Post- War......

What Should We Do?

Now that Saddam Hussein is thrown out of power, what should be done with the country.

Should we set it up as a missile testing site?

Radiactive waste dump?

Or should we give it money to rebuild its government and itself.

As you can see Iraq is already a poor and starving country with many Refugees. 

Iraq could do something close to what Japan did after the Hiroshima bombing: Use their most abundant recourse as a means of recovering the economy. In Japan they used their rice to speed the economy, and Iraq can use the oil.

A question that should be asked is... " What if something like Saddam Hussein happens again?" How will they prepare for the dictator. Can they fight off the dictator? All these questions and more have to come into thinking before devising a plan for new a government.

Iraq before based al lot of there rules and laws on those written in there holy book of Muslims called the Qua'Ran.

An idea what we could so is, have American men and women go to Iraq and start business and started employing people, have American occupiers, and have them help over there. But then to every solution there is problem and in this case, what if the Iraqi's refuse help and act like the Filipinos and attack the uccupiers, you cant give them and everyone else a 100% positive that they will come back alive and safely.