:


"...It seems like a city underground, it is so large. It extends a long way. I turn to the right, and go on. At the end is a door, which seems to open into a little room or chapel. There are people buried even in here, and piled one above another in niches that appear to have been cut for them. I cannot see very distinctly in this room; but there is something in the centre raised above the floor. There is water in it: It is indistinct, however. These bodies are all embalmed. I am going to look at some of them. I am close to one: he lies near the walk. He is tall. Yes, he was considered a very wise man. He must have been a priest, I think. Yes, he was considered a very wise and a very good man: he was a saint. I don’t like it down here. I must get out..."




#16 --- Page 138 of C.S. Kirk's book, "MYTH: MEANING AND FUNCTIONS", carries the following Mesopotamian legend:


"...He arrives at the mountain called Maahu, guarded by scorpion-men     (a long established hybrid of Mesopotamian art and myth, particularly chosen to guard the boundaries of earth and sky). They recognize him as one-third mortal and two-thirds divine, and allow him to pass through the mountain. After twelve leagues of terrifying darkness he emerges into the brilliant light of a jeweled (underground) garden... described at some length. In the tenth tablet the journey continues..."




#17 --- In the volume "ETIDORHPA", by John Uri Lloyd, there is a reference to a huge subterranean ocean existing below the Arctic area at a great depth. One end of this body of water, according to the volume, comes up against a huge precipice, miles deep. The water is kept from overflows by a small wall about a foot above the waters surface, which extends a distance around a section of the oceans edge. When this ocean, which is as smooth as glass, overflows this barrier, the water falls in cascades to the bottom of the precipice, where there is a funnel-shaped opening of great size. When this water hits the salt compounds and other minerals, it causes a chemical reaction, thus forcing the gases created down the funnel and through a very long tunnel in the earth. The gases eventually emerge on the surface in the form of one of Italy's volcanoes, Mount Epomeo, situated on a small island off the west coast of Italy, not far from Naples.




#18 --- Harold T. Wilkins' book, "FLYI1G SAUCERS UNCENSORED", pages 97-98, carries the following story of the strange emergence of two children from an underground 'world' in the area of Suffolk, England:


"The twelfth century monk, Gervase of Tilbury, tells of 'The Cream Children,' who emerged from some caves or pits, in Suffolk, in such queer circumstances that one might conclude either that they had been teleported from some world in space, or from some terrestrial subterranean world! This story is also given by three other monastic chroniclers, William of Newburgh, Walsingham, and Giraldus Casbrensis.

   "Gervase titled it, 'De Viridibes Pueris':

   "'There is a village in England, some four to five miles from the noble monastery of the blessed king and martyr, Edmund, near which may be seen certain strange and memorable antiquities, called the English 'Wolfpittes' (N.B. The modern Woolpit, seven miles from Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk). They gave their name to the adjacent village. There came a harvest-tide when the reapers were gathering in the corn. On a sudden, there crept out from these two pits a boy and a girl, green at every point of their body, and clad in garments of strange colour and unknown texture.

   "They wandered distraught about the field, until the harvesters took pity on them and brought them to the village, where many thronged to see them, marveling at the strangeness of the occurrence. And for some days, these children refused all food that was placed before them. But it happened that some beans were brought in from the fields, and the two children snatched at them greedily and eat in the pits, weeping bitterly, for they found the pods empty. Then one of the bystanders offered them only shelled beans, which they took gladly and ate forthwith. On this food they were nourished for some days, until they learnt to eat bread. At length, under the prevailing influence of our food, they slowly changed the colour of their skin and learned to speak English.

   "Then, on the advice of wise folk, they received holy baptism, but the boy, who seemed the junior in age, lived for only a brief time thereafter, while his sister throve and lived on, differing in no wise from the girls of our own country. The story goeth that she later married a man at Lynn, or Lennam (King's Lynn, Norfolk ?) where she is still said to be living (at the time of this writing), or was so said, up to a few years ago.

    "'These two strange children were often asked whence they came, and replied, "We are folk of St. Martin's Land, for he is the chief saint among us... Among us no sun riseth, nor is there open sunshine, but such a twilight as here goes before the rising and setting of the sun. Yet a land of light is to be seen not far from us, but severed from us by a stream of great breadth.'"

    "..Incidently, Garvase of Tilbury lived around the late 12th and early 13th centuries."


