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    "And again when we approached Khotan the hoofs of our horses sounded hollow as though we rode above caves or hollows. Our caravan people called out our attention to this, saying, 'Do you hear what hollow subterranean passage we are crossing? Through these passages, people who are familiar with them can reach far-off countries.'  When we saw entrances to caves, our caravaneers told us, '...Long ago people lived there, now they have gone inside; they have found a subterranean passage to the subterranean kingdom. Only rarely do some of them appear again on earth. At our bazaar such people come with strange, very ancient money, but nobody could even remember a time when such money was in usage here.'

    "I asked them if I could also see such people... And they answered, 'Yes, if your thoughts are similarly high and in contact with these holy people, because only sinners are upon earth and the pure and courageous people pass on to something more beautiful.'

    "Great is the belief in the Kingdom of the subterranean people. Through all Asia, through the spaces of all deserts, from the Pacific to the Urals, you can hear the same wondrous tale of the vanished holy people. And even far beyond the Ural Mountains the echo of the same tale will reach you. Often you hear about subterranean tribes. Sometimes an invisible holy people is said to be living behind a mountain. Sometimes either poisonous or vitalizing gases are spread over the earth, to protect some one. Sometimes you hear how the sands of the great desert shift, and for a moment disclose treasures of the entrances of subterranean kingdoms. But none would dare to touch those treasures. You will hear how, in the rocks, in the most deserted mountain ranges, you can see openings which connect with these subterranean passes, and how beautiful princesses once upon a time occupied these natural castles.

    "From distances one might take these opening for eyries, because all which belong to the subterranean peoples is concealed. Sometimes the holy city is submerged, as in the folk-lore of the Netherlands and Switzerland. And there is folk-lore that coincides with actual discoveries in the lakes and along the sea coasts. In Siberia, in Russia, Lithuania and Poland, you find many legends and fairy tales about giants who lived at times in these countries but afterwards, disliking the new customs, disappeared. In these legends, one may recognize the specific foundation of the ancient clans. The giants are brothers. Very often the sisters of the giants live on the other shores of the lakes or the other sides of the mountains. Very often they do not like to move from the site but some special event drives them from their patrimonial dwelling... animals are always near these giants; as witnesses they follow them and announce their departure...

    "The endless Kurgans of the southern steppes retain around them numerous stories about the appearance of the unknown warrior, nobody knows from whence. The Carpathian Mountains in Hungary have many similar stories of unknown tribes, giant-warriors and mysterious cities. If, without prejudice, you patiently point out on your map all the legends and stories of this nature you will be astonished at the result. When you collect all the fairy-tales of lost and subterranean tribes, will you not have before you a full map of the great migrations? An old Catholic missionary casually tells us that the site of Lhasa was sometimes called Gotha...

    "The folk determine these problems much more simply: for them all which has disappeared, has departed underground..."




The following comes from the book "BLACK ELK SPEAKS", which is life story of the 'holy' man of the Oglala Sioux, as told through John G. Neihardt (flaming rainbow):


    "'Behold the thunder beings. You shall see and have from them my power; and they shall take you to the high and lonely 'center of the earth' that you may see; even to the place where the sun continually shines, (according to many, this is the central 'sun' or orb suspended within the very center of the earth's concavity - Branton), they shall take you there to understand.'

    "I looked up and saw the rainbow leap with flames of many colors over me.

    "'Take courage younger brother. For yours shall be the power of the white giants wing, the cleansing wing.'

    "Than he got up and stared to the north.

    "'Take courage, younger brother, for across the earth they shall take you."




The metaphysical volume, "ETIDORHPA", by John Uri Lloyd, is well-known among 'Hollow Earth' investigators, as it tells of a concave world similar to that which Gardner, Reed, Bernard and others have described in their books. This inner surface, according to the book, is about 800 miles below earth's outer surface, and is called the 'Inner Circle', or the 'Unknown Country'.

