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Babies Scandal

In  Serbia



“Abductions from the cradle


MISA RISTOVIC LAUREATE   Journalist award for courage "Milan Pantic" for the year 2003 went to Misa Ristovic, a reporter of Vecernje Novosti. This major recognition … is given for the second time to commemorate the assassination of Vecernje Novosti Jagodina correspondent Milan Pantic...

VECERNJE NOVOSTI, HOLIDAY ISSUE, December 30, 2002 - January 2, 2003.
The parents of "taken away" babies on the world global network

Give us back our children!

There are posters published on a new web site with questions such as "what is the price of a child?" or "who are the buyers?" and with rather harsh remarks like "children aren't brought by midwives" and "don't be your wife's brother". There are hundreds of newspaper articles on the subject that disturbs over 700 families in our country

NIS - Mothers and fathers of "taken away" babies have recently appeared on a web site with a desperate appeal "give us back our children" and "help the parents whose children have been stolen, don't wait for the same thing to happen to you"

Beside hundreds of newspaper articles, among which the numerous are from "Vecernje novosti", posters on this painful subject have appeared on the global network.

On the web site there is a text, which says that this child trade has not only broken the Eighth Commandment but also buried all that was human in the people who committed it.

This is no usual theft like the act of stealing money, car, precious things or anything else. This is the theft of the body and blood, fame and offspring, first name and family name, chance of keeping the origin.

Something that should have never been taken away was stolen. Something that never has and never will belong to that family before the eyes of God. Somebody's life was stolen; life that does not and never will belong to those traders.

A man must ask himself what it is like to live and know that the human being those people call their child, is not theirs! What it's like to lie to yourself, to lie to other people and to lie to that child your whole life and maybe go to church, pray to God, celebrate your patron saint and be a Christian! This also proves the breaking of the Tenth Commandment, which says: "Don't wish for anything that does not belong to you".

Questions like "what is the price of a child?" and "who are the buyers?" but also harsh remarks as "children aren't brought by midwives" and "don't be your wife's brother" appeared on the posters.
On this web site you can also read about the lives of 700 mothers becoming a nightmare. Due to strong doubts their babies were declared dead and sold right after their birth all the poor women have been living, for the last couple of months, the situations we could have only seen in the Latin American serials.

Beside numerous warnings that paranoid thinking is very possible and that these painful situations don't have a happy ending the things that have recently happened to many of the mothers prove the opposite.

Vera Vukomanovic, from the village Donja Sabatna near Kragujevac, one of the mothers who is searching for the destiny of the "taken away" babies, presented a few weeks ago that she has heard from the mediator of the family who adopted her son who was, according to the official documentation, born dead on May 12, 1987.

This woman confirmed that the mediator pointed at the fact that the family who had adopted her son lived in Kragujevac and that they would meet very shortly. The mediator even said to her son "boy, you will soon see your brother."

Do miracles still happen? Most people would say-very unlikely unless people who were involved in stealing and selling new born babies start to appear; or if the destiny alone doesn't arrange unexpected and shocking meetings between parents and their "dead" babies.

Ljubinka Bubnjevic gave birth to two boys on March 20, 1980 at the Clinic for gynecology and childbirth in Novi Sad. As they were born with very small body weight and in the seventh month of pregnancy they were immediately transferred to the Children hospital. After only a day and a half the younger one "died". The older one, Milos, is now 22 years old.

- Three years ago my husband went to the supermarket on the corner of Branimira Cosica Street to buy cigarettes, although he had enough. While he was paying he heard Milos' voice even though my daughter, Milos and I left half an hour before. He turned to see a young man who was identical to our son. They had the same features, beauty marks at the same places, the same slightly oblique teeth and hairy body. They even had the same walk and body movement-Ljubinka explained this almost unbelievable event. -My husband was speechless. The young man was with an older woman. They left the supermarket, went to a grey car, similar to the "opel" vehicles and went away. My husband couldn't speak for some time and we haven't had any peace since then.

Olgica Trajkovski from the village Jabuka near Pancevo gave birth to male twins on May 1, 1978. One of the sons "died" immediately while the other one is now a tough young sportsman. And then, last summer, at a soldier's farewell party she saw a young man who looked exactly like her son who has officially "died". -We spoke to each other, but I couldn't say anything about the matter-says Olgica. She filed a complaint against the hospital in Pancevo, for stealing the baby. The investigation began. Olgica is waiting for the government to legally return the boy to her and then she would tell him everything.

