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Foreward :-Raven..the man has come into the CWF with an impact last week gaining a win over Booker T. This week, the Tag Team Champion in the AOV, will be going up against three other men. Sting, Batista, and Test. This Sunday on Smackdown..those three men..WILL..feel the raven effect. -: End Foreward

“Scene One”
AOV Lockeroom
Time: 10:15 A.M.

Our scene opens up and Chris Benoit is seen running down the street with the tag titles in hand. Then Raven is seen talking to Jeff.

'MISFIT' Raven : " Was that Chris I just saw running down with the tag titles? "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " No, he thinks he' running away with the tag titles.. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Ok, so he doesn't have the titles? But I swear I saw them in his hands. "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " what you saw in his hands were fakes. We've got the real ones. "

Jeff opens up a closet and takes out the two tag titles. He blows the dust off of them.

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " We've had them for a while. You start forgetting that you even got them untill Benoit comes and snags your fake ones. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " So, you kept fake ones, just so Benoit could run off with them? "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " No, I kept the fake ones because I was going to take them home and not have to worry about them getting rusty. But, Benoit dind't know the difference. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Oh, ok. Where's Al? "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " I don't know. Ever since the card was posted, he's been avoiding me due to our match. Me versus him for the five star title, and it's gonna be inside of a cage! "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Yeah, I've got a pretty tough challenge too. Batista, Test, and Sting. "

'XXXTREME' Jeff Hardy : " No big, you'll own them before thematch gets underway. Well, I'm going train dude, I'll see you later. "

'MISFIT' Raven : " Ok, man. See you. "

Jeff Hardy walks out and he holds the dor open as Terri walks in with some videotape. She pops one in and it starts out with Paul Heyman rambling in the ring with how he created Raven..

Paul Heyman - And that man is Raven! Back in the good-old days of ECW, I gave him the shot that he wanted! I hired his sorry pathetic ass when no one else would! I gave him the championships, I gave him the money, I gave him the publicity, and I sure as hell gave him the opportunites! And this is how he repays my ass? He has to go against my prized bull now! He has to go against Batista in a match? Well son, you were nothing back then, you are nothing now, and your sorry ass will still be nothing after this man gets done with you! He will destroy your ass, with the only thing that he will leave is a blood puddle of your own blood on the canvas! Raven, you have got to understand me when I tell you this! I made you, and I sure as hell can break you! Raven, there's a saying that has been used far too often, but I think this is the right time to use! You fooled me, so shame on you! Now you fooled me twice, so shame on me! And you will not make a fool out of me a third time! You can damn sure as hell take that to the bank and cash it! And there's something that will be cashed out on SmackDown, and that's your ass!

Raven thenbegins laughing as he hears these words. The footage cuts off, seeing as though Heyman's done talking about him..

'MISFIT' Raven : " Paul, you haven't changed a bit. You're stil the same mastermind in the wrestling business. Without a flaw in your character. But of course, for you a flaw is a good thing. And you're still the same old, fat, bald, backstabbing, low-life, cheating, son of a bitch! You say you created me? The only thing you ever did for me was hire me..and I thank you for that because I got to know you..and I got to understand that you only care about sucess. Well, you must've forgotten what sucess is, because it sure as hell isn't Batista. Hell, you say it's oging to be my ass on Smackdown..and that I've got no chance. You say you made me, you didn't make anything except for a run-down business and where's that at? In the gutter! Down the drain..out the door. It's gone..and it lost to the CWF. Batista's in that same predicament. He's lost, and the match hasn't even started. He's going to the Raven. Something many people, like booker T, have done. And something I don't blame you for. I've been the best before, and no Paul, it wasn't because of you. It was because of me, I made me, I made a name for myself, and you shouldn't credit yourself in that at all. Because you were busy with your other, students, while I was getting the ECW Tag Titles..and while I was dominating. Then, your wormy ass lost the ECW and I come to find you trying to run this company. If you ended up with ownership of the'll end up just like ECW. DEAD! And Paul, you've got no credit to my sucess. I did it all on my own. And on Sunday..on Smackdown. I'm going to show you just how I got so sucessful, by kicking ass..with the odds against me..BY MYSELF! Paul, I'm going to laugh when the match is done because everything you said..would all be a lie. And it's all going to be reversed. Batista's going to be laid out in the middle of the ring. You're oging to be crying over his loss. And that would prove two things. That I did make a fool of you for a third time..and that you both..felt the Raven's Effect!

'MISFIT' Raven : " And onto somebody else, I'll be fighting..a Marvel Superhero. Hurricane's cousin. Sting. The black and white bastard. The man that never amounted to anything but a WCW Champion, and we know how low rank that is, and he still amounts to the standards of Batista. Both men, I know, and Sting's got a little more WCW history with me, but I know them both well. Batista's manager, and Sting. And well, they are both alike. They both think they're big and bad. But they aren't. Sting, you're getting old..over the hill. Hell, you're almost a living fossil by now. I mean, you're from back in the day. And this..this is today. The 20th century. Not the 17th..where you came from. We have wrestling skills now-a-days. You, aren't from these times, so you of course..have none. And on Smackdown I'm going to show everybody that's it's better to be a little freak-ish and win..than be a superhero..old..washed up..and lose! You and Batista ar eboth in over your heads because the better man's standing right here..and trsut me..the better man, will win.

'MISFIT' Raven : " Now, for Quiz..I mean Test. The man who hasn't acknowledged the match yet. The man who's too scared to confront us verbally..much less physically. I say, that Test, is a great name. And something all three of you should do. You should all three take the test..of physical, mental, and emotional endurance..because I will ‘test’ all of those areas. And as I pressure each one of you to the next will gradually fall out. And'll be down to the last two men. The professer handing out the tests, me. And the student making the a's..And that student will be the last remaining opponent of mine..and that student will fail my test. And thus leaving all three of you worthless men in a pool of confusion..blood..sweat..and tears. A pool of effects..And you will all feel these effects..these raven effects..and you will all..Quote The Raven...Nevermore! And you will all do exactly what Heyman will my pain? Yeah.go ahead and do that why don't you.'re one sick..FUHHHH-REAAAK! Eat my pain..what the hell...

The scene then fades to a commercial.