Nice, this site is going well, New Updates, just check em' below..
League Standings
Hall of Fame
Fighter of the week
Image Gallary
Other Sites
May 21st: Trying to keep up on date, the RPG will open next monday for all those who dare to enter, or just want to enter, doesn't matter...
July 1st: The first day, and opening of the Ex-Elite RPG. All Links are active, but the site is not yet 100% complete. Please, those who are already in it, try and recruit, and yes you will get money. Hope ya' enjoy the Site..
July 4th: Hello everyone, we have new updates, check out the "Rules" section, I posted up the Level graph, anyways. I want to congratulate Vegeta for being the first person in the Ex-Elite RPG to level up, he is no level 2, on his way to level 3, getting stronger and stronger. Therefore I want to present him as the Fighter of the Week, good job. Keep up the good work everyone..