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(Returning to the story of Olaf Jansen...)


"...Olaf Jansen lived to be 96 on this horrid Outer Earth.  There are 186 pages (in his book, 'THE SMOKY GOD').  There are eleven beautiful illustrations made by some artist (John A. Williams), but no clue to his address (at the time).  The picture of the Central Sun is very good.  The men are twelve or more feet high and wear knee breeches, and have short beards.  They use gold generally in decorations.


In a letter in 'Flying Saucers' magazine, Wm. L. Constantine writes:

    "'For may years it has been my opinion that a race of highly intelligent people do actually live in the earth's core.  If Admiral Byrd did find this 74 degree climate at the pole in 1947, is it not a more than a reasonable assumption that our government would make a great effort to follow through?  Byrd says he was forced to turn back after 2300 miles because of dwindling gas supply.  Granting this to be true, this problem no longer exists.     "If my information is correct, we have planes that can do far better now.  I believe this has already been done and that landings have been made and contacts firmly established on a sound and lasting understanding.

    "Can it be that our government is trying to lull the rest of the world?"




    "The following are reports told the writer (Raymond Bernard) in Brazil concerning Inner Earth people and flying saucers.  There is no 'proof' at all that these reports are true.  They may be lies invented by the narrators in order to create an impression.  But whether true or false they are interesting and show along what lines people are thinking today.

    "A Russian who formerly served in the Russian army said he and his troops once reaches Lhasa, Tibet, where he was stationed some time, and there he came in tough with a secret society of Tibetan vegetarians who made regular trips by flying saucer through the North Polar opening to the hollow interior of the earth. He says he saw the saucer that made these trips.

    "He said that the supreme object of all Tibetan lamas and yogis is to prepare their bodies to be worthy to be picked up by a flying saucer and carried to the hollow interior of the earth, whose human population consists mostly of Tibetan lamas and Oriental yogis, with very few Westerners since Westerners are too bound to the things of this world, while lamas and yogis wish to escape from this miserable world and enter a much better world in the hollow interior of the earth.

    "The reason why subterranean people sent their flying saucers to us after the Hiroshima atomic explosion in 1945 was because they were afraid that further explosions might poison the air that comes into their interior atmosphere through the polar openings, coming from the outer air. Since inhabitants of other planets would have nothing to worry about if we poisoned our atmosphere by nuclear explosions, inhabitants of the earth's interior - who receive their air from the outside atmosphere - would have plenty to worry about...

    "This contactee describes flying saucers as made of a brilliant nickel that glows with a light at night. He says that the people of the earth's interior wield a form of energy beyond atomic energy (electromagnetism) which motivates their flying saucers. They use this superior energy (the 'vril' described by Bulwer Lytton in the book 'THE COMING RACE') only for peaceful purposes.

    "Also these people have one government and one nation and are not divided into warring nations as we are. This is helped by their speaking all the same language. They are in advance of us in all ways...




"Robert Dickhoff, in his book "Agharta", mentions that the secret chambers of the Pyramid of Gizeh were connected by tunnels with the Subterranean World. An Egyptian informant says that at the base of this pyramid are three tunnels that radiate in different directions. Two lead to dead ends, but the third seems to go on and on and may have once connected Atlantis with its colony in Egypt by passing under the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

    "Two Swedes tried to traverse this long tunnel till its end and never returned. While believed to have died, rescue parties could not find them. This caused the government to forbid anyone from entering this third long tunnel, though they were permitted to enter the other two. There are strange reports of ancient Egyptians (or Atlanteans?) having been seen inside the long tunnel, coming from the Subterranean World.

    "Many believe that the Swedes who disappeared joined these people. A popular book was selling in Egypt some time ago entitled 'THE MYSTERIOUS PATH TO THE UNKNOWN WORLD', dealing with the apparently endless third tunnel below the pyramid of Gizeh and the world to which it leads...

    "As Donnelly points out in his book 'ATLANTIS THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD', the pyramids, with their four sides and truncated top, memorialize the sacred mountain of the gods in the center of Atlantis from which their builders came. It is probably that the messengers from the Subterranean gods traveled on swift-moving vehicles through the tunnels that open at the base of the pyramids.

    "A report has been circulating that some scientists entered a tunnel in West Africa that ran under the ocean bed in the direction of the vanished Atlantis, which was finally reached and many mechanical contrivances were then seen on the ocean bed, including motor vehicles. How true this report is, the writer cannot say. Another report refers to the discovery of a subterranean city by Brazilian scientists, reached by a tunnel opening near the border of the states of Santa Catarina and Parana. Similar subterranean cities were reported in Matto Grosso, whose entrances are guarded by fierce Chavantes and Bat Indiana...

    "After three years of searching in Brazil for an opening to the Subterranean World, the author of this book has come to the conclusion that it is not necessary to search for the subterranean cities of the Atlanteans in the Roncador Mountains of Matto Grosso

as Colonel Fawcett did, since the states of Santa Catarina and Parana, Brazil are honeycombed by a network of Atlantean tunnels that lead to subterranean cities. The writer is now organizing an expedition known as the Aghartan Expedition, for the purpose of investigating there tunnels, with the object of reaching the subterranean cities to which they lead, after which he hopes to establish contact with the still living members of the Elder Race of Atlanteans and arrange for bringing qualified persons to them to establish residence in their cities in a World free from Fallout and thus avoid a radioactive destruction which will eventually be the fate of all surface dwellers..."