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Actually, Lois found the giants of the cave hard to describe because their covering seemed to be like long white hair, combed downward and shaggy looking. Their heads were unusually elongated at chin and top with large features, and the hair on their heads fell about the shoulders like a draped monk's cowl. Lois found the Heindel drawings exciting because "the currents in the desire body" sketches were the first to resemble in any way the cave dwellers she saw on Malta. Nor does her description of that correspond to Shaver's Deros, hideous dwarfs or trolls who might very well have carved that portion of Hal Saflini now open to the public. This conflict in sizes and types very well illustrates the point I made earlier, that the underworld is peopled with beings of many sizes, shapes and varying degrees of density, from the completely physical to the completely invisible.

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( The lowest chamber in the Hypogeum, with 3 of the so-called ‘burial chambers’ visible, and another to the right outside of the photo. Press CTRL+click to follow link. From: )

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Now I have no reason to doubt Miss Jessop's honesty, nor the accuracy of her story, nevertheless, it is understandable that I only half believed it when Mrs. Crabb and I left New York to continue our trip. But on returning home to Vista, and going to the San Diego library for reference materials on Malta, I found enough confirmation for me.

I saw it in Richard Walter's "Wanderers Awheel In Malta" in the August 1940 'National Geographic':

"...Years ago one could walk underground from one end of Malta to the other, but all entrances were closed by the government because of a tragedy. On a sight-seeing trip, comparable to a nature study tour in our own (American) schools, a number of elemental school children and their teachers descended into the tunneled maze and did not return. For weeks mother's declared that they heard wailing and screaming from the underground. But numerous excavations and searching parties brought no trace of the lost souls. After three weeks they were finally given up for dead."

A sad story isn't it? One wonders why the British government, powerful as it is, didn't organize an expedition and go in there in great force. Did fear stop them? Fear of the unknown? Or perhaps pressure from the Catholic hierarchy? Bureaucratic officials are not notoriously brave...

In this case it was easier to close the file with the official statement that the walls had caved in, and walling off the area -- not an unusual procedure for authorities in a situation beyond their control.


#22 --- The following information also appeared in Riley H. Crabb's book, "THE REALITY OF THE CAVERN WORLD", on page 20:

"...At times the (Barbary) apes swarm over the Rock of Gibraltar. At other tines they disappear completely, presumably back home to Spanish Morocco, 16 miles across the Strait in Africa. Apes are not native to Europe!

"Identification banded apes, tagged in Gibraltar, have been found in Morocco, and vice versa. No apes have ever been seen swimming across the Strait. They certainly don't fly -- though perhaps they could be transported in Flying Saucers -- so the only logical conclusion is that the apes make their way across the strait through underground caverns, still unknown and undiscovered by surface dwelling human beings. Natural caverns deep within the Rock were discovered early in World War II when supply and storage tunnels were being dug out. Apparently these were not fully explored, or if they were, the results were censored by the British government."


#23 --- The following story, from an Unknown source, appeared on page 5 of 'THE HOLLOW HASSLE' newsletter - Vol.2 No.l; This publication was dedicated to the study of Inner-Earth phenomena:

"Cave explorers wearing scuba equipment have discovered a mysterious staircase, obviously ancient, leading to a network of caves on the Carribean Island of Bonaire. There are 18 steps in all and it is believed they could not have been carved by the primitive island inhabitants who lived on Bonaire when the Spanish arrived there in the 15th Century. The cave explorers, led by Don Stewart, manager of the Flamingo Beach Club on the Island, found no artifacts in the one cave they explored but reported that the walls and the ceilings were covered with red and black inscriptions which 'resemble' Mayan hieroglyphics. There are at least 25 other large caves on Bonaire which have not been investigated - by modern man."


#24 --- Pages 58-59, of the "UFO ANNUAL - 1980" magazine carries the following information from an article by Raymond Bond, titled - "Subterranean Saucers - Global Network of Underground UFO Bases":

"...But it is not only 'little men' who lurk in the shadowy bowels of the Earth. Early in 1968, a team of archaeologists explored ancient tunnels and buried chambers in a remote part of Turkey. Some 900 feet below, they came upon a maze of huge passageways obviously dug by artificial means. Suddenly, they were attacked by a group of giant albino-haired men seven feet tell. One archaeologist was killed, another hospitalized for months... every member of the party had serious wounds. To date, no further attempt has been made to reenter the caverns and solve the mystery.

"These hairy giants sound a lot like the "yeti" of abominable snowman legends or the bigfoot 'Sasquatch' in the California Sierras. But note: the legend about trolls and such did not always specify that they were small men, but often huge 'monster men' seven to ten feet tall.

"The legends about subterranean beings are as prolific as those of the little men. Archaeologists have uncovered ancient underground habitations, their proportions signifying that only enormous men could have lived there. George Hunt Williamson, famed archaeologist, tells in the book 'Road In The Sky', of a man named de Daida who discovered seven skeletons of giant men and woman who were between eight and nine feet tall, and a Mexican legend concerning a giant called Xelhua who 'came out of a mountain.'"

