In history, the time period from the early 1800s to the beginning of World War I is known as the Age of Imperialism. Imperialism is defined as the policy of building an empire. This policy had both positive and negative effects and has been considered both beneficial and detrimental to the world. Imperialism was a beneficial influence because it modernized undeveloped areas. Roads, canals, and railways were built improving transportation throughout the colony (Doc 1). Telegraph and telephone lines made quick communication possible. The establishment of schools increased literacy rates and allowed people to become educated. Hospitals allowed people to be treated when sick. Because of this, and also improved sanitation, both the standard of living and the life expectancy rate increased (Doc 7). Europeans also introduced new farming methods to the locals allowing more crop production. Imperialism also improved the economies of the Europeans because of the new markets and raw materials the colonies provided (Doc 4 & 5). Imperialism had a negative influence because many cultures, customs, and religions were lost. If the parent country ruled directly then the locals had to follow that country’s culture and customs. Religions were lost due to the presence of missionaries and their belief that ‘in order to become civilized one must become Christian.’ Imperialism also split families and tribes apart either by boundary lines or by imposing Christianity on them. Some members would convert and some would stay with their traditional beliefs. This caused disputes and fighting which facilitated the control of them by the parent colony. During the Age of Imperialism, many people died. They died due to resistance movements, disease, cruelty, or famines. Famines were caused by the growing of cash crops and not edible food. Imperialism hindered the economic development of the colonies because industry was discouraged and in most cases not permitted (Doc 5). The colony was only allowed to have an agricultural-based economy. Environmental destruc- tion was common during the Age of Imperialism. Massive amounts of rubber trees were cut down and land was stripped for diamonds, gold, and other resources. Animals were slaughtered for their furs or other parts like the ivory tusks of an elephant. The people of the colonies were seen as inferior and were used as servants (Doc 3). Racism was common and Social Darwinism became a popular justification for imperialism (Doc 8). I oppose imperialism because there was more negative effects than positive effects. In addition to this, the negative effects were more negative than the positive effects were positive. For example, isn’t destroying a culture more negative than building a road positive? Another reason why I oppose imperialism is because most, if not all the positive effects benefited the colonialists, then as an unwanted side effect the local people. For example, the telegraph lines and railways were constructed primarily for the Europeans. Only after some time were the indigenous people able to take advantage of the new technology. For these reasons, I oppose imperialism. The Age of imperialism: both a positive and negative influence on the world. Without it half of the world would not be industrialized and ancient cultures might still exist. Its consequence is still debated today.