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tAi]\[tE[) Lo\/e

Friday, 13 June 2003

Woo!!!! ^___^
woo!! I just found out that my brother's wife, Sonya; Had a baby Boy!! ^_^, The first person I told was Roo ^__^;. Tehe! It's my first nephew!! ^______________^, I'm Soooo Happeh ^.^''

Posted by ex/corrupted__static at 9:30 PM PDT
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Dum dum dum! ^_^;
Mmk.. My day has been pretty good so far.. o_o;.. I called Lance.. That kind of upsetted me.. He was talking about Jenn and so on.. Blahh.. I like Lance o_O;;.. ALOT.. But I'm sure I'll get over him.. or Try... And other than that my day was rather good ^..^''.. Andd! I have a new msn picture ^__^;;.. Here's the little link, lol.
It's awesome ^..^''.. It's of my knee and Ankle after I sled into Home at a softball game.. It was worse the other day it was all oozy. ^.^ and I couldn't walk Blahh. lol. Hmm.. I'm soo Bored... I guess I'll write in this thingy later ^..^''.. Laterz. ^_^;

Posted by ex/corrupted__static at 7:55 PM PDT
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