On May 11, 1987 Valid Masad in the Clinic for gynecology and childbirth in Nis delivered Granu Stefan. The Palestinian doctor congratulated her on getting the healthy twins, first the girl, Marija, who is now 15 years old and then five minutes later, the boy. The next day she was told that the baby boy was dead.

About six months after that she took her daughter out for a walk and came across the doctor who delivered her.
- I delivered you, do you remember me-the doctor asked me. How could I not remember-says Grana. - Then he asked where my other child was. When I said that the boy was dead he first became speechless and then said it couldn't be possible! With the remark that he surely knows that the boy is alive he promised to examine the whole thing. I know that he tried hard but when he reached the end he was discovered and he had to leave Nis and Yugoslavia.

- I have and still do live in conviction that my child is alive. Also my son Radovan who was born as an identical twin with his brother, who was declared dead, shows that he misses his brother. I feel he would be much happier if he could play with his older twin Milovan. This name was assigned to him by his godfather-says Rada Vaskovic from the village Vitanovac near Krusevac.

On February 27, 1990 at the maternity hospital in Krusevac Rada gave birth to two boys, identical twins. The older one weighed 3,350 and the younger 2,600 grams. Together with the crying of the babies the mother heard the doctors saying all is fine. When she was put in the room for women in childbed Dr Trena Strelarac told her that the babies were put in the incubator due to tiredness. The next morning, with the help of Dr Zdravko Jovanovic, Rada went to see her babies. They were fine, except for being tired-said the doctor smiling. She nursed them twice, with the instruction how to nurse two babies.

During the night all the women in childbed went out to see why the babies were crying and one of the women in a dressing gown was running through the corridor saying "they are stealing the babies"-remembers Rada. The next morning, before the doctors' rounds, an unknown dark man wearing a brown jacket came into Rada's room. He said he worked as a porter and he came to see the woman who gave birth to such big twins. He addressed her by name and asked about the babies' health. And then came the worst. Dr Trena said: "Your baby has died" The doctor took the devastated woman to the doctors' room and comforted her by saying that the older boy died and that "it is better like this because the child would be mentally deranged".

Rada's husband, Stojan, was later told that the boy had troubles with gullet. And, like in many other cases, they couldn't see and take the baby's body to bury it. They were told that the hospital buries the deceased babies.

Misa Ristovic

Daily Jurnal VECERNJE NOVOSTI, December 2, 2002.

Children threatened by incest

NIŠ - We have to find out the truth whatever it may be. Under this slogan about 500 hundred parents from all the towns in Serbia, who suspect their children were taken away, asked the highest state functionaries of Serbia to form the inquiry committee of experts to deal with their matters.

- Whether we are talking about harsh administrative mistakes, fantasies of the mothers or the paranoia of the families who lost their children it is up to you to decide - emphasize the parents in the letter to the presidents of ministers in The Town Hall.

Republic ministers are asked to suggest adequate modifications of the law so something like this would never happen again.

- We invite the directors and chiefs of all the maternity hospitals in Serbia, the Ministry of health, the Society of writers, actors and musicians and education and sport workers to help us find the truth - says Milutin Manojlovic from Soko Banja.

Due to slowness and no contact from the authorized people the parents have started their own researches and already found out where their children are, claiming they have proof about that as well as the knowledge about who sold their children.

At the same time the parents are angry the prosecution disregarded their complaints due to the obsoleteness of the criminal act of taking away the under aged person, which starts after ten years, and the complete obsoleteness after twenty.

- It is obvious they are concealing the deceit. It preceded the theft of the babies and the alteration of family status - emphasizes Manojlovic.
- Now they are covering and forging the documentation, which is also a criminal act. We have abundance of examples and proof for that.

Manojlovic also says there are hundreds of people in Serbia who don't now they are brothers and sisters.

- Does anyone think about the proportion of the sacrilege of relations that can appear - asks Manojlovic. Has anyone thought about engaging psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers to work on these cases beside judges and policemen?

Misa Ristovic

Daily Jurnal VECERNJE NOVOSTI, June 21, 2002.

Living proof Nikoleta

SOKOBANJA - After feverish private investigation Radojka and Milutin Manojlovic claim they have tracked down their supposedly dead daughter Nikoleta and even welcomed her to their home in Soko Banja.

