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    After a long time spent in this slow progress they became conscious of a faint and inexplicable luminosity in the heavy atmosphere which surrounded them, and presently they came out into a cavity so vast that they were unable to see its limits. It seemed to be full of a curious pale radiance, by means of which, however, they were able to see distinctly enough to dispense altogether with the torches. Their eyes required a great deal of adjustment to this extraordinary light, so for some time they could not at all calculate the distance of objects, and met with some awkward falls in consequence.

    Everything felt abnormally heavy to them, and every motion seemed somehow a violent effort. They soon discovered that this enormous cavity was inhabited not only by animals but also by human beings, though these last were in various ways unlike any others that they had ever seen. The impression conveyed to then was that the inhabitants of this strange inner world had at some time or other in the far past belonged to the outer, though it would appear that the people themselves held rather the opposite idea, and thought of themselves as original, and of those who had escaped into the outer world as men upon whom some dismal fate had fallen.

    The men whoa they saw were wild-looking, and somehow indescribably strange and inhuman. They seemed to constitute numerous communities, and there were many things about them which were inexplicable to our explorers. They had no means of communicating with them, except, by gestures, but it was evident that their arrival excited great wonder. If these primitive cave-men had ever had communication with any humanity on the surface of the earth it must have been long ago, for their characteristics at this day differed widely from those of any of the known races.

    The utter strangeness of everything daunted the spirits of our explorers, and although their interest was naturally intense they often wished that they had never undertaken the adventure. The life in the midst of which they had found themselves was in so many ways quite incomprehensible to them. The Inner voice directed them only occasionally, and they had no means of obtaining the information on hundreds of points which they were naturally so eager to acquire.     They were unable to form any opinion as to the nature of the diffused radiance which filled the vast cavern. The vegetables which grew in it, and the animals which moved among them, were alike strange to them. The people seemed to be in many ways what we should call savages, for they had no visible dwellings of any sort, nor was it clear that they engaged in any definite work, such for example as the cultivation of their soil. They appeared to live partly upon the flesh of certain semi-reptilian animals which they caught, and partly upon huge fungoid growth which was exceedingly common, a sort of gigantic toadstool. Our adventurers shrank in horror from the reptilian form of food, which the inhabitants devoured raw -- indeed there was nothing whatever to show that they knew of fire or any of its forms -- but since the stores which our friends had brought with them were running low, and they had no certainty of being able to replenish them, they did eat the fungus, and found it to be sustaining, though far from palatable. It seemed to have a curious exhilarating or almost intoxicating effect upon their unaccustomed organisms.

    The people were evidently greatly astonished to see their visitors, and indeed at first fled from then in fear, but presently they ventured to approach and examine them more closely. Nothing in the nature of clothing was seen, and the colour of the people was an unpleasant and curious livid kind of lead-colour, probably produced by this strange diffused light. Women were seen among them and also large numbers of children. They may have been a remnant of some early Lemurian race, for they had many of the characteristics of the blue egg-headed people, who at one time occupied a considerable portion of the Lemurian continent.     Among other things, they were somewhat below the ordinary height of men, though broad and squat in appearance, whereas the ancient Lemurian races from which they might have sprang were distinctly taller and looser in build then the men of the later races. If, however, they did originally come from that stock, they must have been considerably modified by long ages of sojourn under these unearthly conditions...

    These people still exist at this present day. There are many of these cavities and some of them are peopled by tribes much more advanced than those encountered by our adventurers. The mental body of these people is not at all highly developed. Their speech is an unholy compound of clicks and grunts, helped out with a good deal of clumsy gesture. No ceremonies have so far been observed among them. Marriage is between one man and one woman in many cases, but in other cases not. There seems no sign of rank, nor any kind of government -- indeed, there is nothing to govern. Sometimes there are quarrels, but all on a small scale. As regards property, they may be said to own some sort of weapons. The majority of them have no clothing. There is no day and night with them; they mostly throw themselves down to sleep after taking a meal. The children sometimes amuse themselves with dances. There are plenty of rivers and the people swim in them in a curious dog-like fashion.