#25 --- (and quoting from the same work...) "...Williamson also says that Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, has been the scene of numerous UFO sightings. According to the natives, there are 'giant white men' who live in the mountain. It is a fact that eerie lights playing around the peaks have often been observed by explorers.

"Proof of an ancient race of giants exists in a tribe of black people living near Kilimanjaro. Its members are up to eight feet tall! They are the well-known 'Watusi’.

"Are they the remnants of the underground giants who once wandered to the Earth's surface and stayed there?"


The following passages come from pages 34, 147, 184-185, 195, and 259 of VOL. VII in THE MYTHOLOGY OF ALL RACES series (Armenian & African Mythology - by Mardiros H. Ananikian & Alice Werner):

"...We find in the region of Sassun (ancient Tarauntis), a legendary hero, called Mehar, who gathers around himself a good many folk-tales and becomes involved even in eschatological legends. He still lives with his horse as a captive in a cave called Zympzympa which can be entered in the Ascension night. There he turns the wheel of fortune, and thence he will appear at the end of the world.

"...But it should be noted that only the Heraro themselves and their cattle sprang from the sacred 'Omumborombonga'. The 'Hill-Damara,' a previous population supposed to be Bantu by race - though speaking a Hottentot dialect - came out of a rock, together with goats, sheep and baboons. Perhaps a double racial tradition explains the divergent accounts given by the Banuto; the one most generally accepted is that men sprang from a reed-bed, but some say they issued (together with the animal) from a cave. The Anyanja believe that the first men came out of a hole in the ground at a place called Kapirimtiya, where their footprint and those of the animals are still to be seen impressed on the rock. "This is said to be on a hill, or, according to some, an island in a lake, somewhere west of lake Nyasa. A correspondent of 'Life and Work' (the Blantyre Mission Magazine) was shown the alleged site of this event in the Wemba country, '...a conglomerate rock, showing what the natives call footprints of a man, a child, a zebra, a horse, and a dog.' The horse, if not the result of a misunderstanding, must be a comparatively recent addition. The legend may indicate that here or hereabouts was a center of dispersion for the Nyanja, Wemba, and perhaps some other tribes; also it looks as if it had been inherited from that older stratum of the population which, as we have seen, was most probably absorbed. The Hill-Damara, who likewise came out of a rock, may represent the mingling of the advance guard of the Bantu immigrants with some Bushman tribe."

And later in this work, we read:

"...The spirit-world is reached most easily, as we have seen, through caves or holes in the earth. The Wachaga speak of gates leading thither -- some say there are two 'in the east, where sky and earth join.' One of these give entrance to heaven, the other 'to the ghosts.' The distinction is remarkable, and is also found in a legend already quoted, where the two gates are located, not on the distant horizon, but on Kilimanjaro mountain.

"...The Bapedi (a branch of the Bechwana living in the Eastern Transvaal) believe that the cave of Marimatle, from which the human race originally issued (as elsewhere from Kapirimtiya), was also the entrance to the spirit-world. And we find in so many different places, that we may presume the legend to be or have been current all over Bantu Africa, accounts of men who, pursuing some animal into a burrow, have, like Mpobe, reached the abode of the dead. Thus the Zulus say that one Uncama followed a porcupine into its hole and, after a day and night came upon a village, where he saw smoke rising and people moving about, and heard dogs baying and children crying, 'all things resembled those which are above, mountains, precipices, and rivers.' He did not wait to make a closer examination but said: 'Let me not go to these people, for I do not know them.'

"...The country of the dead, on the other hand, is reached, usually, through a cave, or a hole in the ground, such as an animal's burrow, or by plunging to the bottom of a pool. The Wachaga speak of several gateways, probably caverns, which formerly existed in certain specific locations, but are now closed: this seems to be a tradition distinct from that of the gates of the eastern horizon, mentioned in the last chapter.

And still later in this work, we read the following 'tradition':

"...Again, some say it was the Gumba who lived in caves, as many of the people round Mount Elgon still do; others that it was the Maithoachiana who lived in the earth. Maithoachiana means, in Kikuyu, 'eyes of children.'..."


#26 --- Page 37 of Stephen Herbert Langdon's book, "SEMITIC" (MYTHOLOGY) -- VOL.V in 'THE MYTHOLOGY OF ALL RACES' -- contains the following information:

"Lucian, in his account of the Syrian goddess, refers to the shrine of Hierapolis as follows. Between the statues of Zeus (Adad) and Hera (Atargatis) stands a peculiar image of gold, which the Assyrians (i.e. Syrians) call 'onunios' (a symbol). In his time (latter part of second century A.D.) the Syrians, themselves, could not tell whether it represented Dionysus, Deucalion, or Semiramis. On its top perched a dove, and each year it was taken to the Mediterranean Sea to bring water, which was poured into a cavern beneath the temple. The myth ran that when Deucalion's ark floated on the waters of the Deluge, a cavern miraculously yawned at Hierapolis and received the waters of the Flood. In memory of this sign of divine intervention he founded a temple to Juno over the cavern, and instituted the annual ritual of bringing water from the sea and pouring it into the cavern."