    The story begins when a man, known in the book as 'I-Am-The-Man', found his way to the 'cave of Zoroaster' in the general vicinity of Salem, Kentucky. Some believe his true name to have been William Morgan, who was an actual historical figure - a prominent 'Mason' in the area who 'disappeared' under unusual circumstances, and William Morgan was similar in many respects to the main figure of the volume.

    After he received a strange letter which instructed him to join the Freemason Society and reveal its 'forbidden secrets' to the world, he did so. This letter had been passed from person to person, though none who received it before him dared to undertake such a dangerous task.

    He eventually learned the occult secrete of the Alchemists and then published them in manuscript form under the title "My Confessions". Within two days after the manuscript was published, three Masons grabbed him and took him to a house where they 'processed' him and caused the 24 year old man to look 80 years of age. They promptly tracked down all of the published manuscripts and destroyed them (although it seems that at least one copy survived, which was published under the title of: "ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY" - Chicago, 1827), then (they) borrowed a corpse of another man and placed it where it would be found with his identification papers on the cadaver and his death was announced.

    The three masons took him in a closed carriage with curtains drawn and they spent a couple of days in continuous travel until they came to the town of Smithland, Kentucky. From there one of them took him across the Cumberland River and they headed eastward along the northern shore, passing TWO bluffs, the second one was a large, dark outcropping which was called by some locals 'Biswells Hill' (probably Bissell and Dobson bluffs).

    They also observed several large sink-holes on the way, all this time the Mason was explaining to him about the vast cavern fields extending over large areas of Kentucky and Tennessee, pointing out that although many caves (on a comparatively small scale) have been discovered near the surface, there exists even greater caverns far below.

    After passing the second bluff, they turned their trek northwards and traveled for three days on foot into the heart of Livingston county.

    They then came to a cave from which a cold stream of water emerged. There the Mason left the traveler with a strange being who had emerged from the cave, and informed him that this was to be his new guide. He was humanoid, about five feet tall, had bluish claylike skin -- possibly as the result of living his entire life underground -- he was totally nude and possessed no (visible) sex organs and had no eyes at all in his head. (Note: such mutations are not uncommon, as one can see by examining the 'blind fish' which no longer have 'eyes', and which exist in the underground streams of the Mammoth-Flint ridge cavern system of Kentucky, and other areas. - Branton)

    He later learned that this being did not need eyes but instead used a type of sixth sense or natural instinct to "see". The blue-skinned man took him into the cave and guided him through the pitch-black caverns for what must have been days. Eventually, he became aware of a strange diffused light that slowly became stronger the deeper they traveled. In the upper caverns they passed through spaces filled with creeping reptiles, strange insects, and large flowers and other strange plant structures unlike anything he had over seen before.

    Deeper yet, where the light was more apparent, they encountered vast forests of huge fungal growth. He was tole that mushrooms on the surface were degenerate forms of such larger and purer species of growth that grew in the inner caverns, which somehow found their way to the surface and became poisonous under the adverse conditions. Those he encountered in the subterranean forests were pleasing to the taste, many of them tasting similar to various kinds of fruits growing on the surface, without any of the impurities or poisons found in surface growth. (Note: We must remind the reader that ETIDORHPA was written long before the popular movie -- the original one with Pat Boone -- A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH... which depicted a giant 'mushroom forest' in vast caverns deep within the earth. - Branton)

    Many of the specimens were thousands of years old, due to the lack of harsh climatic changes. In relation to this, the strange subterranean being told the traveler: "These meandering caverns comprise thousands of miles of surface covered by these growths which shall yet fulfill a grand purpose in the economy of nature, for they are destined to feed tramping multitudes when the day appears in which the nations of men will desert the surface of the earth and pass as a single people through these caverns on their way to the immaculate existence to be found in the inner sphere."

    They came across huge valleys of crystalized salt, enormous stalactites and stalagmites, endless labyrinths, and beautiful subterranean streams and waterfalls. At one point they came across a huge subterranean lake, one hundred and fifty miles below the surface of the outer earth, approximately the size of the Mediterranean Sea and which stretched underground for over six thousand miles.

