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welcome to ''the getaway'','mafia' game page

Welcome to my ''the getaway'' and 'mafia' game page.Here you will find codes,news,videos,downloads,andmuch more.NOTE:some things may not be up and running yet.So lets begin,Down below are some codes and other stuff. THE GETAWAY: CODES:NOTE:you must enter the codes before the main menu appears: DOUBLE HEALTH-up(2x),right(2x),circle(2x),down. UNLIMITED AMMO-up,down,left,right,triangle,up,down,left,right,sguare. FREE ROAM MODE-triangle(3x),left,square,traingle(3x),left,circle. THE HIDDEN CARS: SAAB COCEPT AND TRAIAD SUPED UP HONDA-in free roam mode go straight and keep going past the four way intersections but turn left down the street this is soho area it will be around that area. NOTE:you can go to for the map download. Thanks,NO news on mafia right noe.

the place to get the getaway map
my second website