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IRC downloading guide:

#1: Download and install mIRC because it is the best and most used IRC client.

#2: You should change a few settings to setup IRC for file transfer. IRC was originally designed for chatting, so the default configurations are not setup for file transferring.

Go to Tools->Options. Then under Connect, you need to fill in your name, email address (you can use a fake name/email), nickname, and alertnative nickname. Then under Connect->Servers, for IRC network: choose Undernet and for IRC servers: choose Undernet: Random EU server.
Then under Sounds->Requests, make sure Accept sounds requests is checked and Ignore if a sound is currently playing is unchecked.
Then go to DCC, it will be easier for you later if you check Auto-get file. Go to DCC->Ignore, and under Method: choose Disabled, then uncheck Turn ignore back on in:.

Now click Okay. That should have setup all the settings that you will need for begin downloading files.

#3: This next part is rather complicated.

First, you need to connect to the network by going to File->Connect. Soon, you should be connected to the network; now you need to download the channels list. The Channels List button is at the top-left, the 4th button from the left. Press that, and then a window will popup. Press the button labeled Get List!. Depending on how many people are connected to the network, it may take a few minutes to get the full list. Eventually, near the top you'll see channels titled or described as "Warez, MP3, DIVX, Movies, or Games." Usually these channels have the most opportunities to download good files. Connect to one or more of them by double clicking on them.

#4: You are finally connected to a channel (basically a chat room). Now, here's the tricky part:

These channels are usually full of computer scripted bots. Very often, bots will differ from channel to channel. So you need to read through the spam and try to figure out how to use these bots. The easier bots (usually the mp3 collection bots) have a few commands. Typing @find "keyword" will have the bot search through its library for the "keyword". If they find a match, it will instant message you, often telling you that either it has the file and give you the name of it or it will tell you to can download its list.

If it tells you it has the file, then gives you the file name, they usually word it like: !Botname filename. Now, if you type !Botname filename in the channel that the bot is in (not in the instant message window), the bot will usually respond that it will send the file to you ASAP or that it will put you on its queue list (and send it to you when its your turn). If you pick a popular channel or bot, you may have to wait a while until its your turn.

Another important thing to know is how to get the bot's lists. To do this, just type @Bot's name in the channel. It should send you a .txt file (usually compressed) which contains the commands to download the files along with all the filenames.

Another important note is that sound files (.wav, .mp3, etc)go to "C:/Program Files/mIRC/sounds/" directory, while everything else goes to "C:/Program Files/mIRC/download/".

Well, that's the basics of file-sharing on IRC networks. If you have any questions, you can try to email me or instant message me.

©2003 Ken Ross