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Hello and welcome to the cheat section. Here we have two cheats, the money cheat and the doubling cheat. Money Cheat: Step 1: Send an email to us with your user name, password, and the desired ammount of money you would like. NOTE: We can only give $10,000,000 at the most, sorry. Step 2: Log off nitto for 24 hours. During this time our secretaries will use our NITTO+MONEY program. Step 3: Log back in after 24 hours. When you do you will have the scpecified ammount of money u asked for. Doubling Cheat: NOTE: THIS CHEAT ONLY DOUBLES YOUR CARS, NOT MONEY. YOU WILL HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF GETTING MORE CARS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE 2. Step 1: Send an email to us with your username and password. Step 2: Log off for 24 hours. During this time our secretaries will use the NITTO DUBLCAR program on your account. Step 3: Log back in after 24 hours and you will have 2 of every car in your account. Tell your friends about this site and you could get benifits.