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3/14/03 ----  I'm adding a new Black Death page over here in the links.  If you went to high tech, maybe you would be familiar with this comic anti-hero come back with a vengeance upon Future City.

3/5/03  ----  I updated the stuff about me, deleted a bunch of stuff on the downloads page and like,       uploaded some cool stuff, that isn't on the site yet!  SO come back later, you sissies! Also - I put lots of names on my "hey" list at the bottom, if you're still not on it, then tell me, unless you know I just don't like you, in which case you just don't deserve to be there or anywhere else. : )

3/2/03    ---- It's been like 3 years since I've updated this page, and you know what? There isn't much. I did add another picture of me in the stuff about me section, but other than that, there isn't much. I realized that not many people care enough about this place (me included).

9/15/00 ---- The first time I'm updating this piece of crap I call a web page in over 3 months!

7/8/00 ---- I'm updating the page!  Isn't that good news?

6/6/00 ---- Ackk... It's raining.


quotes -

"Us being alone in the universe just makes it easier to kick your ass!"