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Here is a list of all the contests in the guild  -Return to guild-

        ~ Jump Around ~

1. Trivia Contest  -top-

COMING SOON!! (I have to find sum Q's)

2. Music Contest  -top-


go to THIS PAGE for more details


Better Than You!!  -top-


This will be a weekly contest, and, if you beat the score, you'll earn your 50 house points, this goes to the first person who beats the set score ONLY!!

Competition ends on July 16th

Nobody has beaten Zurron

Zurron scored 250 in Zurro Ball


In order to win, you must have a higher score in your lookup high scores than the score shown here. Neomail God_of_myself once you've beaten the score to receive your house points

If you can manage to DOUBLE the set score, you will receive a stamp

4. Referral Incentive Program (RIP)  -top-

Here's how it works, You win prizes or House Points depending on the number of members you refer to the guild. In order to receive your prize, the person you referred MUST neomail God_of_myself saying that you referred them, or you do not receive your prize


If you are found abusing this program, you will be stripped of your privilege to earn prizes and any House Points you have previously earned will be taken away.

Below is a list of the prizes you'll earn with the amount of referrals you'll need to get that prize

Referral #


Random Plushie

50 House Points

Random Stamp

50 House Points
   10 Random Faerie
   15 Two Dubloon Coin

More Prizes Coming Soon

Use this feature to see how many referrals YOU have (You will be added when you refer a member)

-- Enter your code here

5. Quote Contest  -top-

In this contest, you will be given a quote from either any of the Harry Potter books (not including the 5th one) or the movies, and you will have to guess who said the quote. If you know who said the quote, neomail Melody7_. Also, don't send in multiple answers, please limit your answers to 2 a day, thank you.

below is this weeks quote

"Potter, this is Oliver Woods, Wood - I've found you a Seeker."

6. Character ID Contest  -top-

For this contest, you will be given a list of characteristics of a person from Harry Potter, and you will have to guess who the description belongs to. (EX.  Black Hair, Scarred, Knows Parseltounge the answer would be Harry Potter). If you know the answer, neomail Melody7_.

below is this weeks characteristics


7. Mystery Pic  -top-

Every week, a number of pictures will be displayed here, for you to guess, that can all be found on Neopets. Neomail the answer to God_of_myself and await the corrections.


If you don't specify which picture your answering, you will NOT be awarded any prize at all, so please remember to put "Mystery Pic" as your subject

All prizes chosen at random

Click on the image to see the answer (only if someone has correctly answered the picture)

Below are the Pictures along with the prizes and winners

1 2 3 4
     PRIZE      PRIZE      PRIZE       PRIZE
    Plushie      Stamp    House Points       Plushie
      WINNER       WINNER       WINNER       WINNER
----- ----- ----- -----


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