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Quote="Its not the ability you have, its the choices you make"
Professor Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Our Story
Chris left Australia in Year 5 to move to London because his mum had got a job. Luckily he came back every holidays for a visit. During the last Christmas holidays in 2002 we received a call. It was Chris's mum. They were coming back, for good.
Chris came over a few times. One time when we were playing my PSone chris said: "Wouldn't it be cool to make our own game". I told him that I new how to. We planned the game and I started to make a website called DC Games.
But just making a game wasn't enough. We wanted to make many things. So I just thought of the name DC Productions. And then thats when I started making this site. This wasn't my first design. It took me ages to get my design like this.

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