Milutin Manojlovic says they no longer have any doubts as they have "living proof" that their daughter has been stolen. After the birth of their twins, Ljubomir and Nikoleta, on May 5, 1979 who have been transferred from "Narodni front" hospital to the hospital for premature babies, the female baby was stolen.

- On May 16 we were informed by telegram that the girl died. In confusion we believed the doctors. We wanted to keep the boy - says the father.
- However, when we required Ljubomir's birth certificate at Savski venac community at the end of December 2001, to our enormous surprise we found out that Nikoleta was also alive. She was released from the hospital the same day as Ljubomir, on June 25, 1979. We got her birth certificate, started the search and found her.

Quest in Krusevac

The Manojlovic have the paper that says their daughter, who was declared dead, was taken away from the hospital for premature babies-alive! According to that document, issued on December 3, 2001 the girl didn't die on May 16, as it was written in her death certificate. On the contrary, she was released alive 40 days later.

When they started to compare the numbers on the available documentation for those children, they thought of it as a code-letter that baby mafia used to keep track of the babies. One combination of numbers from birth and death certificates was, for instance, supposed to hide the dialing code of the town the stolen baby is taken to. According to that combination their girl was to be looked for in Krusevac.

Somehow, at that time they heard from an acquaintance that knew well Dr Aleksandar Marjanovic - the doctor who worked at the Institute for neonatology who in 1979 signed the confirmation of their daughter's death. The acquaintance said that she had always believed their child was alive and that it should be look for in Krusevac.

The Manojlovic organized the search in the town under Bagdal and gained information about a family that had difficulties in having children. First the mother had a miscarriage then, officially, in July 1979 by Caesarean section she got a girl and then, again by Caesarean section she got another girl in August 1980.

Further research about that family brought them to Belgrade. It turned out that a girl, who was named Nikoleta, went to the same high school as their son - her possible twin brother Ljubomir, who attended that school as the scholar of the Football club Zemun. They knew each other superficially, but that was enough to become friends.

Strange signature

During the time, the Manojlovic told their assumptions to Nikoleta and advised her to look for her data in the birth certificate books in Krusevac. In March this year she found herself in Krusevac with her Belgrade sister and visited the birth service where she was told she could only get her birth certificate but she could not see the book, regardless of being over 18 and regardless of the book being a public document. The official emphasized that in the case of the adoption the book can't be seen. She then went to the high school where she asked to see the data about her and her "Belgrade sister".

- In Nikoleta's birth certificate it was written that the father was born in 1957 and the mother in 1956, which isn't true - says Milutin Manojlovic.
- Her sister's birth certificate contained the correct information (father 1948;mother 1960) saying that the father was born in Ratkovac near Orahovac and the mother in Krusevac, which didn't exist in Nikoleta's birth certificate.

In the meantime the Manojlovic tried to get some information from the Archive in Krusevac. In the report of Nikoleta's birth mother's signature differs from the signature in the report for the other child. Besides, Nikoleta doesn't have a personal number while her sister does.

- In Nkoleta's birth report there are dates and places of birth of the parents while this information is missing in the birth certificate. Also, it says the parents were both born in Krusevac, which isn't true - says Manojlovic. In the report it says the parents live in Krusevac, with no address written while the birth certificate has the address.

Bracelet as a gift

The Manojlovic believe that the original birth report was made and the parent's address was written to the birth certificate from it. Then, by their words, the original report was destroyed. The forgery has recently been made, without the address but with forged mother's signature.

Seeing all that Nikoleta decided to visit Soko Banja for Easter, to be baptized and to celebrate birthday with Ljubomir as her twin brother. Ten days later, after she told her "Belgrade mother" she had doubts about her origin and that she had visited Soko Banja, Nikoleta went to Krusevac again, with her mother. They managed to get the official documents but without seeing the birth book. On their return Nikoleta wanted to visit Soko Banja again, which her mother refused.

"Belgrade mother" and "parents from Soko Banja" met on May 20 on Nikoleta's demand. The Manojlovic say they came to the meeting with bundles of papers and documentation while "Belgrade mother" didn't have anything. She said she was taken to maternity hospital two weeks earlier, she didn't remember the delivery as she was under narcosis and she didn't know when the child was brought to her because she was "asleep for three days".

In their conversation she said: "We took good care of Nikoleta." On our remark there are no data about her delivery at the hospital in Krusevac she said: "What's going to happen to the doctors?" When we said that brother and sister could have fallen in love with each other she said: "Well, now they know each other so they won't!"

