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About myself
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IBorn on 3rd December 1982 I am a senior at Computer Science and Engineering Department of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering. I have been associated with WARF as a research trainee since 2002.

My Research interests include human visual image processing, Computer Architecture and Bio inspired nanocomputing. I am currently working towards understanding the color information encoding taking place in the mammalian retina. This is a part of a major research project - ROCin BRAIN done by the CHARAKA research group at WARF. I am more interested in an interdisciplinary research converging the paradigms of bio and engineering.

Apart from research I am intersted in Traveling, Driving, Photography and Music. In the past 20 years of his life I have travelled along lengths and breadths of India. Pink Floyd is his all time favorite. He also like the music of Joe Satriani and Steve Vai.

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