    On the shore of this glass-smooth sea they boarded a strange metallic 'boat', which our adventurer (I-Am-The-Man, or William Morgan!?) finds out is operated by controlling the earth's magnetic lines of force. It is obviously an invention of some race of scientifically advanced subterranean dwellers, perhaps the race from which the guide came, although nothing much is said concerning his race in the book.

    They traveled across the smooth surface of this underground sea at speeds reaching close to nine hundred miles per hour. One section of this sea's edge came up against a precipice almost ten miles deep. Like a vast dam holding back the subterranean sea, the waters came right to the edge, indicating that any additional waters must have plunged over the precipice long ago. At the bottom of this precipice, he learned, was a huge funnel-shaped opening which led by a long tunnel or crack in the earth to the volcano of Epomeo on the island of Ischia off the coast of Italy.

    When the water of the subterranean sea overflows the black barrier, or the so-called 'dam', at the edge of the lake or sea, it falls down into the Chasm and comes in contact with the metallic bases of salt, and creates heated gases which are forced through the tunnel and eventually emerge through the opening in the crust known as Mt, Epomeo.

    During his long journey he learned many of the occult wonders concerning the hidden forces of the earth, and many of the mysteries he encountered in the inner earth were explained to him. As they ventured deeper their weight decreased until at a depth of a few hundred miles below the earth's outer surface it disappeared complete. As he continued deeper his weight slowly began to return, but instead of being drawn to the earth's center, the pull of gravity was reversed, so that as he went towards the center of the earth, it became evident that the pull of gravity was drawing him in the direction of the outer surface, or rather, towards the 'Circle of Rest' or 'Middle Circle' -- a sphere of energy older than the earth itself.

    Upon reaching the surface of the inner earth crust -- the inner surface of this hollow or concave sphere, similar to the interior of a geode -- a land which his guide referred to as the 'Unknown Country', the traveler (I-Am-The-Man) entered the 'land of Etidorhpa' (his name for it, since 'Etidorhpa' is 'Aphrodite' spelled backwards), almost 800 miles beneath the outer shell of the planet, where exists a Golden Race of 'Ancients' who were/are far more advanced than surface civilizations.

    The air of the inner earth, he learned, was vitalizing to the body in as much as anyone who breathed this inner atmosphere for any length of time would not require much food or water for their sustenance. According to some, although the book does not say, I-Am-The-Man (or William Morgan) stayed with these Golden People for seven years, after which he returned to the surface and gave a record of his experiences in the form of a manuscript, to the man John Uri Lloyd, who later had it published in its present form.




Dr. Raymond Bernard's book, "FLYING SAUCERS FROM THE EARTH'S INTERIOR", carries the following information relating to the theory of a concave world within the earth, or the "Geod-Concavitic" earth theory:

    "A subterranean tunnel explorer whom the writer met in Santa Catarina told him about a rare book he once came across, written in old German by one of the early German settlers who came to Brazil with the Portuguese, which recorded the traditions of the Indians here, acquired from the Atlanteans who once colonized Brazil.

    "This book stated that the earth is hollow and that its hollow interior is inhabited by descendants of the Atlanteans, who compose a disease-free, long-lived race of fruit-eaters, who enjoy a longevity measured in-the thousands of years. They are vary muscular. In the center of the hollow interior of the earth, the author said, was a sun, which gave it light and supported plant growth. He also spoke of tunnels that connect the outer surface and the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the earth, and stated that the greatest number of openings of these tunnels exist in the states of Santa Catarina and Parana, Brazil..."


    "In January 1955, at a four day conference of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, in Rio de Janeiro, Paulo J, Strauss, a Commander of the Brazilian Navy, said: 'One should not ignore the legends of enchanted cities... I believe these mysterious apparatuses (flying saucers) come from the center of the earth, where it has long been believed that life exists to a degree far advanced over our own civilization.'

