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Final Project Assignment



Assignment Overview:

At the commencement of the academic term, you were asked to write down your views regarding capital punishment. Prior to your participation in the course, you had all undoubtedly been subjected to a myriad of opinions and subjective data. Now, after you have been exposed to, what we consider to be, an unbiased education on the subject matter, we will ask you to recreate your previous assignment. However, you are allowed to change your opinion as long as you can support it with evidence from the texts. In other words, you will each write a paper that declares and supports your assertion as to whether or not the death penalty is justified in the United States. Additionally, you will be required to present your thesis in class.


Paper Specifications:

 Your paper must be between six and eight pages, as a wealth of information was discussed this semester. The grade on your paper will determine 25 percent of your grade (250 points). In order to receive full credit, you must show that you have not only read, but fully understand the material. You are obliged to discuss morality, as discussed in class after reading the philosophical texts, the ability of capital punishment to deter future crimes and, using works we read and any other reputable sources (i.e. scholarly journal articles, mainstream periodicals, law cases, etc.), discuss the possibility of the death penalty being banned in the future. Include a discussion on victim impact evidence (VIE.) and the potential for discrimination to hinder justice. The paper must also have a section that examines and refutes counter claims.

 Include a title page that has: your name, your class section, the class call number, my name, the date, your email address and your home address. The only information to be put on each paper page itself is: your name, in the top left corner, and the page number in the top right corner. These are to be put in the “header.” Do not put the title of your paper on the first page, only on the title page. Your paper is to be double spaced and have one inch margins.

You must present the information coherently and logically, such that an uninformed reader would be able to understand the subject matter and have findings similar to your own. Try to include as many of the class topics as you can.


Presentation Specifications:

You will be required to present your assertion to the class in the same orderly and logical fashion in which it was written. You may use PowerPoint, a video, the internet or any other approved media tool of your choice. Handouts may be useful in helping others understand your argument. After the presentation has concluded, each individual in the class, who had a paper opposing your view point, will be required to make one critique about your argument. You must be able to quickly and clearly refute their claim based on the evidence you’ve presented in your paper. In other words, you will be limited to the information in your thesis, so make certain you cover as many counter claims as your can.



 While writing your paper and preparing for your presentation, be sure to cite every source used and proofread your paper multiple times. It may be in your best interest to utilize either a peer or the writing center to ensure your paper is mistake free. Additionally, you can make an appointment with me to discuss your paper at least one week before it is due. Any mistakes take away from the quality and, accordingly, grade of your paper.  Late papers will not be accepted. Good luck!