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colonia pictures

i love all you guys, but i really am lazy. so i'm not going to put interesting captions. sorry....look anyway?

the infamous dream street mobile. and people, too...

ok, so you know how before plays they tell you not to take pictures/use flash photography? well...i took this picture as soon as they said that. just cuz i do stuff like that.

it started raining. de stole my shirt. the one i was SUPPOST to wear before i was cruely raped and forced to wear the 'hussy shirt' (thank you ian)

20 points to whoever can guess who these two people are.

80 points to whoever can guess who this is.

that's tim at the bar

tim looking scary as hell. and me just looking weird.

another one of tim. this is the last one, i promise. i thought it was funny, cuz he's the one sitting on the floor.

i lied.

ian touching tim's nipple

tim touching ian's nipple. HA! no more tim!!!!

i hate this guy. in a loving way.

i know there is absolutly nothing visible, so i'll just explain what was going on the time this picture was being taken. imagine one small car. imagine 5 people sitting in the back. i was sorta lying on erica and a little on lauren, and this is a picture of ian sitting on de's lap. ian made fun of erica that the whole ride to Galaxy, the diner. and then at dinner.

at the diner

we kicked the guys out for this picture

and then one of the guys came back for this picture. *oops* i'm kidding...

yeah, doesn't everyone have pictures of people taking there pictures? why do people do that?

i'm going to let your own little imagination figure out what is on zack's face and why

zackie didn't call his mommie. now he's in twoble.

oh, god. tim again. hehe.

a fork...made out of paper. now that's Cr@zY.

ian got hot dogs so he could hit zack with them. and he did.

holy crap it's cute. well, most of it...

nick made this out of a carrot and lettuce. every year it's always the vegetables...

guess who didn't know this picture wasn't being taken?

this is officially the cutes picture of the night. well, isn't that special.

the damage we inflicted on the table

serious forshadowing going showing affection, the other a little freaked out and surprised...

PEEK-A-BOO! (it's ok to play kid games when you look like youre 10...i mean, i love you zack)


love the red eyes