    "This is also the opinion of Prof. Henrique de Souza, president of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, a noted esotericist and archeologist. Strauss also believes that Colonel Fawcett is still alive with his son Jack, dwelling in a subterranean city of the Atlanteans which he reached through entering a tunnel opening in the Roncador Mountains of northeast Matto Grosso. This is also the opinion of Prof. de Souza and his Theosophical Students, who have a large temple in Sao Lourenzoa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, dedicated to Agharta, the Subterranean World.

    "It is claimed that there once existed an advanced civilization on the prehistoric continent of Atlantis, whose scientific development was beyond our own, and that their air vehicles, known as 'vimanas', were identical with what we now call flying saucers.  This great civilization destroyed itself through a terrible nuclear war which brought on a terrible geological catastrophe (during which the vast aquiferial caverns beneath the continent collapsed, sending the continent to the bottom of the ocean).   

    "Prior to its total destruction, certain better (more peaceful) inhabitants of Atlantis escaped by flying in their flying saucers into the hollow interior of the earth through the polar openings, where they continued to live ever since. 

    (Note: This sinking of Atlantis did not occur in connection to the Biblical deluge, however following the deluge science increased dramatically, especially on Atlantis, only a few generations following Noah. It was this new kingdom of post-diluvians who inhabited Atlantis and may of them, save for those who escaped into the earth, perished with it. - Branton)

    "These (some of them) Atlanteans are a race of giants; and their final war is referred to in mythology as the War of the Titans.  Michael X Barton writes:


    "'I believe that Atlantis was every bit real, and that the Atlanteans' ancestors are living today, now, in the interior of the earth. They are in all probability very large people, physically.  Perhaps blonde giants.  But why believe they are still in existence? 

    "'Because persistent rumors have it that a vast system of subterranean TUNNELS exist beneath the land of South America.  Secret openings are said to exist, leading from the surface of the earth into the tunnels.  In his book 'Agharta', Robert E. Dickhoff claims that a fantastic network of tunnels exists underground...'


    "According to Dickhoff, one tunnel surfaces in the Matto Grosso region of Brazil, precisely where Col. Fawcett vanished in 1925... Perhaps he found the 'secret city'... and more.  A tunnel nearby (leads) down into the earth's fantastic cavern kingdoms, and maybe the people there never permitted him to leave.' (This is the opinion of Commander Paulo J. Strauss and Prof. H.J. de Souza.)

    "We quote from a letter from Ottmar Kaub. Writing about the book, 'The Smoky God', by Willis George Emerson, he says: 'This book has the books of Reed ad Gardner all beat.  I read it through at one sitting and was never so excited in my life.  The Smoky God IS the inner sun.  It is supposed to be the true story of a Norse father and son who, with their small fishing boat and unbounded courage, attempted to sail to the land beyond the North Wind as they had heard of its warmth and beauty.  A miraculous storm and wind carried them most of the distance. 

    "They spent two years there and returned via the South Pole, and the father lost his life when a berg broke in two and destroyed the boat.  The son (Olaf Jansen) was rescued and subsequently spent 28 years in prison for insanity when he told the true story.  When he was released, he told the story to no one, but after 26 years as a fisherman, he saved enough to retire in this country, coming to Illinois and then to California. 

    "In his nineties, by accident, the novelist, Willis George Emerson, befriended him and was told the story; on the old man's deathbed he relinquished the maps that he had made of the Inner Earth, and the manuscript.  He refused to take chances while he lived, due to his past experience in having people disbelieve him and consider him insane to mention it...

    "Jansen checked all the explorers, as Reed and Gardner did later on, and Emerson has this material quoted briefly, and proves all the points about the Inner Earth.  The 'Smoky God' is a masterpiece based on Arctic reports...