    Our two friends abode among these extraordinary savages for a period which, measure by day and night, would have been perhaps a couple of weeks. Their difficulties were considerable, and a great portion of each day had to be devoted to sleep, as they never both slept at the same time, feeling it always necessary that one should be on the watch. The savages seemed to have no evil intention towards them, and it is also certain that some of the reptiles were carnivorous, and probably poisonous. There was a good deal of vegetation, specially in the neighborhood of water; nothing of any great size, except what might be called a sort of gigantic grass, a kind of bamboo which could not support itself, but crept along the ground. There were also spiky plants of the general appearance of aloes, and various kinds of cactus and rushes and sedges and that kind of thing, but all of a curious bleached unhealthy colour, many of them darkish, but none really green (ne doubt due to the lack of photosynthesis as is found in the outer world - Branton).

    After they had become somewhat accustomed to this weird and uncomfortable condition of affairs, the voice directed Alcyone and his friend to proceed straight out into the cavity and to walk for many hours in a straight line, leaving the great wall. They soon lost sight of the wall in this curious diffused luminosity, and felt strangely lost in this nightmare of a world, with no certainty of getting out of it again. But they continued walking, in spits of the difficulties of the atmosphere, and at last came upon a different type of people, who by comparison with the others might be said to be quite advanced, for they had places to live in, though they were only hollowed out of the ground -- chambers in the rock. But these people wove a sort of matting. They did not seem to know fire, but they may be said to have kept domestic animals. They had a kind of goat, of which they drank the milk. Their settlement was pitched round a number of boiling springs or geysers, and in these boiling springs they cooked the flesh of their goats, also that of some turtle-like creatures. It may have been the same race, but it was certainly a stage further advanced. They could draw to a certain extent, and also they engraved or scratched signs upon the rocks according to some primitive scheme, consisting entirely of round impressions (cup-shaped marks) arranged in a form which signified something -- so many in a straight line meaning one thing, and so many arranged in an angle something else. These were not letters, but ideograms, or signs for certain things. The marks were produced by grinding a sharpened edge into the rock. They had thus a series of intelligible signs, but no idea beyond the making of these round depressions.

    They made also a kind of string or rope out of their reeds, and the women were beginning to wear coloured stones. Our friends cone in one place upon a kind of pocket of precious stones, and carried them away with them -- fine specimens, splendid gems, which proved on their return to the upper world to be of great rarity. These people, who might be said to be a little more advanced, sometimes smeared themselves with colour, for there was coloured mud to be found in connection with the boiling springs. We noticed a sort of rose-colour, green, and yellow (which may have been sulphur); it was something like the "paint-pots" in the Yellowstone Park. To scoop out the mud these people used flat stones.

    Eventually our friends found their way back, with great difficulty, to the hole by which they entered the cavity. They had still some of their original food, though it was hard and dry, and they also took with them some of the fungus. They made a fresh bundle of torches out of the bamboo, but they were not satisfactory, as they often went out. However, they were able to relight them, as they carried with them the primitive instrument for fire-making which they had brought with them -- a stick and string and a little cup. At last they struggled up to the surface again, but with great difficulty in climbing; and came out into the daylight dazzled and bewildered. Indeed, they had to remain in the cavern for more than a day, in order to get their eyes gradually used to the daylight. They had a curious feeling of sickness, arising apparently from the change in the density of the air; this sickness lasted for a good many hours, but they were thankful indeed to get back again.

    The voice told Alcyone that this experience was necessary for him, that now he had a wider knowledge of the possibilities of life and evolution, so that he might understand and sympathize more fully, and that later on he would know more about all this. But now he was to go home again, to rejoin his family, and to prepare himself for another great trial which was to come. The two friends agreed to say nothing of their story anywhere in the places through which they passed, but to reserve all mention of it until they reached home. There they told the story to Alcyone's father and the family circle. The father said, "Yes, there is a tradition, not among us, but among the Atlanteans, of such underground races of men." Something of the story was also told by Demeter to some other people outside; but they supposed it to be mere fabrication. The family of course knew it to be true, and fully realized what a wonderful experience it was..."