A few days later Nikoleta again spent some time in Soko Banja with her sister and a friend. She told her "Belgrade mother" she is going "to get used to the situation". After some time she returned home and showed a bracelet she got from the Manojlovic. This bracelet was intended for their daughter right after her birth. "Belgrade mother" said: "Maybe you have accepted the gift too early if you are not quite sure about the thing".

The fear

"Belgrade mother" and "parents from Soko Banja" met again on June 1 in Zemun. This time it was also on Nikoleta's demand. The Manojlovic say that after the second meeting they have irrefutable proof that woman didn't give birth to Nikoleta.
- I am convinced the woman is afraid of "doctor mafia" and she has every right to be - says Milutin Manojlovic.

An apology

In the meantime the Institute for neonatology issued declaration in which they claim that the confirmation, which says the Manojlovic girl, was released from the hospital alive was issued by mistake. Supposedly the authorized official was confused by the noisy atmosphere raised by the Manojlovic so instead of the information about the female she entered the information about the male child. The official was suspended and the Institute apologized to the Manojlovic for the harsh mistake that was made. Meanwhile, the Manojlovic weren't peaceful…

Misa Ristovic

Daily Jurnal VECERNJE NOVOSTI, June 18, 2003.

Baby costs 1,000,000 DM

SOKOBANJA - Were the doctors in maternity hospitals during the seventies and eighties stealing and selling babies that were initially declared dead? Does this "business" which involves people in white robes, exist today at clinics for gynecology and childbirth? Many parents who weren't willing to accept the official versions of their babies' death are trying to prove their children are alive even after a few decades.

In Soko Banja, in the home of Radojka and Milutin Manojlovic about 15 families gathered, connected by the same destiny - mothers mysteriously lost their newborn babies. They all believe their children are not dead, as they were told by the doctors, but sold for huge amounts of money to some other families.

- This is all a great project of stealing children, which involves the doctors - says Milutin Manojlovic. - The goal of our gatherings is to inform all the families in Serbia, which there are dozens of, how to look for their children.

They all show certain documents with certain information but at resumed receiving of the documents the tracks are lost.
- The doctors who took part in the project of stealing babies, along with other medical staff and trustworthy people from town halls, made documentation among them, which then mysteriously disappeared - says Manojlovic. The information, which is now coming to light, only confirms our doubts.

All the parental uncertainties will be written down and delivered to the Republic prosecutor. As we could hear at the meeting in Soko Banja, the price of a stolen child goes from 250, 000 to 2,5 million DM. Great numbers of our children were sold in Western Europe and the USA and female children usually go to the Albanian families.

Misa Ristovic

Daily Jurnal VECERNJE NOVOSTI, May 7, 2002.

Nikoleta from the other world

SOKOBANJA - Confident to be right, Radojka (44) and Milutin (44) Manojlovic from Sokobanja, owners of local Little Caffeteria, persisted and succeded in their efforts to prove that 22 years ago somebody have stolen their newborn baby girl from Belgrade special hospital for premature babies (today Institute for Neonatology).

After frantic private investigation Manojlovic couple found their allegedly dead daughter and she recently visited them in their home in Sokobanja. Emotion and tear-filled reunion took place after great drama, mostly psychical. It was difficult for Radojka and Milutin toi explain to a girl that they are her real parents, and who knows how Nikoleta (till then Violeta R) accepted the fact that all these years she lived with people who are hot her own flesh and blood.

- Don't ask me how we came across a trail of our daughter, but she came in our home and learned the real truth - states Milutin Manojlovic - We proved that she was stolen from the hospital.

This almost incredulous story, which threatens to became a huge scandal, begins while ago, when Radojka, fieldball player from Benkovac, and Milutin, football player from Galenika team, met, fell in love, got married and settled in Belgrade. She got pregnant and he went in army service. Their biggest trouble was that they had the worst combination of Rh-factors - Radojka was Rh-negative, and Milutn was Rh-positive. On top of that, in that time sonography was not a common procedure, so Radojka was not aware that she is bearing twins.

- Only when I gave birht to a boy, in Gynecological and Obstetrical Clinic „Narodni front“, they realized that there is another baby - remebres Radojka Manojlovic.
- Shortly after the girl was born too, and babies were transferred in special hospital for prematurely born. I was not allowed to se the babies, infomations about them were meagre and unpropitious. I was told that the boy is not well. The girl was never mentioned. Than my mother-in-law showed me a telegram which said that my girl died on May 16.

