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UNCG ESS Internship Class

Where did I complete my internship?

Carolina Regional Heart Center





Aerobic Exercise is the best way to help condition your heart.


What did I learn from my internship?


-         How to take resting blood pressure and exercising blood pressure

-         How to take resting heart rate, exercise heart rate and post exercise heart rate.

-         How to set someone up on an exercise program after having heart surgery.

-         The importance of a before and after test.



Other important facts

-         Not everyone likes to exercise.

-         Not everyone can exercise in the same way because of physical differences

-         Once you get out of the habit of exercising, it is not always easy to get back into the habit.  





Make a Goal for yourself to become activie                                                                                





Maintained by Melissa Hinson


If you have any questions or concerns please let us know.