#35 --- The following passages can be found on pages 20-21 of "THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD", edited by Timothy Green Beckley. In one chapter titled "The Inner Earth", detailing some of the writings of 'Doreal', we read:


"...They say this also, concerning the manner of heat increasing, by so many hundreds of feet that we descend into the earth. That was one of the things you were probably taught in school and probably still are, though in mines in Russia where one mine extends to a depth of seven miles, one finds that the heat increases up to a certain point, then remains static and then begins to decrease. There is only a certain area of the outer skin of earth subjected to the cosmic ray that has a heated area. That is also true of thermometers which have been let down deep, dry oil wells.

    "...First, this inner earth is not just a succession of caverns with nobody in them. They are inhabited by one of the races of ancient Atlantis who disappeared from the earth before Atlantis sank; that is, the Blue Race of Atlantis... Before Atlantis sank the Blue Race had lived in the interior part of the earth. During that long period of time, they lost the use of their physical eyes - not that the inner part of the earth is dark and dismal. I want to correct any idea you might have of that. These passages are filled with a certain luminous atmosphere. Second, (this) atmosphere supplies all the needs of the body. If one merely breathes it, one does not have to eat. Third, this race has lost the use of eyes. They have no eyes at all in their heads (their psychic sense is so well developed they do not need them).

    "The greatest of all caverns is under the Caroline Islands where our soldiers fought during World War II.

    "The Blue Race went below to supplant a yet more ancient race who were the guardians of the center of the earth..."




#36 --- There is, in India, a tradition of an Underworld Paradise called Patalas. Patalas is divided into seven different worlds: Rasatala, Mahatala, Atala, Sutala, Vitala, Talatala and Patala. They lie directly below Vasumati, the earth. Legends of this world tell of beautiful subterranean gardens, forests, and jeweled palaces where heavenly beings dwell. Upon occasions, surface dwellers are permitted to enter to enjoy a life of peace and happiness, usually beloved kings and princes who are well known for their good deeds. A good description of this Subterranean Paradise can be found`in the (East) Indian manuscript "SOMADEVA'S KATHA SARIT SAGARA" (or, "Ocean Of Streams Of Story"), in ten volumes. Volume VI, pages 108-109 of the translated version carries the following example, from "The Adventures of King Bhunandana":


    "...'King, that Daitya maiden that you love lives in Patala, so be of good cheer. I will take you to her. For I am a Brahman named Bhlrivasu, the son of a sacrificing Brahman of the Deccan, named Yajuh, and I am a chief among magicians. My father communicated his knowledge to me, and I learned from a treatise on Patala the proper charms and ceremonies for propitiating Hatakesana. And I went to Sriparvata and performed a course as asceticism there for propitiating Siva, and Siva (an astral entity, one of the many thousands of so-called 'gods' which manipulate the strange belief-system of the Hindu's - Branton), being pleased with it, appeared to me and said to me: 'Go; after you have married a Daitya maiden and enjoyed pleasures in the regions below the earth, you shall return to me; and listen; I will tell you an expedient for obtaining those delights. There are on this earth many openings leading to the lower regions; but there is one great and famous one in Kasmira made by Maya, by which Usha the daughter of Bana introduced her lover Aniruddha into the secret pleasure-grounds of the Danavas, and made him happy there. And Pradyumna, in order to deliver his son, laid it open, making a door in one place with the peak of a mountain, and he placed Durga there, under the name of Sarika, to guard that door, after propitiating her with hundreds of praises. Consequently even now the place is called by the two names of Peak of Pradyumna and Hill of Sarika. So go and enter Patala with your followers by the famous opening, and by my favor you shall succeed there.

