Organizations dealing with the enviroment and Earth Day

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The EPA (Enviromental Protection Angency) was founded on the July of 1970 when the White House and Congress worked together to establish the EPA in response to the demand for a cleaner enviroment. Now the EPA is helping the enviroment everywhere not only on Earth Day.
Click here to go to the EPA website.
-Founded by Denis Hayes. It has an alliance of 5,000 groups in about 184 countries to form a more cleaner enviroment. They organize various activities to do all over the world on Earth Day.
Click here to go to the Earth Day Network Website
- Founded in 1988. Earth share is a nationwide network that works to promote the enviroment around every community through various campaigns. It works in 19 states with more than450 community and state enviromental organizations.
Click here to learn more about Earth Share