Why a Cult for Mountain Dew?

Some of you out there in people land might be thinking to yourself, "What is wrong with this girl?! Why is she wasting precious web space with a Mountain Dew Cult?!" Well, #1, at least I didn't chose to make a porn site (or a site dedicated to cheese. Although that is next on my list). #2, why not? #3, Mountain Dew is the god of all soft drinks and deserves a place of worship. #4, I was bored.

Mountain Dew is a great pick me up and a great "bounce off the walls" drink. I never really drank much pop until this year, my first year of college. What's the best way to stay awake during Prof. Boring's (name changed to protect the innocent) dry and sleepy lecture? Mountain Dew! What's the best way to stay awake when pulling an all night study session? Mountain Dew! What's the best thing to drink when you don't wanna get drunk but you want to be just a stupid as the drunk people? Mountain Dew! It's a very useful soft drink. Believe me, I know.

So, I guess I didn't really give any good reasons for making a cult to Mountain Dew, but does it matter? I love Mountain Dew, and so should you. End of story.