What you can do this Earth Day

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There are many things that you can do this upcoming Earth Day 33 on April 22. For instance, you can recycle. Recycling is what you can do to an object that is of no use to you by melting it, shredding it, or otherwise process it into new pieces that can be made to make more of that thing. For example, aluminum cans are really good things to recycle because they can make more cans from the material that they have that are reprocessed in some manner. Also, you can reuse an object. Reusing an object is when you find another use for it in your household or somewhere near you. One example would be turning boxes that came with a computer into storage boxes. One more thing that you can do this 33rd Earth Day is to shop wisely. By shopping wisely, you can pick and choose containers of food or other things that could help in recycling or reusing and creating a better enviroment. Lastly, to preserve the enviroment even more, you can plant a tree or many trees. There are many more ideas that could come into play on the topic of Earth Day but these were just a few.