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The following is a post that I sent to someone who is tied-in to some very deep-level intel operations involving the "cosmic" (ExTerran - QuanTerran - SubTerran) wars that are occurring beyond the surface of THIS reality of ours...

Dear ...

I know it has been some time since the rescue of the thousands of tortured children beneath Central Park in New York, but the underground war as you know goes much much deeper than most people realize.

Because of your experience with submarines and your knowledge of the "subterranean world war" as you described it in one of your videos, you may be aware of the war between the human race and the serpent race... or the reptiloids and reptilian 'greys'.

This subterranean WAR also involves an Above Top Secret Naval Submarine Force which is exploring an "underground ocean" or network of huge aquatic caverns that penetrate beneath, at the very least, a DOZEN western U.S. states.

These cavern 'worlds' are the homes of the reptilian 'aliens' AND ALSO of many benevolent underground human "tribes" who are AT WAR with the reptiloids, and I think our Above Top Secret special forces have allied themselves with many of these subterranean human civilizations AND with many off-planet civilizations as well.

In other words, there is a cosmic WAR going on, and this war is NOT necessarily (except for the infiltrators) a SURFACE war!