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Well i'm just another retard who figured out, with the help of dreamweaver, how to make "teh inter web site!". So now I just want to share some of my maps with you, oh and some t-shirts my cousin made so go here and buy some friggin t-shirts! Anyways I am a CS player who wasn't satisfied with just casually siting back and hoping some map maker might happen to make a half ass version of a map I would really, really like to play. So I decided to start making my own mother f***ing (for our sensative inter web browsers) maps! Hoora! Of course as most other things in the world making maps isnt like walking up stairs, it takes some small amount of talent. Not any retard can sit down and make Jawsome maps that everyone actually wants to play, so i'm going to attempt to do just that. Not to say that any retard cant just make maps or make a website (look at me!) but it takes some reeeeeal(small) talent to make the good ones! So I hope you enjoy the small but slightly aparent effort I have put forth to make what I would almost call maps!