    "Michael X, in his book referred to above, quoted Dr. Nephi Cottam of Los Angeles, who said that one of his patients, a man of Nordic descent, told him the following story:

    "'I live near the Arctic Circle in Norway.  One summer my friend and I made up our minds to take a boat trip together, and go as far as we could into the North country.  So we put one month's good provisions into a small fishing boat and with sail and also a good engine in our boat, set out to sea.

    "'At the end of one month we had traveled far into the north, beyond the pole and into a strange new country.  We were much astonished.  Ahead of the warm, open sea we were on, was what looked like a great mountain.  Into that mountain at a certain point, the ocean seemed to be emptying.  Mystified, we continued in that direction and found ourselves sailing into a vast canyon leading into the interior of the earth.  We kept sailing and then saw what surprised us - a sun shining (inside) the earth!

    "'The ocean that had carried us into the hollow interior of the earth gradually became a river.  This river leads, as we came to realize later... all through the inner surface of the world from one end to the other.  It can take you, if you follow it long enough, from the North Pole clear through (the inner concave surface of the planet) to the South Pole.

    "'We saw that the inner earth's surface was divided, even as the outer one is, into both land and water.  There is plenty of sunshine, and both animal and vegetable life abound there.  We sailed further and further into this fantastic country... fantastic because everything was huge in size as compared with things on the outside.

    (Note: Some have suggested that this is because the gravitational pull on the inner/concave surface of the planet is less than that on the outer surface, or approximately half of that on the outer surface.  For instance, one who weighed 200 pounds in the outer world would weigh about 100 pounds on the inner surface. Some suspect that this is why humans living in the inner surface are normally taller than those on the outer surface. - Branton).      "'Plants are big, trees gigantic, and then we came upon the GIANTS.

    "'They were dwelling in homes and towns, just as we do on the earth's surface.  And they used a type of electrical conveyance like a mono-rail car, to transport people.  It ran along the river's edge from town to town.

    "'Several of the inner earth inhabitants - huge giants - detected our boat on the river, and were quite amazed.  They seemed just as astonished to see us as we were to see them!  They were, however, quite friendly.  We were invited to dine with them in their homes, and so my companion and I separated - he going with one giant to that giant's home, and I going with another giant to his home.

    "'My gigantic friend brought me home to his family, and I was completely dismayed to see the huge size of all the objects in his home.  The dinner table was colossal.  A plate was put before me and filled with a portion of food so big it would have fed me abundantly for an entire week!  The giant offered me a cluster of grapes and each grape was as big as on of our outer-earth peaches.  I tasted one and found it far sweeter than I had ever tasted 'outside'.  In the inner earth all the fruits and vegetables taste far better and more flavorsome than those we have on the outer earth.

    "'We stayed with the giants for one year, enjoying their companionship as much as they enjoyed knowing us.  We observed may strange and unusual things during our visit with these remarkable people, and were continually amazed at their scientific progress and inventions.  All of this time they were never unfriendly to us, and we were allowed to return to our own home in the same manner in which we had come - in fact, they courteously offered their protection if we should need it for the return voyage.'

    "Dr. George Marlo claims to have made this same trip may times by flying saucer, and has met the people living inside the earth's crust and is known to them.  He described the people as being 12 to 14 feet tall.  The men have short beards.  He speaks of choirs of 25,000 people.  The men wear sandals and shorts.  He speaks of musical instruments, especially harps.  He speaks of grapes as large as oranges and apples... (and oranges and apples) the size of a man's head. 

    "He mentions five cities, named Edan, Nigi, Delfi, Jehu and Hectea. They speak a language like Sanscrit.  He said they marry at the age of 75 to 100 and live for 600 to 800 years of age.  He speaks of birds with 30 foot wingspread, which lay eggs two feet long.  He mentions tortoises 25 feet to 30 feet long, and elephant-like creatures (resembling those which emerged from the North Polar opening to be frozen as mammoths); and penguins 9 feet tall.

    "He speaks of trees 1,000 feet tall and 120 feet in diameter.  He said that the compass inside the earth points north (but) leads one to the South Polar opening."