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Course Description and Objectives



Course Description

Previously, the project renaissance courses have been designed to teach pluralism, humanity and other various topics loosely relating to law. This class offers a drastic change from this historical trend. While arguably more work, this course, contrary to the name "renaissance" will focus on one hot topic in American Politics: The Death Penalty. This class will discuss a myriad of directly related issues from morality to methods. The course schedule is diverse and offers everything from philosophical and historical texts, to legal cases and scholarly journal articles and even a movie. While the generality of previous Project Renaissance classes will be absent, the teaching style is not. This is a fully interactive course. Every student is expected to participate and add to the class. It is our hope that you leave this class as nearly expert critical thinkers and resident experts on the subject matter.


Course Objectives

The course objectives are threefold:

    1. To provide each student with enough relevant information to argue both the realist and liberal perspectives on the death penalty.
    2. To assure that any personal beliefs regarding Capital Punishment are not based on ignorance.
    3. To ensure that each student leaves the class with an understanding of how to absorb dense material, namely philosophical texts and legal cases, and how to coherently formulate an effective argument.