
The following is a rules listing:

  1. The Vehicle
    • Must have the ironing board as its base
    • Cannot be motorized, or propelled by anything other than gravity
    • Must stay on the ground (e.g. - no gliders)
    • May or may not have a steering mechanism
    • Must not have any loose/easily-detachable items, or pointed/potentially dangerous appendages

  2. The Teams
    • Teams are picked at random and are done at the start of the contest to avoid premeditation
    • Each team must have the same amount of people, however, a maximum of two can ride at once
    • Teams are given a set length of time to build the cart, and must race when racetime comes, ready or not
    • Teams wear colored shirts with name/number to prevent mistaken identity
    • A team captain is assigned; captain must have a cellphone, so moderators can keep tabs on each team
    • Only one car is allowed for travel; teammates may stay with cart, buy products, but may not split up to
      cover more ground. If some members stay with the cart, then the others can only visit one store at a time

  3. The Contest
    • Contest takes place on a large grassy hill to be pre-determined, but announced only at contest start
    • Cars must race when the race period commences
    • All required safety gear must be worn by each rider [see requirements]
    • A video camera may be used for photo finishes
    • A point system is used for placements (e.g. - for 5 teams, 1st place is 5 points...etc)
    • Teams compete until the determined number of races are over
    • Playoff heats may be implemented, or teams may decide on the winner by the point totals
    • Winning team gets the awards, and team's theme song played on audio system

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