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One morning, you awaken on the banks of a river. Other people surround you. You are all naked, and confused. There is a canister tied to your wrist, and beside you a pile of large towels. The canister is made of a strange metal that feels lighter than aluminum and seems more durable than steel. Then you remember.You died! Is this heaven?
Before you is a river a mile wide that stretches like a snake for as far as you can see. Wait one moment! You have no glasses, but you can see clearly! You look at a reflection of yourself in the river. Though you were 68 years of age when you died, you look and feel like you did when you were in your twenties. And where are the scars on your body?
You can see people on the other side of the river. They too are as naked as you. You look around. The men have all been circumcised, and nobody has any hair on their head or body!
The riverbank climbs to a broad plain, covered in grass, which gives way to thickly forested hills. These in turn, become sheer mountains.
You question those around you and find that they don't understand you, and you don't understand them. Then you see a man who wears clothing. He greets you in your own language!
Speaking with him, he tells you that about 90% of the people in your general area died in one time period and place, 9% came from another time and place common to them, and 1% have come from anytime and anywhere.
While you talk, your stomach begins to growl. Apparently, "dead people" eat, because you're hungry. Food. Perhaps the grass? Will you have to eat your comrades? You ask the stranger.
He points to stone mushroom-like things that can be seen equally spaced along both banks of the River. Like the one near you, each has many niches in its top which look to be about the same size as the canister attached to your wrist, which he calls a grail.
The sun has almost reached its zenith when he tells you and the others that have come over, to place their grails into the grailstone as he calls the mushroom-shaped rock. Then he cautions all to move away.
Soon a thunderous noise echoes up and down the River, and a jet of blue flame erupts from each grailstone! When the noise and flame subside, he has us all take our canisters from the niches, and shows us how to open them.
You do so, and in one nested container you find food! The container under it contains the finest wine that you have ever tasted! Another contains cloth, and still another holds what might be considered luxury items. Two others contain a firestarter and items for hygiene.
The stranger tells you to always keep your grail near you, as only a grail's owner can open it. Without a grail, you could starve.
One morning, while walking to the grailstone for breakfast, you see a strange thing. A naked woman is sleeping by the grailstone. A grail lays beside her. She wakes, smiles, and greets you. She says that her name is Annie, and that she died in 1926.
As the two of you talk, you find out what happens when you die in the Riverworld. Annie says that like herself, you wake up the next day somewhere else up or down the River.
She also tells you that she had been on a quest with others to find who she calls the Mysterious Stranger. He, she, or it, is said to be in a tower that stands in the center of the Polar Sea, where the great River both begins and ends. It is there in that mysterious Tower that the answer of who did this to humanity and why, can be found.
I assume that since you are here, that you are interested in going on the quest. If so, let me show you a message that has been directed to all who choose to do so.
Beware! If you attempt to find me, I warn you that I will place many obstacles in your path. These could result in dire consequences for you. You may have a chance if you join with others, but always remember! I am anyone. I am here. I am there. I am everywhere!

I Remain,

If you still wish to go on the Quest and interact with communities up and down the River, you will need to do the following:


Choose an historic (non-fictional) character who lived/died during any period from 97,000 BC to 1983 AD. and send your choice and your email address (in case I need to contact you) in the form of an email to:
To see examples of historical characters chosen by other members, click on the following: CHARACTERS