70s invasion - 70s New Wave - MEYCE, HOT KNIVES, ULTRAVOX,

MEYCE pictured here were part of the seattle early punk scene, the band actually formed in late '75 according to the 3rd link below and brokeup in '77 after opening for the RAMONES in their hometown of seattle....on May 1st 1976 they played with 2 other bands in Seattle's first real punk show which also featured the TELEPATHS and The TUPPERWARES who later moved to Los Angeles and became as some of you know the fantastic synth punk band The SCREAMERS of whom we have lots of reviews of all over the 70s invasion.......

Jim Basnight ~ Guitar, Vocals, Paul Hood ~ Bass, Vocals, Pam Lillig ~ Guitar, Lee Lumsden ~ Drums, Jennie Skirvin ~ Vocals,

all members pictured above except for Pam Lillig

Links on MEYCE

1 http://pnwbands.com/meyce.html

2 http://www.synthpunk.org/screamers/history75.html

3 http://www.scaruffi.com/vol4/toiling.html

the HOT KNIVES single is from '76 and some collectors pay a lot of money for this one, features an ex member from the FLAMIN' GROOVIES as well as the girl on the pic sleeve, we have a photo of the band somewhere way back there in our gateway.....the sound is power-pop-punk...

Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!


' For people in India reality is an illusion, and for people in America illusion is reality '


Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.5.25, text & purport:


tamasad api bhutader vikurvanad abhun nabhah tasya matra gunah shabdo lingam yad drashtri-drishyayoh


From the darkness of false ego, the first of the five elements, namely the sky, is generated. Its subtle form is the quality of sound, exactly as the seer is in relationship with the seen.


… It is said that first the tan-matra [subtle element] sound is created and then the sky, and in this verse it is confirmed that actually it is so, but sound is the subtle form of the sky, and the distinction is like that between the seer and the seen. The sound is the representation of the actual object, as the sound produced speaking of the object gives an idea of the description of the object. Therefore sound is the subtle characteristic of the object.

Similarly, sound representation of the Lord, in terms of His characteristics, is the complete form of the Lord, as was seen by Vasudeva and Maharaja Dasharatha, the fathers of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama. The sound representation of the Lord is nondifferent from the Lord Himself because the Lord and His representation in sound are absolute knowledge. Lord Chaitanya has instructed us that in the holy name of the Lord, as sound representation of the Lord, all the potencies of the Lord are invested. Thus one can immediately enjoy the association of the Lord by the pure vibration of the sound representation of His holy name, and the concept of the Lord is immediately manifested before the pure devotee. A pure devotee, therefore, is not aloof from the Lord even for a moment. The holy name of the Lord, as recommended in the shastras—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—may therefore be constantly chanted by the devotee aspiring to be constantly in touch with the Supreme Lord.

See this link to see the rest of this scripture


this 45 by TIGER LILY was released somewhere around '74 - '75 it's a glam number done in a somewhat cabaret style, later the band would evolve into ULTRAVOX.........