Pages 32-33, of Timothy Green Beckley's book, "THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH", records more details to this strange story:


    "...The most famous case involved the discovery of two subsurface children in the year 1100, in the small English town of Wulfpeters (i.e. 'Wolfpittes' - Branton). The entire story is related in Chronicon Anxllcmrum, by Abbot Ralph, of the nearby community of Coggsshall. We quote this text as follows:

    "'...This boy and girl, brother and sister, came out of holes at Mt. Mary de Wulpeters (in East Anglia), next to the edge of the pit found there. They had all the members, like those of other men; but in the color of the skin they differed from all other mortals of earth. For the surface of the skin none could understand. At that time, weeping inconsolably, they were taken, out of astonishment, to the house of Richard de Calne at Wikes..."

    "'...And after being regenerated by the holy waters of baptism, for many years remained in the service of the soldier, afore-said, as from the same soldier and his family we often heard. She showed herself very wanton and lascivious. Indeed asked about the men of her own country, she affirmed that all who dwelt is her land, or had lived there, were colored green, and no sun was perceived there, but that a brightness or shining such as would happen after sunset was visible at all times.

    "'Asked in what manner she had come from the land with the boy, she replied that they were following sheep and arrived at a certain cavern. On entering it they heard a certain delectable sound of bells and, in trying to reach the sweet sound, they wandered for a very long time through the cavern until they cams to its end. Thence, emerging, the excessive brightness of our sun and the unwonted, warm temperature of our air astonished and terrified them. For a long time they lay upon the edge of the cave. When overcome with disquietude, they wished to flee, but they could not in the least find the entrance to the cavern, until they were seized by the people of the countryside.'"


More details on this story can be found in an article by W. Raymond Drake, titled "The Green People", which appeared on pages 16-18 of the Winter 1979-80 issue of SEARCH magazine:

    "...William of Newbury in Yorkshire, England, (1136-11987) in his 'Historia Rerun Anglicarum', a careful record of contemporary events, penned in Chapter XXVII, 'De Viridibus Pueris', a most fascinating tale which intrigues us more than ever today. Our own translation of the mediaeval Latin reads... 'About The Green Children'.

    "The prodigy which happened to arise during the reign of Stephen in England (1135-1154) should not appear to go unheard for centuries.

    "...There is a village in Eastern England four or five miles distant, it is said, from the noble monastery of Edmond, the blessed King and martyr. Nearby the village may be seen certain most ancient trenches, which in the English language are called 'Alfpittes', that is 'Wolf-pits'. They give their name to the adjacent village..."




#19 --- (The following account is continued from the previous work - Branton):


    "...The rest of the story, as recorded by William of Newbury, does not deviate much from that given by Gervese in his 'De Viridibes Pueris'. Perhaps, just as interesting, is the story of the two children who emerged from tunnel in Spain, almost 1000 miles to the south, which was also mentioned in Drake's article:

    "'The brilliant Jacques Bergier in 'Les Extra-Terrestres dan l'histoire' repeats this startling story in almost every detail; he describes two children with negroid faces and Asiatic almond eyes, who manifested one afternoon in August 1887 near the village of Banjos in Spain. The young girl said they came from a country without sun dimmed by perpetual twilight. This remarkable parallel between these stories seven centuries apart may be purely coincidental, although without more contemporary confirmation we are tempted to suspect some plagiarism. However, even the sceptic must admit, if green children really did appear once from a twilight land, others could appear again.

    "'It is said that the green children at Banjos were taken to the house of Ricardo da Calne, magistrate and the village's chief landowner. An article attributed to John Macklin in 'GRIT' (magazine), December 1966, reprinted in the American review 'Understanding' - Volume XII, August 1967, states "The documents are still in existence. The sworn statements of witnesses who testified to have spoken to, and touched, the beings who came hand-in-hand from a mole In the ground..."  If this be true, it is most surprising

that the Spanish authorities have not made intensive investigation and fully reported these amazing details, which agree somewhat suspiciously with the original tale of 'The Green Children' of Alfpittes (Wolfpit) mentioned by William of Newbury and said to be supported by medieval chronicles of Gervase of Tilbury, Giraldus Cambrensis and Walsingham.

    "'Harold Wilkins in "FLYING SAUCERS UNCENSORED' states (that) 'St. Martin's Land' is probably Merlin's land of 'grammarye', or necromancy; a subterranean world, or twilight land, to which the 'gods' or god-men, were forced to descend after the submersion of Greater Atlantis.'..."