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undefined PeAchiE wOrlD
Peachie World
heyy welcome to peachie world.. i kno theres not a lot here now but theres stuff soon to come.. including some crazy beautiful backgrounds and some madd hot aim icons.. so if your intrested mark me in your favorites and stop by if a few days.. i have nothing to do all summer so this is it.. if you need some html help or a background or aim icon fast email or im me.. in the mean time .. look at my personal xanga for info about me.. and look at the peachie world blogger for new updates Vote for me please !! send me a im - talk to me email me -send me love xD really like peachie world? link back! =) and when you take something from peachie world please im me so i can give you a link back button! it will look like this .. want one of your own? im me!!

my xanga - peachie blogger - backgrounds- aim icons