    (Note: I should state here that other traditions relate that 'Nagaloka', a major underground 'city' within the seven-leveled caverns of 'Patala', is said to be the underworld of the reptilian 'Nagas'.  So then, could this 'voice of Siva' have been some form of hologram which originated from the Naga-reptilians themselves in order to bring many more people down into the caverns to re-stock the reptilian food supply?  Of course, this is speculation entirely and does not mean that these people met with such a fate. Yet, one must wonder... - Branton)

    "...And then the great ascetic, triumphed by the favor of the boon of Siva, revealed the opening by scattering mustard-seeds in the prescribed manner, and the king entered with him and his pupils, and marched along the road to Patala for five days and five nights..."




#37 --- The following account appears in Warren Smith's book "THIS HOLLOW EARTH", on pages 63-65 & 76-79. It tells of Doc Anderson's visit to the Far East, where he learned of the legends concerning tunnels and subterranean civilizations. Anderson was a well known 'psychic' whose predications had a fair degree of accuracy. Most of these are recorded in "DOC ANDERSON - THE MAN WHO SEES TOMORROW", by Robert E. Smith. As a matter of interest, I received a letter from my friend and follow researcher TAL LeVesque, dated 3-27-80, which contained the following: "...'Doc' Anderson (The Man Who See's Tomorrow) who told us he would be using his psychic power to find openings in the U.S.A. to the ancient tunnel network; this week DISAPPEARED... his car was found wrecked but NO body anywhere...":


('Doc' Anderson's account as related by Warren Smith):

    "...'Several times we were told by the bogdos, the Holy Ones, that the mystery of the subterranean kingdom would be solved when the seven pyramids of Shensi were opened.' Anderson drawled in a deep, southern accent. 'One old bogdo was a good friend of ours. We'd hear of the pyramids of Egypt, buddy, but pyramids in Asia were something else again. These pyramids were in a westerly direction from Sian-fu, the capital of Shensi province.'

    "The two young men traveled along the great caravan road that stretches from Peking, China, to the shores of the Mediterranean sea. 'We asked about the pyramids at each village,' Anderson said. 'Frank couldn't speak the local dialect, but there was usually a chief in each place who knew pure Chinese. At one place, an old man said the pyramids were a couple of days' travel from his village.'

    "...The land around the pyramids was a long, desolate flatland. The entire region was under cultivation and forested areas had been cleared away. There were seven pyramids, flat-topped, with three giants resting along the outer edges. 'There was a tiny village about two miles from the large pyramid,' Anderson related. 'We asked the old lama there about the pyramids, but he could only shake his head. They were another of the mysteries of Asia. The pyramids were mentioned in ancient scrolls in the temples. He believed they were at least 5,000 - perhaps 6,000 - years old. No one knows for certain who built them, why they were constructed, or how they were built out of that flat plain.'

    "Anderson, Frank Shearer, and the lama walked out to inspect the largest pyramid. 'It may be the largest man-made structure on earth.' Doc drawled. 'We estimated it was about 2,000 feet at the base and about 1,200 feet high. This makes the Asian structure twice as large as the largest pyramid in Egypt.' (Anderson visited Egypt's pyramids at Giza in 1970 and believes he is the only man now living to have seen both the Asian and Egyptian structures).

    "...A network of subterranean tunnels that link the continents of the world is one of the most persistent beliefs in hollow earth lore. Stories of these tunnels can be gleaned from the legends, folklore, and myths of almost every country. Monasteries on the craggy slopes of Tibet are supposed to be constructed over large, tranquil subterranean lakes. Many European visitors to Tiber have fascinated their western audiences with descriptions of tunnels that run from the monastery to the lake, then on down into the inner earth.

    "...Many occultists believe that Eastern mystics have knowledge of secrets unknown to our present world, claiming there is seldom smoke without fire, and many legends have a basis in fact. The reader must determine his own attitude toward these unique facets of the hollow earth mystery.