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Well ok about me. As I suppose I better include things on a page about me... Well I'm 21 years old, Live in Carlisle in the UK (The great border city, or the great boredom city).

I'm into lots of things but by far the highest scorers are Computers (I am a geek)... Video games, if I do say so myself. I'm into 3D design and animation you will see some things in the Art page.

I like to sketch and draw...although on paper I'm not that good...I can produce quite impressive things (Or so other people tell me). But it takes me a hell of a long time (and lots of erasing). But its when I work on a computer my skill improves. As I have said I have produced all the navigation bars, banners, side pictures...everything on this site (that doesn't say otherwise) is by me. So make your own mind up.

I'm into roleplaying (If you have no idea what this is head to the RPG page). I mostly play white wolf systems, but I do play others.

And then my greatest love, my bass guitar (Isn't she pretty). More than just playing the bass I love music. I am into Rock/Metal Music mostly but like all other kinds of music but 3 (Happy Dance, Country, and Boy/girl band pop).

As I said I play the bass so for anyone interested I have some tabs (Transcribed or corrected from other sources by me). These are usually songs I can't find the tab for...or find the tab and think its wrong...this and other things you will find on my Music Page.

I love Sci-fi TV and movies. I am also into any good movies... Well my definition of good is well off most peoples, but hey I like it that way.

Personality wise...Erm, I don't think I have one... Maybe a mostly empty void with nothing but a ball of smugness...heh...Well if you know know me...If you don' don't really need to.

The kinds of sports I do like are the more extreme sports...not skating (I'm not a punk skate Anything to do with mountains is good. Also some contact sports...martial arts, rugby (Think American football with no armour). But I'd rather play than watch. I can't stand football (Soccer for you USA'ers), Cricket (THE most boring sport in the world...Like slow paced baseball were every batter gets 100 strikes and keeps batting until he is caught out, oh and one game can last days...yes days as in more than one)