Grrrrrrrrr. Growl. Snarl!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Grrrrar! Grrrrrrrrrrr.....

Translation -

Brains. Bloody gibs exploding out of little men. Eviscerated
intestines piling up in great heaps of fetid horror. Plague Marine
carrion creating a sea of decaying acidic glands
fill with joy as I imagine filling my maw with succulent psion
sirloin. The Chaos have fallen before my hordes of hunger-driven
warriors, and soon more will suffer the same fate, possibly
including the Old One Eye imitator, a mere speck compared to the San
Francisco spawned glory of the true Old One Eye. Beware, denizens
of space. I am coming.

P.S. - Old One Eye is "cumming" as well.