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Links that earned the respect

Well, this is a list of pages that most interest me...cause they just do.

Nuklear Power.This is probably my favorite site. In it you will find the masterpiece of Brian Clevinger, 8 Bit Theater, the greatest Webcomic creation in the woooooooorld.

Bob and George, the comic strip!.A wonderful site, probably the 2nd best Webcomic out there. It uses Megaman sprites and is a great laugh for anyone to enjoy, as long as they like swears. Just click on the link.

Xanthrawls Guild Page.I put this up here because I was forced. Really, it is an Okay guild, nothing compared to mine though.

Static's Page.I don't know why I am putting this up, cause this site is sooooooo bad. Nah I have to hand it to him, static really knows how to make a good web page.

under's Page.understudy's page. Quite good even though he destroyed the forums *Shakes fist*. Check out his guild there, as well as a link to his old page...I think.

poi's Page.poi's crappy little unfinished never to be finished web page. Take a look keeping in mind that pixies suck.

Well thats all the pages, If you want yours on here, send me it and Ill surf through it, rate it, and slap in on here.