After accepting the cruel „fact“, Manojlovic couple focused all their parental love and care on a son, Ljubomir. Doctors stated that hi is very ill, so parents asked them how to take care of him. They were told that nothing is for sure, at least till after his puberty, and advised to change the environment and move to seaside or a health spa. Mr and Mrs Manojlovic decided than to leave Belgrade and change their life altogether. Milutin remembered his inheritance in Sokobanja, so they settle in this tourist town.

Last fall Ljubomir decided to became professional football player, and for that reason he needed detailed health documentation. After so many years Mr and Mrs Manojlovic got a chance to peer in their dead daughter files. They found a document which brought them great upset. It said that their daughter, who was pronounced dead, left special hospital - alive!

On December 3. last year Instutue for Neonatology issued a certificate which said: „Infant Manojlovic, female, reg.number 600, mother Radojka, father Milutin, born 05.05. 1979. in GAK Belgrade, was admitted in this Institute on 05. 07. 1979. and released 06. 25. 1979.“

So girl haven't died on May 16. although that same hospital issued her death certificate in that time.

Contrary, she was released alive after forty days. Of course, it was enough for Mr. and Mrs. Manojlovic to start chase for truth which recently ended successfuly.
- I only wanted to see my daughter and tell her that I am her father - said Milutin Manojlovic with tears. - And it happened...

Big boy

Short life was predicted to Ljubomir. So greater the shock for parents was when were told that the girl died. Mr and Mrs Manojlovic claimed that doctors proposed a lethal injection for a boy, to „shorten his suffering“, because he will, if survived, be wheelchair-ridden. The boy who was written of today is big young man, 185 cm tall, and active football player. He has a younger brother, Dragan (21).


Criminal charge

Atr the end of past year Mr and Mrs Manojlovic really „frightened“ district attorney in Sokobanja by filing a lawsuit aganist NN culprit who had stolen their infant daughter Nikoleta.

Misa Ristovic




Series of texts containing 14 continuations, called “Abductions from the cradle”,published to daily jorunal VECERNJE NOVOSTI Belgrade, exclusively elaborate the subject about the work of baby mafia, what has been kept in silence for the last 44 years in Serbia.   

Moving stories of many parents, who claim their babies were proclaimed dead after birth and then stolen from maternity hospitals and sold for the price of 150,000 to 2,5 million DM, show their tough struggle for one of essential human rights – parental right and return of the identity to their stolen daughters and sons. 

Thinking that every mother and father have the right to fight for the final truth about their child, no matter how harsh and hard it may be, I have published the confessions of the unhappy parents, with their suspicions, but also with their proofs that their children were taken from maternity hospitals. 

After publishing the serial, “the affair of baby thefts” was opened; the biggest one in Serbia after 1945 and the number of doubtful parents has reached over thousand of them who filed criminal complaints for abduction of their babies. Many investigations have been opened in authorized courts but haven’t been concluded so far. In the meantime, the parents, by themselves, started finding their allegedly deceased children in other families…  

The serial “Abduction from the cradle” arose numerous reactions, but not a one denial. In the mean time I wrote about hundred texts about “the affair of baby thefts”… 

According to the Orthodox Church not giving a deceased child to its mother, who carried it in her womb, is an act of inexplicable sacrilege of everything a human is supposed to be by God’s conception.

 – Every human being that comes to this world alive has the right to be baptized and buried decently and has the right to have a grave to rest in – said a priest father Rasa regarding the affair of suddenly died babies, which shook up Nis several years ago. – Modern age conditions deliveries at specialized institutions, maternity hospitals. Most of the staff that help women deliver their children to this world know that when there is, even the slightest, risk, which brings the survival of the child in question a, so called, “shortened” or “clinical” baptism can be performed. That ceremony is done over a living child and it takes only a few seconds.

However, if the baptism isn’t done, even beside that, deceased child has to be given back to its parents, before all to its mother, who carried it and brought it to this world.

– A deceased newborn has to be buried as a deceased human being, since every newborn is human, which means the icon of God – said father Rasa. – Postmortem is done with mother’s consent and after that a child is given to parents to decently bury it and to know the grave where it is going to rest after being in this world, no matter how short that stay may be. Not to bury a dead child means to sacrilege everything holy and human in this world. No body has the right and no body is allowed to deny that to deceased human being or to parents.